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Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

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  • #16
    Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

    [ame=""]YouTube - Skateboarding god versus Cthulhu in Scribblenauts[/ame]



    • #17
      Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

      It's a fair point. If you make God use a shotgun rather that whatever kind of divine force he might otherwise have used, you can't really expect him to bring the full wrath down. Cthulu also got a couple free hits in while God was trying to figure out wtf he was doing on a skateboard.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #18
        Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

        On the prison break level, i got below par just summoning a witch and a springboard.

        Witch turned everyone she came across into frogs and then ate the frogs. She had to nap after the third one, but was up again soon enough. After she had devoured everyone I just put her to the far side of the stage, dropped the spring board and got my star.

        Some of this stuff is tricky, though. Like the level with the tripwire and ice-encased star dangling from a rope over a lava pit. Took some thinking, but I got on par with that one. I called forth Superhero, then glue. Stuck him to the ice block with the glue. Then I made a villain and a pick, tripped the wire and placed the villain to where the hero would see him and chase him. drawing in the block with them. I sent all to the trash save for the pick, then smashed open the block of ice to get to the star.

        Also, I summoned a chupacabra. He scares all non-armed people, but only goes after small farm animals.

        I made a bear cub and the larger bear will stick close to the cub unless someone goes near the cub, then its on. Bear just by itself will maul any person, but it will be put the cub first otherwise.

        Its amusing what things were thrown in the game, but amazing that they follow proper behaviors. Almost nothing in this game feels tacked-on.


        • #19
          Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

          Zombie Kittens.



          • #20
            Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

            I just remembered a few more.

            Both Longcat and Tacgnol work. Anonymous also works, it conjures up an invisible man in a suit. Einstein and Gengis Khan also worked. Flamberge not only summons up a real flamberge, it's also on fire. We found "Transilluminator" in the spelling suggestions for some other thing. "Device" produced some cube-like thing with a blinking light, we never did figure out what it did.

            I was disappointed to see that Axolotl just produced a frog though. Chakram produced a 4-point shuriken Dao produced the same curved sword as Scimitar and Sabre. Katars worked. My friend says Falchion, Excalibur and Masamune work. You can conjure Rioters, they'll attack you if you have a Riot Shield. I believe Communist worked for my friends. One of them has successfully recreated just about every TF2 class by conjuring their respective weapons and pieces of their attire.

            Monsters we've called up: Harpy, Succubus, Hydra, Dragon/Wyrm/Wyvern (same thing), Beast, Leviathan, Mummy, Zombie, Slime. Tiamat doesn't work, sorry. Neither did Valkyrie. Angel works, Demon works, although Demon beats Angel. Couldn't really get stuff like Odin or Gugnir either.

            Samurai works, Indian won't but Native American will, Ninja produces the same thing as Spy. War Horse produces an armored horse.

            And yes, I agree, this game is absurd.
            Last edited by Armando; 09-21-2009, 07:08 AM.


            • #21
              Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

              Fenrir also works. Does fairly well for himself, takes a couple of knights to kill him
              Kindadarii (Bahamut)
              90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
              70.3 + 2 Woodworking
              52.2 Synergy

              Breeding Chocobos? Visit to find chocobos in your area!


              • #22
                Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

                Has anyone tried "Jesus" or "Purple Monkey Dishwasher" yet?

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #23
                  Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

                  Jesus doesn't work. Neither does Buddha. Note that "God" summons the same thing as "deity."


                  • #24
                    Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

                    Deities seem blanket covered by god and goddess.

                    I mean, you can get a church, a cross, a preacher and an exorcist in the game, but that's about as religious as this one gets.

                    Really, though, if they got too deep in to world religions, it would end up taking uo over half the game. Just think about all the greek, roman, norse and all the various Asian deities there are. Lots and lots.

                    There's also restrictions on naming a race specifically. People you type with various professions will vary in race. You can type in Samurai, Geisha or Monk and they'll be Asian. Agents and Firemen are black. Scientist is some old white guy, but Mad Scientist is apparently Malcolm McDowell.

                    Also, it doesn't account for complete nonsense you make up on the fly. Purple Monkey Dishwasher is not an actual noun, its three nouns. It also seems to cover various memes. I mean, I got the Vegita monocle from the Over Nine Thousand bit
                    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-21-2009, 10:25 AM.


                    • #25
                      Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

                      What about the flying spaghetti monster? Surely, they included him.


                      • #26
                        Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

                        Monorail cat is there.

                        "All your base are belong to us" produces a screen with cyborg on it.

                        Philosiraptor is there as well, wearing a monocle and totally non-aggressive.


                        • #27
                          Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

                          Sorry Dak, no go. It gives you just the 'monster' part of it.
                          Kindadarii (Bahamut)
                          90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
                          70.3 + 2 Woodworking
                          52.2 Synergy

                          Breeding Chocobos? Visit to find chocobos in your area!


                          • #28
                            Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

                            Aww, so no PMD... I guess they aren't Simpsons fans.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #29
                              Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

                              Egg Doodles

                              Note: not entirely safe for work. There are nudes here, nothing pornographic, but nudes nonetheless.

                              This is the blog of Scribblenaut's lead artist, Edison Yan.

                              He's pretty damn talented and he recently did a mock-up of the FFVI cast, Scribblenauts-style:

                              I don't recall Sabin with a beard, but I think I can cut him some slack on that one.

                              FFVII cast:

                              Street Fighter IV:


                              • #30
                                Re: Things I've found in Scribblenauts thus far.

                                You'd never suspect the guy is so good.

                                Goddamn those are awesome.

