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SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

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  • #61
    Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

    Nintendo recently confirmed they'd do transfers to a replacement Wii or DSi were that to become an issue. Its still better to link to the account, but they at least have that option open to you.

    That said, I highly doubt I'll have to worry about a DSi breaking down.


    • #62
      Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

      Like I said, it's not impossible to get it transfered, but you're at the mercy of NOA customer support. In most cases, will it be a non-issue? Probably. Will some people lose their games because Nintendo links the account to the console? Certainly.


      • #63
        Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

        Originally posted by Feba View Post
        Yes, you can delete and redownload games as much as you like, HOWEVER the Wii links your shop account to the CONSOLE, and not to a login ID system (like PSN does, and I assume XBLA does).

        WTF really? I assumed it was my account... but then Ninteno's online business has been fucked up from day 1 (Hi2u friend codes...)



        • #64
          Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
          WTF really? I assumed it was my account...
          When did you get that idea? The only thing even close to making or logging in to an account on Wii is linking your Club Nintendo account.


          • #65
            Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

            I don't get the friend codes quibble anymore, seeing as people are more and more moving away from jumping into games with random douchbags and preferring online co-op with people they know.

            That said and getting back to the main topic at hand, I'm going to assume one of these major projects will be handheld and most likely be a DS title, just based off where the wind is blowing. SE likes money a lot after all, best to go where they can get alot of it, which isn't PS3.

            PS3 is actually at a lower market penetration right now even with the price drop than PS2 was just before FFX came out, so Wada's projection of FFXIII selling six million across 360 and PS3 might be a bit too optimistic, especially when you consider how underwhelming 360 gamers have been in their support of JRPGs on the platform


            • #66
              Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

              The problem with Friend Codes isn't games with random douchebags, it's doing things with people you know. On a regular service, I could give my friend my name, they could type it in nearly instantly, and bam friends. On Wii, though, I have to give them a SIXTEEN DIGIT NUMBER to link them to my console, and a TWELVE DIGIT NUMBER for every individual game. As these are long strings of numbers, they are not nearly as easily memorized as the usernames most of us choose (BBQ, for example, has a 15 character username which almost anyone remotely familiar with internet acronyms could memorize instantly), and almost everyone is going to have to write them down. It's not a behemoth task, but it is a big disincentive to passing codes around. And if you do jump into games with random douchebags (which, btw, couldn't do co-op with random douchebags if you need any voice chat for organization), you can't add any of them as friends later, regardless of how much you may like playing together.

              In unrelated news, FFXV for Wii. The Wii could use a blockbuster, SE could use a mass market, and Sony could use a swift kick in the pants, and I could use a laugh.


              • #67
                Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

                That said, I highly doubt I'll have to worry about a DSi breaking down.
                While the durability of Nintendo hardware (N64 analog stick aside) is well-documented, there's always those cases where some outside party destroys your shit somehow. Not an issue for many people, but it can always happen.


                • #68
                  Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

                  Originally posted by Feba View Post
                  In unrelated news, FFXV for Wii. The Wii could use a blockbuster, SE could use a mass market, and Sony could use a swift kick in the pants, and I could use a laugh.

                  I believe it's Nintendo's turn for that. Sony & MS have both gotten theirs, time for Nintendo to get their act together.

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #69
                    Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

                    Sony clearly hasn't learned its lesson yet. Let it suffer more.


                    • #70
                      Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

                      I think Dragon Quest IX for DS and Dragon Quest X for Wii has been a large enough kick in the pants to Sony, not to mention the shitload of SE exclusive DS gets over PSP. Give Wii a main series FF and Sony execs might perform a ritual suicide.


                      • #71
                        Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        I think Dragon Quest IX for DS and Dragon Quest X for Wii has been a large enough kick in the pants to Sony,
                        In Japan, maybe. SCEA, no way in hell.

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        not to mention the shitload of SE exclusive DS gets over PSP
                        Sony probably chalks this up to the PSP being shit, though, and not the failure of their business practices. The PS3 has no excuse; the PSP has that damned "oh well people pirate everything on psp therefore psp games don't make money therefore nobody makes psp games therefore nobody buys psps. except pirates" crap to hide behind.


                        • #72
                          Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          Sony execs might perform a ritual suicide.
                          If only we could be so lucky...
                          "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                          • #73
                            Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

                            In Japan, maybe. SCEA, no way in hell.
                            SCEA represents the poor tastes of Sony gamers now? News to me. I think western Sony fans that claim to love RPGs, yet didn't buy the granddaddy of all JRPGs when it came to PS2 are the prime reason they're building the brand through both Japanese and Western audiences on the Nintendo side now. The Japanese will follow it anywhere, after all.

                            Really, SE when all out for the western release of DQVIII. Nearly a full voice-over of a game that was silent before, replaced all the midi tracks with a recording of a live orchestra, too. But it didn't have some spikey haired brat emoing endlessly about shit, so PS2 gamers didn't buy what was one of the top RPGs for the PS2.

                            Seriously, look at every non-FF and KH title released by SE on PS2 for reference, its not really surprising they're multi-platform now. SCEA probably would let any SE title through, even as wonky and ass-backward as their approval process is. I mean, they just let a remake of Thexder Neo through and that's the kind of title they usually damn to hell because they can.


                            • #74
                              Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

                              One of the big turnoffs to DQ8 seems to have been the battle system. I saw several people say it was straight out of RPG maker, which is backwards but true. If you weren't used to it and expecting it from previous DQ games it'd seem like the laziest and most basic battle system possible.

                              Story-wise, I don't think lack of emo was all that big a problem. More probably it was that the main plot was sparse and generic. It was standard DQ; intro, side-quests, mid-game revelation, side-quests, finale.


                              • #75
                                Re: SE announces 2-3 new big titles, doesn't tell anyone what they are

                                >.> OOC what PS2 game are you referring to?

                                And I had high hopes with Kazuo was taking over but quite frankly, it's starting to look like Kutaragi did a better job of it. And fuck Jack Tretton.

                                The company doesn't need any more problems; PS3 is only just starting to really take off and for Christ sake let it. What I'd like to see is some of the people at the top get a right proper boot-fucking. Love Sony's products, abhor their business practices.

                                It's Nintendo's turn to get shit-kicked IMO. I've had it with the Wii; mine's been collecting dust since Smash Bros came out and other than Silent Hill or Dead Space I doubt it will see any action in the future. STOP FLOODING THE MARKET WITH SHITTY GAMES ALREADY!

                                I still love Nintendo, but I'm tired of seeing nothing but junk that I have no interest in even renting filling all the shelves with maybe 1~3 games that interest me coming out for the entire year. Oh yeah and Mario Galaxy 2 (or rather 1.5) doesn't count. Can we get some quality 3rd party IPs that aren't just gimmicky ports already?

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

