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  • #46
    Re: WoW vs FFXI

    Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
    I wasn't having a go at you. Just literally pulling the first response and showing that opinions about a game and true facts often differ immensely. So many people, not saying you, feel that there can only be one MMO to play and as a result all other MMOs are shit by default and are worthy of derisory comments. This is usually the case with WoW vs FFXI threads and why most of us who have posted on multiple ones over the years, initially taking time to post lucid, non-foaming at the mouth responses tend to get a little tired when we see yet another. Hope springs eternal that someone might actually use the search function.
    Sorry if It did come out as rude. Its just that it was quoted multiple times, and it was used the same way all the times. I didn't mean for it to sound rude if it did, sorry.

    But yea, there will always be people who will not use the search functions, and post the same thing. I've even used teh search function, and posted something (on a diff forum), and it was teh same exact thing that I was looking for, but It never showed up on the search. It could be a flaw in teh search system, or it could be how the person searched for it using the system.

    Some times though... Its fun to see the arguments that happen in these threads. (GW Vs WoW, those can get REALLY heated as well as GW Vs Rune Scape (Esp in game haha))

