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Metroid: Other M

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  • #31
    Re: Metroid: Other M

    Guess my newly-hatched hunch was right. Well, at least it's the director from the 2D games, and at least he claims he doesn't plan to abandon the exploration aspects. That instills some confidence in me. If it adds enough new elements to the plot instead of just being a semi-random filler mission between installments, I won't complain.


    • #32
      Re: Metroid: Other M

      Putting it in between Super Metroid and Fusion seems a bit dicey and would end up making look like a complete ditz in one key story element of Fusion.

      Also, Armando if you want to know the deal behind Dark Samus either get 100% completion on Metroid Prime or just tube the 100% completion.

      But yeah, I don't think they need to do the doppelganger thing a third time in this series, particularly considering that doing it once is cliche enough.


      • #33
        Re: Metroid: Other M

        Putting it in between Super Metroid and Fusion seems a bit dicey and would end up making look like a complete ditz in one key story element of Fusion.
        What do you mean?
        Also, Armando if you want to know the deal behind Dark Samus either get 100% completion on Metroid Prime or just tube the 100% completion.
        Yeah, at this point I'm not gonna go back to Prime when I'm still in the middle of Xenogears. I may tube it.


        • #34
          Re: Metroid: Other M

          What I mean.


          • #35
            Re: Metroid: Other M

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            If he was really and old comrade, then I would think the both of them would have realized it a lot sooner than they did.
            Ah, plot-guided Amnesia.


            • #36
              Re: Metroid: Other M

              But it's likely that he's not present at the time of Other M, and it's just a flashback or better yet, just narration. Samus's presence, unarmored, in a Galactic Federation base is incredibly unusual. She's always shown interacting with others in her Power Suit, even when not in military facilities (like when she hands over the last Metroid to those scientists at the beginning of Super Metroid.) That's part of the reason she's supposed to be mysterious, and most people in-universe don't know she's a woman in the first place. That her hair is short and that she's in regular clothing (a uniform?) rather than the Zero Suit is stranger still. It would make sense if they were scenes from the time she actually was a member of the Galactic Federation though. Since the director apparently wants to develop Samus's character, it would make sense for them to delve into her past. After all, they do show that one scene from the end of Super Metroid.


              • #37
                Re: Metroid: Other M

                They also said something about exploring her childhood, didn't they? Sounds like flashbackapalooza to me.


                • #38
                  Re: Metroid: Other M

                  Even if that was her in a flashback with said character. It doesn't make sense.

                  Because that woman was too short to be Samus, Samus is like 6'3" before suiting up. This was from being raised by the Chozo and infused with their blood and all that, also explains her ability to be so agile even when wearing the suit.


                  • #39
                    Re: Metroid: Other M

                    Yeah, it's impossible to confirm anything with only a half second of footage and only the face, but for an instant in the trailer they seem to show Samus as a child. It was a blonde girl with clear eyes at any rate.

                    Because that woman was too short to be Samus, Samus is like 6'3" before suiting up. This was from being raised by the Chozo and infused with their blood and all that, also explains her ability to be so agile even when wearing the suit.
                    According to whom? The only figure I've found on her height was from Wikitroid, which claims that in the manual from Metroid II she was listed as being 1.9 meters (almost 6'3") tall but also weighing 90 kilograms. 200 lbs sounds too heavy for her, and I doubt Metroid II's instruction manual would acknowledge her real identity either for that nice post-ending surprise (Super Metroid can't do that since they show her body when she dies.)

                    EDIT2: Metroid II Game Manual - Image Gallery (Metroid Recon)

                    Manged to find the manual, and the height/weight is listed under the section "Cybernetic Suit Technical Spec." So yeah...

                    Last edited by Armando; 06-05-2009, 08:54 AM.


                    • #40
                      Re: Metroid: Other M

                      I am pretty sure that weight and hight listed in the manual, is with her suit on

                      so with out the suit that would put here roughly 5'7"~ and 120p~
                      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                      • #41
                        Re: Metroid: Other M

                        Quick Aside: Nintendo really, really needs to remake Metroid II. It was really the only installment that didn't age that well, mostly because it was one of the earlier Game Boy titles. One could argue she jumps and moves slower because of the gravity on SR388, but it still doesn't feel right to go back and play it anymore.


                        • #42
                          Re: Metroid: Other M

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          Quick Aside: Nintendo really, really needs to remake Metroid II. It was really the only installment that didn't age that well, mostly because it was one of the earlier Game Boy titles. One could argue she jumps and moves slower because of the gravity on SR388, but it still doesn't feel right to go back and play it anymore.
                          agree with you 100%



                          I think this will do for now ^.^ Project AM2R - Another Metroid 2 Remake
                          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                          • #43
                            Re: Metroid: Other M

                            I whole-heartedly agree. I tried to play Metroid II and I just...couldn't...My field of view is too small, too many areas had the same awful music (surface music was OK, everything else was very, very monotonous), and combined with no colors, limited tile sets and no map, the whole experience was intensely awful. I couldn't keep track of where I'd been and where I hadn't gone yet as more and more forks showed up.

                            I mean, I can tell they did the best they could with the GameBoy, but it was still...ugh...I even tolerated the original NES Metroid, which I never got very far in back in the day because I was too young. And that game pissed me off, but I still beat it. I mean, I somehow accidentally got all the way to Tourain without: Varia Suit, Screw Attack, Ice Beam, Wave Beam. I was shocked and seething when I realized what I just did. I thought something was wrong when everything in Kraid's Hideout was knocking off no less than 50 Energy per hit and the only weapon I had to hit Kraid with were bombs...

                            I've been looking forward to AM2R for quite a while, because if M2 were given the Zero Mission treatment I would totally play it. It doesn't sound like we'll be getting an official remake any time soon, so I just hope Nintendo doesn't find out about this and send a Cease and Desist order before it's done.

