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Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

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  • Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

    Gist of this is that its a very easy-to-use animation app for the DSi. In minutes you can take your scribbles and bring them to life, even add sound if you wish, then upload them to the Flipnote site or turn them into animated/segmented gifs and load them on your PC.

    Here's a sample of my work thus far (NSFW... maybe... but its not really what you think).

    Anyway, I threw that together pretty fast.

    So if you have a DSi, its up right now and totally free. Something else to keep me distracted from its gaming function, heh.

  • #2
    Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    NSFW... maybe... but its not really what you think
    what does your shrink have to say about this, BBQ.


    • #3
      Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

      I blame my dad for that one. He used to do optical illusion pictures at the family dinner table. At first it looked like he was drawing a naked woman, then it was a dog.

      Most of what I've seen on the main site for this program are violent stick figure death and other violent things. Or Mario and anime-themed stuff.


      • #4
        Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        I blame my dad for that one.
        daddy issues, huh.

        on a serious note, how is it on usability? is it about as hard as making an animation on a PC, or easier, harder? Don't have a DSi, so I can't test it out.


        • #5
          Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

          Pretty easy, this was something I did in ten minutes last night, it was crude and I was making fun of a guy who always trolls Nintendo DS topics since he sleeps with his iPhone:

          You can rig it so the next page already has the existing image, so you either build on or manipulate it with the tools given. It only has a few colors to play with, but most of the standard pencil, brush and spray strokes from paint programs are there.

          More or less, half of this is controlled on the D-Pad. Up to access the menu, right to create a new "flipnote card," left to go back to the previous card and down to animate it. This all assuming you picked to favor the right hand, anyway. Hold L and you can take the existing image and move it for various effects, such as panning.

          Its pretty easy to use and you're given up to 999 pages to work with.


          • #6
            Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.


            Ok, this one was too funny not to post, its from the Flipnote Hatena site and there's already some impressive stuff up there already. This is a Kirby short. You can also browse this section of the site from the Flipnote application on DSi and leave comments by scribbling it in on the touch screen. Its actually more browseable on the DS, really.


            • #7
              Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

              I took a look at that site earlier (nintendo emails gogo), I am very surprised that Nintendo doesn't seem to control it with an iron fist. And I'm very happy to see that they don't keep things limited to the region they're from.


              • #8
                Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

                Hatena itself is a Japanese social networking site based around creative expression, its not totally run by Nintendo by my understanding, they just pick up the tab for the Flipnote part of the site. If anything is very inappropriate, I'd expect it would eventually be removed.

                Naturally, America has already managed to load it up with every meme imaginable.

                Chargin' mah lazer - check
                Rick Roll - check
                Tributes to PSX Final Fantasy games - check
                "In the End" by Linkin Park - check
                Lightsaber duels - check
                Micheal Jackson - check
                Zero Wing - check
                Wakka Lakka dancers - check (well, Japan started that one, they had it coming).
                Roxbury Guys reference complete with Jon Secada music loop - check.
                Phoenix Wright cartoon attempt - check.

                Gratuitous stick figure death was a given from across the world, so there was a channel reserved for it.

                But it is missing some much needed Kefka action. I must get to doodling to address that issue
                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-15-2009, 01:20 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

                  Wait, have you seen any WHAT IS LOVE? flipnotes?


                  • #10
                    Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.


                    うごメモはてな - JRcmxtmさんの作品

                    /bobs head

                    It loops on the DSi and its almost perfectly synced for looping XD


                    • #11
                      Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

                      That's it. This is possibly the best piece of software on the DSi. Shame I have no artistic talent whatsoever. Fingers good at pressing buttons, not manipulating sticks.


                      • #12
                        Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

                        Siliconera � Nintendo Talks Features For Flipnote Studio 2

                        It appears this program is going to get semi-regular feature updates. That means people are only going to get better with this app and the movies more high-quality.

                        うごメモはてな - 「Snake Vs. Big Boss」Hazeさんの作品

                        This is a Snake Vs. Big Boss fight based on the end of MG2, its pretty impressive.
                        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-17-2009, 03:36 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

                          You know, I probably should have expected Nintendo fanboys to be this goddamn retarded, but it appears many think flipnotes are for petitioning Nintendo to make Smash Bros./A flash player/Skype/Paper Mario for the DS. Some one should find these people and prevent them from breeding.

                          I mean, Nintendo has an email and phone line for suggestions, go bug them that way.


                          • #14
                            Re: Flipnote Studio - Fun, Free DSi Ware app.

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            Siliconera � Nintendo Talks Features For Flipnote Studio 2

                            It appears this program is going to get semi-regular feature updates. That means people are only going to get better with this app and the movies more high-quality.

                            うごメモはてな - 「Snake Vs. Big Boss」Hazeさんの作品

                            This is a Snake Vs. Big Boss fight based on the end of MG2, its pretty impressive.

                            I'm not sure what is more epic, the incredible animation or the comment saying "snake doesn't listen to bitch music"

                            500 hours in MS paint

