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  • #16
    Re: WoW vs FFXI

    Haha. Ya, the poll is going to be horribly biased, but I think the point was more to get people talking about what they like about each game instead of solely trying to figure out how many like which game.


    • #17
      Re: WoW vs FFXI

      Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
      So I'm gonna add another option to the poll for people like me cause I know there are a few of us on this forum.
      Glad you did that.
      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
      ~I has a blog~~
      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


      • #18
        Re: WoW vs FFXI

        Originally posted by Gyotsha View Post
        Saying that FFXI has grinding and a nice story and that WoW is fast and easy IS comparing the two games. Games don't need to be the exact same to be compared.

        That aside, I chose FFXI. I tried WoW when I was taking a break from FFXI, but it just didn't do it for me. I got tired of almost every quest having me kill a certain amount of monsters, and the classes weren't really that fun for me. The only fun I really had in WoW was exploring with friends and doing instances with said friends. The rest just seemed like a chore to me. FFXI just seems to have a playing style and story that better cater to my MMORPGing needs.

        I also agree with the cartoony design of WoW. I hated it lol
        no I am not comparing FFXI and WoW, if I were compairing the two, I would say things like "FFXI does not have exp quests like WoW does" or somthing similar, I was merely giving a few facts about both games, and the types of MMORPG they are.

        I look at both games very differently, and is why I can see both are enjoyable, to their targeted audience.
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #19
          Re: WoW vs FFXI

          Generally when people ask this, I reply something along the lines of:

          "It's like comparing Ducks to Vultures. They are both birds, but built for two totally different objectives in two totally different environments."

          That's the way I see the two games... I enjoyed WoW on and off, but only when I was at an FFXI low. I don't mind cartoony graphics all that much, but the amount of hotkeys and buttons there was with a cluttered UI didn't do much for it.


          • #20
            Re: WoW vs FFXI

            I can't vote since I don't play either any more, but if I had to choose one that I would consider the more enjoyable experience I would say WoW. They are both great games and both have their share of pros and cons, but the big thing for me is time. I am a full time student, have a part time job and a girlfriend to share my time with, leaving me without a significant amount of time to devote to it. It's doable, but definitely not at a pace I am satisfied with spending $15 a month to move at.

            I don't play either of them any more just because I have played them enough and have no real desire to do so again, but if I did end up going back to one it would be WoW.

            500 hours in MS paint


            • #21
              Re: WoW vs FFXI

              I looove xi but it can be a grind. Where as WoW is also fun...but it's a little to easy IMO. I'd rather struggle to get to a higher level then pratically have the levels handed to me. So IMO XI = more fun.


              • #22
                Re: WoW vs FFXI

                I played both games for a very long time and even though I achieved much more in WoW (at the top both in PVP and PVE at the time), I have to say FFXI was probably the more enjoyable experience overall. Yes, I sometimes suffered days of LFG gil farming and getting anything done was hard because it required playing during NA hours (10 pm and onwards), but still, the story, the immersion and the liveliness of the characters and the world just really appealed to me. Not to mention the friendly community and all that team work.

                WoW to me was just a game whereas FFXI was a complete experience that resonated with me on multiple levels.

                From a technical perspective WoW is far superior, though. The controls are much tighter, the UI in WoW smacks the FFXI UI down so hard even its mother won't be able to recognize it and the game mechanics are more advanced in general.


                • #23
                  Re: WoW vs FFXI

                  Originally posted by Empedocles View Post
                  Generally when people ask this, I reply something along the lines of:

                  "It's like comparing Ducks to Vultures. They are both birds, but built for two totally different objectives in two totally different environments."

                  That's the way I see the two games... I enjoyed WoW on and off, but only when I was at an FFXI low. I don't mind cartoony graphics all that much, but the amount of hotkeys and buttons there was with a cluttered UI didn't do much for it.
                  Ambiguous, much?


                  • #24
                    Re: WoW vs FFXI

                    Originally posted by Gyotsha View Post
                    That aside, I chose FFXI. I tried WoW when I was taking a break from FFXI, but it just didn't do it for me. I got tired of almost every quest having me kill a certain amount of monsters, and the classes weren't really that fun for me. The only fun I really had in WoW was exploring with friends and doing instances with said friends. The rest just seemed like a chore to me. FFXI just seems to have a playing style and story that better cater to my MMORPGing needs.
                    I did the same exact thing when I took a break from FFXI. I got bored of crafting every day to gain like 5 lvls in the craft.

