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All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

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  • All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

    All three Metroid Prime games rolled up into Metroid Prime Trilogy for Wii

    I had been hoping for a box set of the NPC Prime 1/2 with Corruption. This is EVEN BETTER. And at $50 for all three, not only is it practically as cheap as buying Prime 3 by itself, it's a day one buy. I could not be more pleased with Nintendo's choice on this.

    I'm not sure if I'll replay Prime 1, but damn if this isn't a great bargain, and I'm glad to see it in a compilation.

  • #2
    Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

    Pretty sweet deal. I dunno if I want to pay $50 for it since I have all 3 games already, but I am interested in replaying the first 2 with Wii controls.

    500 hours in MS paint


    • #3
      Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.


      Fuck yes. Anyone who hasn't played Metroid Prime needs to buy this.
      Last edited by Armando; 05-22-2009, 09:16 AM.


      • #4
        Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

        Originally posted by armando View Post
        fuck yes. Anyone who hasn't played metroid prime needs to buy this.
        fixed. Fuck yeah.


        • #5
          Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

          I think we both caught the same typo at the same time lol.


          • #6
            Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

            OK, I had plans to get a PS3 first, screw that. I'm getting a Wii first now.

            Punkasses will complain this is rehashing the first two games, but fuck those guys - this is a pretty epic reissue and how Nintendo needs to be doing them if they're going to keep doing them.

            I've not played Corruption, but Echoes was easily one of the top entries in the series. I loved how merciless that game was - it made it all the more satisfying to beat.


            • #7
              Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

              I beat Prime, I've started Echoes at least 3 times but I've dropped it every time because of getting distracted with other stuff (Echoes doesn't exactly "hook" me early on like Prime did, possibly because of all the purple black and brown.) I don't even own Corruption yet, which I've heard is fantastic. So this is a fucking sweet deal for me.


              • #8
                Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

                Really, Echoes is 'merciless'? I had heard it was easier than Prime. And I'm not totally sure I ever finished the final boss fight in Prime anyway. Plus that giant rock thing, the omega pirate, and Ridley were all dicks.


                • #9
                  Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

                  Whoever said it was easier than Prime was stroking peen, the difficulty of Echoes picks up on Omega Pirate boss difficulty and continues to ramp up from there.


                  • #10
                    Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

                    Whoever said it was easier than Prime was stroking peen, the difficulty of Echoes picks up on Omega Pirate boss difficulty and continues to ramp up from there.
                    I didn't get that far but I can vouch for this. Hell, I think I almost died on the first mini boss.


                    • #11
                      Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

                      I got fed up with Echos. Having a difficult section to traverse between the save point and the boss, which you will totally master after a couple tries but still have to slug through multiple times to get to the difficult boss is old school and there's a reason. I feel like I "should" go back and finish it but damned if I want to.

                      I actually haven't purchased Prime 3 but played maybe the first 20% of it at a friend's house and loved the hell out of it. Guess my procrastination paid off.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • #12
                        Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

                        Lots of people complain about the retreading Metroid makes you do, but its sort of a realism factor and gives you the sense that area isn't simply a "stage" but an integrated part of the world. That area will have things you can'i reach, but you can manage to reach later. I'm sure there's a bit of sequence breaking that can be done in the Metroids since the first Prime, I just haven't bothered to research it. You can sequence break the moment you land on Talon IV in the first Prime, though.

                        My only real gripe about the series - and Echoes actually addressed this more reasonable - was the constant depowering of Samus to justify yet another adventure. Least the let me keep my morph ball and fair stock of missles that time because damn did i need those missiles.

                        I love Metroid for its balanced focus in platforming, exploration, puzzle solving and action. Its really one of the few games out there that juggles those aspects perfectly and its come to be the reason I value exploration so highly in video games. Zeldo and really only a handful of other games strive to make the environments of a game a character to itself.

                        Its a shame Retro won't be around for future installments of the series, but their departure from Nintendo is no different from Rares, and no different from Bungie leaving MS or Uematsu leaving SE - sometimes talent just gets abused to the point it sidetracks other goals and careers these creative folks involved with making games. This was Retro's last Nintendo project as a subsidiary to Nintendo, but I look forward to whatever they cook up in the future on any platform.


                        • #13
                          Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          Lots of people complain about the retreading Metroid makes you do, but its sort of a realism factor and gives you the sense that area isn't simply a "stage" but an integrated part of the world. That area will have things you can'i reach, but you can manage to reach later.
                          I don't mind crisscrossing through the same areas to get from one place to another and I love discovering new parts of rooms and new pathways in areas I've already visited. My problem is repeating the long and annoying corridors between the boss rooms and the nearest save point. It's basically the equivalent to me of making you start at the midway point in a platforming game because you missed the long jump they placed at the very end of the level.
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • #14
                            Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

                            I think that's just because most games almost nonsensically put save points right beside the boss fight areas.

                            "Sure, rest here and get ready to fight me. Let's take each other on at full power."

                            Honorable? Maybe. Still, I don't think baddies should be giving me that much of a welcome mat. It makes some sense from a design standpoint, but not from a villain's standpoint.


                            • #15
                              Re: All three Metroid Prime games. On one disk. Fuck yes.

                              Well strictly speaking, I think it's a bit nonsensical that there are these convenient Samus chargers strewn about unexplored wildnerness areas, non-chozo ruins, pirate bases and newly created parallel dimensions in the first place.

                              From a design standpoint I prefer being able to jump right back into the fight after a failed attempt. I think the additional downtime of traveling to the boss room is unnecessary and adds nothing positive to the experience. You might say the game is making you earn the victory but in my opinion the boss itself should be the trial you beat to earn the reward. The entire rest of the game is navigating terrain; it shouldn't be entwined with the boss experience. As to the full power issue, if the boss isn't challenging enough for a player with full life and ammo then the boss itself could just as easily be tweaked.

                              I'm entirely prepared to agree to disagree on this issue. You clearly like it better as it is and you're not wrong for having different tastes.
                              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

