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Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

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  • #31
    Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

    Well, honestly graphics don't make the game....I'll still play the game when it comes out, and hopefully it's of good quality....


    • #32
      Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

      I'm more upset at the delay than at any supposed downgrade of graphics. FFXIII has been in development for an eternity, and adding the 360 version to the development schedule has clearly pushed it back negatively. I'm sure it makes (made?) financial sense for Square-Enix and Microsoft to do their deal, but it's nonetheless irritating as a consumer.

      On a related note, does anyone else think it's incredibly ironic that Microsoft has sunk an enormous amount of resources into gaining a foothold in Japan only to see their hopes crushed like an ant under the boot of the PS3 Slim? I suspect the console hardware sales figures in Japan right now - let alone what's going to happen this holiday season - are going to make some Microsoft execs very, very unhappy, as not only is Final Fantasy XIII still exclusive to the PS3 in its home country but pretty much every 3rd party 360 JRPG has slid out from exclusivity (Eternal Sonata/Trusty Bell, Star Ocean 4, Tales of Vesperia...).

      Microsoft had best hope that the shmup developers like Cave and Treasure don't abandon the 360, or it's going to end up in the same boat as the Xbox 1 before it, with nothing compelling to offer to the Japanese gaming demographic.



      • #33
        Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

        Originally posted by Icemage View Post
        I'm more upset at the delay than at any supposed downgrade of graphics. FFXIII has been in development for an eternity, and adding the 360 version to the development schedule has clearly pushed it back negatively. I'm sure it makes (made?) financial sense for Square-Enix and Microsoft to do their deal, but it's nonetheless irritating as a consumer.
        More time for me to save for a PS3 and more time for it to fall in price. I'm not bothered.
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • #34
          Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

          Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
          More time for me to save for a PS3 and more time for it to fall in price. I'm not bothered.
          SE execs practically squeeled with glee when both price drops happenee, and then Wii as well because they knew that alone would move more copies of their upcoming stuff I wouldn't be surprised if pushing back FFXIII just to wait and see if it happened was actually part of the plan.

          Had the released it as a PS3 exclusive and released it sooner, it would have sold less than FFX.

          Right now, the PS3 userbase isn't anywhere close to where PS2 was when FFX came out, so would FFXIII now or sooner have really been that great of an idea?


          • #35
            Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

            I take absolutely nothing found on the BLORGE as anything more than drivel... they're just a bunch of double talking haters. M$, Squeenix, and Phony aren't making the gaming world suck... Microbots, Sony fan girlz, and Jack Thompson are.

            Storm the castle walls if you want... I'd rather play games than bitch about "what ifs".
            FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
            FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

            Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
            aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


            • #36
              Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

              Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
              More time for me to save for a PS3 and more time for it to fall in price. I'm not bothered.
              This. Tho I dont see the PS3 falling lower than 299. I plan on getting the FFXIII bundle barring 2 things: They leave it pink, or a God of War 3 bundle is released.

              Lot of hatred in this thread for Sony players..don't really understand it.
              SAM 75 - COR 75 - RDM 56 - SMN 41 - RNG 46 - DNC 37 - WAR 40 - WHM 34 - DRG 26

              60 Merits

              Alexander Server
              Allegiance - San d'oria Rank 7
              COP 4-2 / ZM 14 / TOAU - 20 / Campaign - Starlight Medal

              Linkshell - Honour, Bootyhunters Dyna

              Woodworking 25 / Goldsmithing 1 / Everything Else 0


              • #37
                Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

                PS3 Version Of FFXIII Downgraded Due To 360 on

                Some of the damn images aren't loading now but I found two more;


                And Now:

                You have to be blind not to see how the colors have been dulled and textures have been either changed or taken out entirely. The 2nd image is quite blurred compared to the 1st as well. Look at Snow! In the 1st screen you can still make out most of his face and even his hair parted in the middle; in the 2nd it's just a fuzzy haze. Curse you failbox 360!

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #38
                  Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

                  Seriously who cares? They could have downgraded them to 8-bit pixels but if it provided an entertaining story and good gameplay people would still buy it, you're seriously just looking like a graphics whore. Fact is it doesn't MATTER that they are downgrading it, people will still buy it, the 360 version will prolly outsell the PS3 version for the simple fact it has more consoles sold worldwide, and it'd be a fact that if a Wii version existed it'd squash both of them for the same reason.

                  As it's been stated, SE is a BUSINESS, who like to make MONEY, as much money as possible. If I had the choice to produce a game and make it available for a 20 million user base(guessing, don't know the exact PS3 numbers), or dumb it down a bit(if the rumor is true and they are dumbing it down for both) and producing it for a 50 million user base total, the choice is freaking obvious.
                  Cleverness - Hades
                  DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                  • #39
                    Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

                    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                    You have to be blind not to see how the colors have been dulled and textures have been either changed or taken out entirely. The 2nd image is quite blurred compared to the 1st as well. Look at Snow! In the 1st screen you can still make out most of his face and even his hair parted in the middle; in the 2nd it's just a fuzzy haze. Curse you failbox 360!
                    Uh, Mal...

                    Please don't take this the wrong way, but calm the ever-loving F^$# down.