                    It was fun at first, then it just became repetitve. Kill X monsters for this person, then kill Y monster X times for that person... That was what most of the quests where. There wasn't really anything to keep me attacked to it.

                    But to each their own I say.

                    I also have something to say about the graphics. I do prefer hard core type graphics liek I said before, but I do enjoy the "cute" graphics certain games have as well. Like DoMO, not "cartoony" though. theres a diff.


                    • #25
                      Re: WoW vs FFXI

                      I enjoy both:

                      FFXI - The Final Fantasy fanchise in general. I prefer the job system. I prefer the challenge. I prefer the amount of variance to everything and the complexity that comes from all of the above.

                      WOW - I enjoy a game with friends and family that may not enjoy the complexity of FFXI. I also enjoy large PvP tornaments. I agree gear does have a factor in PvP performance but I find it no more difficult to get a decent WOW PvP set than getting a melee class in FFXI good gear for exp grinding.

                      Like stated in every FFXI vs Other MMO thread, every MMO has a strong points. Most revolve around community and you will probably find that the connection to community has the highest influence on what someone chooses. You may as well just make a poll about who you game with instead
                      75SMN\5XWHM\37BLM\37RDM\the rest 15+

                      80 PLD\80 DRU\60Mage\60 Shamen\the rest 30+

                      lvl 75 - EE\CMPE\CMPSCI


                      • #26
                        Re: WoW vs FFXI

                        Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                        Wow Is a horible game IMO...

                        1: No story line.

                        2: PvP is based off who has the better gear, and money, not skill

                        3: You can just sit there, and hit 1 button to kill a monster.

                        4: Horrible communtiy

                        5: All about raids, and PvP, even though it is HORRIBLY ballanced.

                        6: The races look horrible lol

                        7: It is WAY over rated by the WoW fan boys.

                        1- It does have a storyline, but its filled with many many side stories, mostly based in individual zones, or regions. However, saying that is basically the same as me saying FFXI has no storyline. It wasn't until the 3rd time I'd started over in windurst that I saw anything resembling a storyline. At all.

                        2-There's still skill involved, but skill is negated by the constant stream of nerfs and buffs each patch. My main isn't very well geared but last night I demolished 3 80s in decent gear because I know how to pvp with my class.

                        3-Depends on the monster. and this is part of the huge difference between a game that is almost fully focused on end game now, and one that is split between endgame, and leveling. Go one button any level correct elite/instance creature.

                        4-Horrible is not a strong enough word for the vast majority of the vocal portion of the community. Yes, the vocal portion, the portion that makes up the main site forum goers, and the people who sit in trade all day long... This is easily the biggest downside of being a big game. Much like halo, the vast majority of those who speak up should be gagged.

                        5-Eh, its never been that horribly balanced, a lot of it is a knowledge issue, and people crying about losing to X class. the only time a class has been completely out of wack with all the other classes is warlocks from 1.9 to 2.3 That was really really bad.- But the balance doesn't affect raids much, especially now.

                        6-Opinion and choice of graphical style. Galkas...... lol.

                        7- The obvious response is FFXI is WAY overrated by ffxi fanboys. Go figure, people love what they love.

                        Obviously, everyone can have their opinion, and its fine. I chose that response to quote because it was a good example of the one thing I don't get about the FFXI community. And that is the intense hatred of most other mmo's especially wow. Its just an interesting thing because the vast majority of the people I talk to in wow, could give two shits about any other MMO, and if someone brought one up it'd just be normal conversation and not the convulsing hatred you get going the other direction.

                        I like FFXI, I genuinely do. I started it roughly september/october of 04. I only remember because I started playing with a couple friends who all almost immediately quit for wow in november when it launched. I played both for a time, but there was something about the pacing of wow that made me stick with it instead. The fact that my friends left for wow helped a lot too.

                        I played FFXI again during the 360 beta, played from beginning to end of the beta, but when it ended it was finals time for me, so I stopped and took care of school. Later I picked it up again and leveled a rdm/whm with a really cool linkshell, but by this point FFXI's servers had really thinned out as far as low level characters went. And I saw an incredibly nasty amount of elitism between experianced players against new. I had a few PT's that kicked me out, and even mpk'd me because my rdm didn't have a subjob when I was level 13ish... Apparently everyone should have a subjob from the moment they first start their account. In fact, I wouldn't have played beyond that if it weren't for bumping into an awesome little taru named Aicyss (I was on alexander... I think) Who helped me level an alt class, and invited me into their link shell. I stayed in that link shell for a while, till I moved and had no internet for about a month. Logged on, and the linkshell was empty.... never saw anyone on it again. That pretty much did it for me. it was taking tons and tons and tons of time to find a PT and everyone I knew had quit, pretty much at once. I didn't really see a reason to put tons of time into leveling, and even then leveling beyond the 30s solo didn't seem viable for me.... so I quit.

