So the USO sends all kinds of hollywood types to afghanistan and iraq, to "boost Morale" and I'll be honest, for me and most of my brothers and sisters, we find that shit lame as hell. BUT, a few days ago, they sent christy carlson romano and like 4 other famous people over here to sign pictures and shit.
Now, using the power of the internet, of course me and my bro's googled these ladies, and low and behold mrs. ramano did the english voice of yuffie kisaragi from Kingdom Hearst, FFVII:AC, etc.
So being the FF geek that I am, I took my UMD copy of FFVII:AC down to get it autographieded.
So this is how the conversation goes, like a scrotum here it is in a nut shell:
ME: "Christy Carlson Romano, hello!"
CCR: "Hello! Would you like a generic autograph picture that everyone at this table signs and we hand out to the troops because most troops aren't super huge fans of ours, and they don't know or care enough about us to bother bringing real things for us to autograph??"
ME: "No I'm cool, but could you autograph this movie that you did the voices for?"
CCR: "Hey! wow! I totally did do the voices in this and also in kingdom hearts! that's so crazy you knew that!"
ME: "Yeah I'm super bad ass!" (I really said that)
CCR: "o.k.!"
So we proceed to take a picture and she says:
"Did I just catch you staring at my boobs?!"
My response:
"Yes, I'm not even gonna try and deny what I was doing"
"Well, atleast your honest"
"I've found it works out the best when you don't lie about things like that"
She laughs and we get our picture taken and I'll post them as soon as I can get them onto a computer with internet access. Cause it was fucking hilarous.
Just thought I'd share that with you all. Have a great weekend!
Now, using the power of the internet, of course me and my bro's googled these ladies, and low and behold mrs. ramano did the english voice of yuffie kisaragi from Kingdom Hearst, FFVII:AC, etc.
So being the FF geek that I am, I took my UMD copy of FFVII:AC down to get it autographieded.
So this is how the conversation goes, like a scrotum here it is in a nut shell:
ME: "Christy Carlson Romano, hello!"
CCR: "Hello! Would you like a generic autograph picture that everyone at this table signs and we hand out to the troops because most troops aren't super huge fans of ours, and they don't know or care enough about us to bother bringing real things for us to autograph??"
What I was doing the entire time this conversation took place:
ME: "No I'm cool, but could you autograph this movie that you did the voices for?"
CCR: "Hey! wow! I totally did do the voices in this and also in kingdom hearts! that's so crazy you knew that!"
ME: "Yeah I'm super bad ass!" (I really said that)
CCR: "o.k.!"
So we proceed to take a picture and she says:
"Did I just catch you staring at my boobs?!"
My response:
"Yes, I'm not even gonna try and deny what I was doing"
"Well, atleast your honest"
"I've found it works out the best when you don't lie about things like that"
She laughs and we get our picture taken and I'll post them as soon as I can get them onto a computer with internet access. Cause it was fucking hilarous.
Just thought I'd share that with you all. Have a great weekend!