                    The blurring you're seeing on Snow isn't because of weaker textures - it's because they've added a depth of field blur filter (making objects in the foreground appear crisp and detailed while the background objects are more blurry). This is a deliberate artistic choice, not a handicap in the technology.

                    GRANTED, some of the textures DO look less complex also, but you're jumping at shadows. The game still looks good. Maybe arguably not as good as the original Japanese demo, but *shrug*...



                    • #40
                      Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

                      Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                      The blurring you're seeing on Snow isn't because of weaker textures - it's because they've added a depth of field blur filter (making objects in the foreground appear crisp and detailed while the background objects are more blurry). This is a deliberate artistic choice, not a handicap in the technology.
                      Yep, looks like framing to me. Lightning is the focus of the shot, so they made sure she was the most prominent object in the scene.
                      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                      • #41
                        Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

                        Originally posted by Malacite View Post

                        ---------- Post added at 06:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ----------

                        Suck an Egg then. Some games are exclusive, and that's how consoles get sold. Or should Mario start appearing on Xbox now? Or Master Chief on PSP? It's up to the consumer to decide which console best suits them. last gen I only had a PS2, which ended up suiting me just fine because it had all the best games. If I wanted to play Fable or Halo, I rented an xbox for a few days.

                        Yes some games are exclusive, and I'm ok with that. Doesnt change the fact that I PREFER multi-plat over exclusives. SOME games and titles are meant to stay exclusive, because they have done well as such, and the console company has in turn rewarded the game maker. In this case Sony screwed the fuck outta SE, so they did what any sensible company would do and took their product elsewhere. Hows them apples mr. fanboy.

                        All in all, bitch and moan all you want, I'll bet you anything, as I said before, you will still get the game, play it, and love it.
                        Originally posted by Van Wilder
                        Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but doesnt get you anywhere
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        No matter how far an ass travels he will never be a horse. Some people are just bad players and no amount of tools you give them will change that.
                        Hexx of Quetzalcoatl - 78PLD, 90NIN, 90WAR, 90SAM, 90BLU,90THF, 90SCH,90COR
                        I'M BACK BABY!


                        • #42
                          Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

                          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                          On a related note, does anyone else think it's incredibly ironic that Microsoft has sunk an enormous amount of resources into gaining a foothold in Japan only to see their hopes crushed like an ant under the boot of the PS3 Slim?
                          You keep using that word, etc.

                          No, that's exactly what MS did in the US. They used their cash to finance a fundamentally unsustainable branch, in the hopes that it would eventually become profitable; or at least, make it's competitors less profitable. MS can probably afford to not make a profit on Xbox at all, as long as it gives them an advantage over Sony in some other way.


                          • #43
                            Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

                            EDIT: Never mind, I said something stupid.
                            Last edited by Ketaru; 10-09-2009, 04:23 PM.


                            • #44
                              Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

                              Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                              Uh, Mal...

                              Please don't take this the wrong way, but calm the ever-loving F^$# down.

                              The blurring you're seeing on Snow isn't because of weaker textures - it's because they've added a depth of field blur filter (making objects in the foreground appear crisp and detailed while the background objects are more blurry). This is a deliberate artistic choice, not a handicap in the technology.

                              GRANTED, some of the textures DO look less complex also, but you're jumping at shadows. The game still looks good. Maybe arguably not as good as the original Japanese demo, but *shrug*...

                              I'm also willing to bet some of the changes were made to reflect more current art concepts for the characters. Lightning's face is longer in the bottom pic than in the top one, she's taken on more Caucasian features, while in the top pic she skews to Asian more distinict Asian features.

                              You can't tell me that's dumbed down textures, she has higher cheekbones in one pic, they're gone in the next, that's a change to art assets.

                              If you look at Vanilla from top to bottom, the case is reversed, she looked more Caucasian originally and she looks more Asian now.

                              This isn't unlike the progression they made with Ashe in FFXII. She start out looking rather Asian at first as well, but they eventually settled on her looking more like a French/Asian mix so she'd fit in the setting a little more.

                              The clothing, hair and lighting elements have changed, but as many have said, these are facets that might not be finalized yet or were not finalized at the time of comparison.

                              I just played the MGS Peacewalker demo a little while back. Snake's face is positively expressionless. Detailed, but no movement to it. There might not be a lot of in-game CS, they seem to prefer the pencil art for this one, but I expect that will change when we get the finalized version.

                              Its topics like this one that make me wish gamers would stop acting like production experts - you don't know a thing about production. I'm not even in games, but I know the ropes of other kinds of production work as I've been in several. Where you begin isn't the same as where you end up.. If the initial concept looks like the concept you ended with, you probably did something wrong.


                              • #45
                                Re: Proof SE dumbed down FF13 - Get your nerd rage on!

                                I agree with Mal.

                                I won't jump to conclusions and say this is the definitive reason for the graphics downgrade, but if it's true, there's a lot of merit to it.

                                I know this thread has progressed since the 1st page (actually, only once Icemage chimed in it seemes) but -- the same people who wanted to bicker about what directx version is supported for FF13 and the RAM capacity of the PS3 are the ones toting the "gameplay before graphics" moral high ground.

                                Grow the fuck up.
                                "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"