                        Id still play FFXI if I had friends who played it, and if FFXIV wasn't coming out in a year or so. And my first couple experiences with FFXI where so monotonous I was shocked anyone played. I saw nothing resembling a story, and while Takelli complained of quests all being about killing X amount of mob Y, all I saw was, PT, go to the dunes, kill crabs for 3 hours. then move onto the next zone, and kill rabbits for 3 hours. And then die, and feel like you've lost tons and tons of time.

                        The biggest difference between the two games is the focus, you have one game, that while it has its elements and events that happen while leveling, 90% of its top content is at level cap. and the other, while it has solid endgame, expects a great majority of its timesinks to come from the leveling itself.


                        • #27
                          Re: WoW vs FFXI

                          Originally posted by Kouper View Post
                          1- It does have a storyline, but its filled with many many side stories, mostly based in individual zones, or regions. However, saying that is basically the same as me saying FFXI has no storyline. It wasn't until the 3rd time I'd started over in windurst that I saw anything resembling a storyline. At all.

                          2-There's still skill involved, but skill is negated by the constant stream of nerfs and buffs each patch. My main isn't very well geared but last night I demolished 3 80s in decent gear because I know how to pvp with my class.

                          3-Depends on the monster. and this is part of the huge difference between a game that is almost fully focused on end game now, and one that is split between endgame, and leveling. Go one button any level correct elite/instance creature.

                          4-Horrible is not a strong enough word for the vast majority of the vocal portion of the community. Yes, the vocal portion, the portion that makes up the main site forum goers, and the people who sit in trade all day long... This is easily the biggest downside of being a big game. Much like halo, the vast majority of those who speak up should be gagged.

                          5-Eh, its never been that horribly balanced, a lot of it is a knowledge issue, and people crying about losing to X class. the only time a class has been completely out of wack with all the other classes is warlocks from 1.9 to 2.3 That was really really bad.- But the balance doesn't affect raids much, especially now.

                          6-Opinion and choice of graphical style. Galkas...... lol.

                          7- The obvious response is FFXI is WAY overrated by ffxi fanboys. Go figure, people love what they love.

                          Obviously, everyone can have their opinion, and its fine. I chose that response to quote because it was a good example of the one thing I don't get about the FFXI community. And that is the intense hatred of most other mmo's especially wow. Its just an interesting thing because the vast majority of the people I talk to in wow, could give two shits about any other MMO, and if someone brought one up it'd just be normal conversation and not the convulsing hatred you get going the other direction.

                          I like FFXI, I genuinely do. I started it roughly september/october of 04. I only remember because I started playing with a couple friends who all almost immediately quit for wow in november when it launched. I played both for a time, but there was something about the pacing of wow that made me stick with it instead. The fact that my friends left for wow helped a lot too.

                          I played FFXI again during the 360 beta, played from beginning to end of the beta, but when it ended it was finals time for me, so I stopped and took care of school. Later I picked it up again and leveled a rdm/whm with a really cool linkshell, but by this point FFXI's servers had really thinned out as far as low level characters went. And I saw an incredibly nasty amount of elitism between experianced players against new. I had a few PT's that kicked me out, and even mpk'd me because my rdm didn't have a subjob when I was level 13ish... Apparently everyone should have a subjob from the moment they first start their account. In fact, I wouldn't have played beyond that if it weren't for bumping into an awesome little taru named Aicyss (I was on alexander... I think) Who helped me level an alt class, and invited me into their link shell. I stayed in that link shell for a while, till I moved and had no internet for about a month. Logged on, and the linkshell was empty.... never saw anyone on it again. That pretty much did it for me. it was taking tons and tons and tons of time to find a PT and everyone I knew had quit, pretty much at once. I didn't really see a reason to put tons of time into leveling, and even then leveling beyond the 30s solo didn't seem viable for me.... so I quit.

                          Id still play FFXI if I had friends who played it, and if FFXIV wasn't coming out in a year or so. And my first couple experiences with FFXI where so monotonous I was shocked anyone played. I saw nothing resembling a story, and while Takelli complained of quests all being about killing X amount of mob Y, all I saw was, PT, go to the dunes, kill crabs for 3 hours. then move onto the next zone, and kill rabbits for 3 hours. And then die, and feel like you've lost tons and tons of time.

