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Another SE title teased

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  • Another SE title teased


    countdown clock.
    the number 4.
    a scene sketched into the background more and more as the clock winds down.

    Hoping this isn't another shitty Mana game. Or a Mana game at all, really.

    Could be a SaGa game, in spite of Unlimited Saga, other entries were pretty good. I'm hoping they bring the DS remake of Saga 2 (aka Final Fantasy Legend II on Game Boy) over here at any rate.

  • #2
    Re: Another SE title teased

    Chrono something.

    Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger DS.

    New game.

    Yay for pulling things out of your ass.


    • #3
      Re: Another SE title teased

      I doubt it. If you were going to hint at a Chrono game, an analog clock would be almost mandatory for the timer.


      • #4
        Re: Another SE title teased


        Also, in the future, there are no analog clocks!


        • #5
          Re: Another SE title teased

          also, in the future, there are no analog clocks!
          epoch begs to differ.

          EDIT: Damned caps lock filters. You win this one.


          • #6
            Re: Another SE title teased

            It really smells like Sword of Mana..
            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


            • #7
              Re: Another SE title teased

              It doesn't matter, at the rate Square-Enix finishes games lately, it'll probably be 2012 before we see this game, whatever it is. Not much point in speculating what it is when we'll have so much time to wait anyhow.



              • #8
                Re: Another SE title teased

                President of SE recently stated that if fans want more Chrono Trigger, more copies of the DS title need to sell. For some sad reason, the game hasn't performed well in retail, but then, it might pick up after the recent price drop.

                If SE would realize that each and every game they make for DS is not worth an initial $40 price point, they might actually see better sales to start with. Even as an enthusiastic SE fan, I'd only consider a brand-spanking new title from SE for $40 (i.e. something like DQIX or Valkyrie Profile, for example) All these remakes and reissues they're doing should start at $30.

                But really, I wouldn't want another Chrono title unless it was done by Mistwalker, you know, since the guys that made Chrono Trigger work there now.


                • #9
                  Re: Another SE title teased

                  They trademarked a title like "4 warriors of light" a while back. And the teaser site has some very Gameboy/NES sounding music. So it might be a thowback kind of game, a la Megaman 9. That'd be ok by me, but...

                  SaGa 4, please.


                  • #10
                    Re: Another SE title teased

                    Honestly, I'd like to play the Chrono Trigger remake, just not on DS. WiiWare port would be perfect

                    ---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:06 PM ----------

                    Or it could be Xenosaga


                    • #11
                      Re: Another SE title teased

                      Originally posted by Feba View Post
                      Or it could be Xenosaga
                      Gears. Namco owns Xenosaga. SE has said several times they have no intention of revisiting Xenogears.
                      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                      • #12
                        Re: Another SE title teased

                        Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                        Gears. Namco owns Xenosaga. SE has said several times they have no intention of revisiting Xenogears.
                        I cant keep it a secret anymore...... its a game about me ;p I turn into a super human fighting robot-cat-thing and it's an action-anime-RPG
                        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                        • #13
                          Re: Another SE title teased

                          Originally posted by Coinspinner View Post
                          They trademarked a title like "4 warriors of light" a while back. And the teaser site has some very Gameboy/NES sounding music. So it might be a thowback kind of game, a la Megaman 9. That'd be ok by me, but...
                          "Four Warriors of Light" could imply the original Final Fantasy is getting a remake of some kind. FFIII and FFIV already got DS remakes, so its entirely possible they might go back and do that one. Only other FF where the Light Warrior theme came up besides the original and III was FFV.

                          Given a recent interview with Kitase on IGN, he said SE hadn't even been working on remakes of V and VI, but he would be interested to persuing it.


                          • #14
                            Re: Another SE title teased

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            "Four Warriors of Light" could imply the original Final Fantasy is getting a remake of some kind. FFIII and FFIV already got DS remakes, so its entirely possible they might go back and do that one. Only other FF where the Light Warrior theme came up besides the original and III was FFV.

                            Given a recent interview with Kitase on IGN, he said SE hadn't even been working on remakes of V and VI, but he would be interested to persuing it.
                            Yeah, it might be a subtitle. The DQ remakes had their subtitles trademarked separately.

                            It would suck for it to be FF1 again though, with 3 passable versions already out there. So I hope that's not it. Perhaps a re-imagining, but I don't think Square would go for that. I'm hoping it's a new game in the style of those, or better yet, SaGa 4.

                            Edit: Also, the trademark actually includes the numeral '4'.


                            • #15
                              Re: Another SE title teased

                              President of SE recently stated that if fans want more Chrono Trigger, more copies of the DS title need to sell. For some sad reason, the game hasn't performed well in retail, but then, it might pick up after the recent price drop.
                              wat. The original game sold close to 3 million, the DS "remake" has sold over 800k, but that still isn't good enough? Not to mention that SE shits all over their fans every time they shut down a fan made project related to the game.

                              I don't even care what this countdown is for, but the art does look Mana-esque.

                              500 hours in MS paint

