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Joystiq TGS Hands-on: FF13 (sweet details!)

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  • Joystiq TGS Hands-on: FF13 (sweet details!)

    TGS 2009: Hands-on: Final Fantasy XIII

    Arguably the most anticipated game of the show, Final Fantasy XIII is prominently featured at Square-Enix's TGS 2009 booth. The newest demo for the game features two combat systems -- Optima and Driving -- absent from the demo included with Final Fantasy: Advent Children Complete. The two modes, while polar opposites of each other, do a great job of giving gamers a wider variety of strategic options.
    Gallery: Final Fantasy XIII

    While the original Final Fantasy XIII demo allowed players to choose from a number of basic attack moves -- thus creating chains depending on the selected sequence -- the Optima system adds a new layer of strategy. At first, we decided to go head-to-head with enemies using the original demo's combat options, and, much like in Final Fantasy titles of the past, the system works fine. Optima, however, allows players to decide how their team will react to the action as it unfolds.

    If players want their team to hold back and protect, selecting "Healer" from the Optima menu will execute that strategy. Looking for an all-out attack? That option is available, too, along with a tight balance of the two. When in Optima Mode, players are given the simple option of "Attack," which executes moves based on the strategic options selected. It's a layer that -- when utilized correctly in conjunction with the game's other combat options -- could open the door to some exciting, especially strategic battles.

    If Optima is a player's "strategic layer," Driving Mode can best be described as the game's "brute force" mode. When players summon each of the character's Eidolons, the option to "take control" of the mighty beast becomes available with a simple button press. Lightning's summon, Odin, towers over enemy combatants, defending its guardian with awesome power. In Driving Mode, the knight transforms into a mighty steed, affording players the opportunity to issue button combination commands via a timed radial menu.

    Of course, if you'd prefer to try for a quick ending to the battle, the simple press of the triangle button will execute a summon's most powerful attack.

    The new systems give a good balance of two different styles of gameplay and work quite well. Sadly, we didn't feel like much of a challenge was thrown our way, as the demo's difficulty seemed exceptionally lowered to compensate for a 15-minute gameplay window.

    As for the setting, Final Fantasy XIII promises to deliver its usual dose of political intrigue and drama. The Lightning demo began with the vicious Sanctum army -- known as PSICOM -- invading a peaceful land. Lightning, an ex-PSICOM herself, works to infiltrate the Sanctum stronghold alongside a young ally. Leading the invasion is Yaag Rosch -- a PSICOM leuitenant and former mentor to Lightning -- who decided to go classic and brought along every bog standard Final Fantasy enemy unit you could think of. Flying warships, assault bikes, mech suits. Yeah, they're all here. Again.

    Yes, Final Fantasy XIII is beautiful ... when you can actually see the action. The game's free-roaming camera was constantly getting in our way. In the demo's first area -- a sea of randomly placed enemy vehicles -- the camera constantly required attention, but became less of an issue in open areas. But less of an issue isn't really a solution.

    Final Fantasy XIII is set to hit PlayStation 3 exclusively in Japan this December and the PS3 and Xbox 360 in North America in Spring 2010.


  • #2
    Re: Joystiq TGS Hands-on: FF13 (sweet details!)

    I am almost equally excited about this game as I am FFXIV..
    A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

    it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

    R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

    Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


    • #3
      Re: Joystiq TGS Hands-on: FF13 (sweet details!)

      I'm still not seeing what's so exciting about this one.


      • #4
        Re: Joystiq TGS Hands-on: FF13 (sweet details!)

        Guess its a new FF.

        New story, female protagonist, new gameplay sorta.

        Dowant, but not pissing-pants excited anymore tbh.
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #5
          Re: Joystiq TGS Hands-on: FF13 (sweet details!)

          I get excited about any game I am interested in.
          A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

          it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

          R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

          Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


          • #6
            Re: Joystiq TGS Hands-on: FF13 (sweet details!)

            Originally posted by Balfree View Post
            Dowant, but not pissing-pants excited anymore tbh.
            Me neither. That kinda went away when the 360 announcement came out

            ^^ I'm very excited to see how it mirrors FFVI though.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #7
              Re: Joystiq TGS Hands-on: FF13 (sweet details!)

              I'm just not that excited because it sounds like they've been taking gameplay notes from other RPGs and slamming them into this game, which is uncharacteristic of SE. Optima is nothing more than a scaled-down gambit system or, more accurately, a wholesale rip-off of Persona's Tactics system. Air-Juggles are a bit more of a Namco-Bandai RPG thing

              The original gameplay concept they do have seems a bit demeaning to the idea of Summons.

              That and we're back to a Nomura/Kitase team-up. I think Nomura's strength is in projects he's closer to or originals, I'm just not feeling it here like I was the FFVII Compilation stuff. And Kitase's obviously all emo-kids-with-token-grown-up save the world again. The only thing I see not happening here is the token romance with the lead character. Then again, its Versus XIII that's all Romeo and Juliet.


              • #8
                Re: Joystiq TGS Hands-on: FF13 (sweet details!)

                Several parts of article made me go "what the hell?" They talk about the Optima system introducing a layer of strategy but don't really say how having some automated AI behavior is strategic. Then there's
                As for the setting, Final Fantasy XIII promises to deliver its usual dose of political intrigue and drama.
                who decided to go classic and brought along every bog standard Final Fantasy enemy unit you could think of. Flying warships, assault bikes, mech suits. Yeah, they're all here. Again.
                I'm not really sure which FFs these guys have been playing.

                I guess the article is pretty cool for those that are really hyped about the game and/or starved for details, but it doesn't feel like I got anything really useful out of it. The explanations given about the battle systems were pretty lacking and thus ultimately useless to me; I'll just have to see it in action for myself.


                • #9
                  Re: Joystiq TGS Hands-on: FF13 (sweet details!)

                  I never have even seen political intrigue in Final Fantasy outside of FFXI and FFXII. Those two had it coming out the ears, but I don't know I've I'd say the same for the likes of rest.

                  Drama? Sure. Political intrigue? Maybe FFVII does after all the things written in with the Compilation, but nothing on the level of FFXII or the other Invalice games. I mean, for all the evilness of Shinra, half those people turned out to be pretty nice people.


                  • #10
                    Re: Joystiq TGS Hands-on: FF13 (sweet details!)

                    Square's not gonna be happy till every facet of their games has some kinda obnoxious proprietary name they can plaster all over the hype train.