                          The biggest difference between the two games is the focus, you have one game, that while it has its elements and events that happen while leveling, 90% of its top content is at level cap. and the other, while it has solid endgame, expects a great majority of its timesinks to come from the leveling itself.
                          thats not really true, I see this in all MMORPG forums, not just ones for FFXI

                          in F2P forums, I see P2P bashing
                          in WoW forums I see bashing other MMORPGs
                          FFXI I see WoW bashing

                          its everywhere...

                          and you know why I bash WoW?... because its the cheesiest peice of BS I have ever seen, I have tried to play it with friends many times, and I cant stay with it, because the story is weak and the game is WAY to easy.
                          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                          • #28
                            Re: WoW vs FFXI

                            Originally posted by Kouper View Post
                            Id still play FFXI if I had friends who played it, and if FFXIV wasn't coming out in a year or so. And my first couple experiences with FFXI where so monotonous I was shocked anyone played. I saw nothing resembling a story, and while Takelli complained of quests all being about killing X amount of mob Y, all I saw was, PT, go to the dunes, kill crabs for 3 hours. then move onto the next zone, and kill rabbits for 3 hours. And then die, and feel like you've lost tons and tons of time.
                            I was saying how the quests are repetitve. They are all the same. Yes, killing the same thing over and over is repetitve, but you talk with people in your party, you talk to your ls, you talk to people in tells when in FFXI. When I first started it, I did see a story line. I saw it as soon as I completed the first few missions, and actually got into the game, found a good LS, a few good friends, and so on.

                            When I was in WoW, it was repetitve the leveling, and I had no party that talked to me, or even wanted to talk, or anyone who even wanted to party. I had a guild, but it was barren, and I kept guild hopping to find a guild that actually just talked, none did. I only found 1 person who I actually was able to talk to, but they got banned for something. Forgot what it was though.

                            I liked how fast you leveled in WoW, but I hated how 95% of the quests that I did where was Kill X monster Y times, or something close to that, and they gave you experiance, for gaining experiance, and then you'd level up fast. Wheres the fun in that?

                            I liked how FFXI was challenging. Yea, you don't level up as fast as WoW, but you actually talk to the community, you are required to team up with others to gain levels, and do quests. Infact, its encouraged (unliked 99% of all the other MMOS out there). Yea, it may take some time to find a party (Or may take time to create a party), but once you have a party, you have 5 other people who you are with, and you are helping them, as they help you level up as well. They also might talk to you, you can always talk to you Ls as well if they dont want to talk.

                            FFXi has gone towards a more solo type play now that theres FoV, and all that other solo friendly stuff. Its nice, I like to solo once in a while, and not have to deal with others leaving, or some one effing you up because some one got aggro or pulled. You don't need to deal with that in WoW either, but that's what makes teh game different. Its hard to find a game that encourages Teamplay. If FFXI goes to all Solo like most other MMOs, I will quit it, as that does destroy the community, and causes people to not want to party, or talk when they do find a party.


                            • #29
                              Re: WoW vs FFXI

                              I suppose we were due another moronic WoW vs FFXI thread.


                              • #30
                                Re: WoW vs FFXI

                                Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
                                I suppose we were due another moronic WoW vs FFXI thread.
                                I hope you realise it's only moronic because people that post like you make it moronic. So far I've seen relativiely mature discussion until a few state "omg not this again -_-" and ruin it for everyone else. So please, you really need to keep the comments out of it if you don't have anything worthwhile to contribute.

                                I have played FFXI more, but from what I did play of WoW (all up maybe 6 months worth) I did enjoy it. I don't think I would ever go back to it, especially since all my friends have left it too, but I have very fond memories of it. It was great, because I could just get into it, play with some friends, and not have to worry about spending hours upon hours.

                                With FFXI, it's more like my true love. Playing since NA release, developing my character and progressing through all of the story archs (Chains of Promethia was amazing) was so fantastic. However, there are quite a few flaws. Namely Square-Enix's customer support, the time sink required for a lot of things, and how most things seem to be luck based. However, and this may be because I've had more friends and more time spent on FFXI, I have found far more fond memories - mainly from the years 2003-2005.

                                In saying how much I love FFXI, I don't put too many hours into it these days (mainly due to university and other commitments), and I fear my days on FFXI will be numbered sooner or later simply because of the time required to achieve anything worthwhile.

                                Also, just as a last note - I found much more interesting story/cutscenes in FFXI than what I saw in WoW. Sure WoW had some interesting quests (but not for the most part), but it still didn't keep my interest in the narative.

                                "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

