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Resident Evil 5 Demo

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  • #16
    Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

    You see now people say it, it does seem more like an action game as in the demo I was all, “What’s the money for?” and there did seem to be plenty of ammo dropping even though I was running out at various points 

    I just don’t get how you can have a survival horror and not run backwards and what not… you’re fighting for your life, you should be THRUSTING the knife forwards... You’re also trained in martial arts and fire arms yet you stand still while cutting the infected up. It annoyed me …


    • #17
      Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

      PaiPai: Technically, yes, but not really. RE4Wii's controls could've used improvement, but they were very good and very fun most of the time.

      Originally posted by meSchnitzel View Post
      I think its less of a step backwards, and more of a step nowheres....
      Not really. RE4's control scheme is very flawed-- but the Wii controls helped to overcome that. Not so much when you use the same controls, but go back to a controller.

      As far as I care, this is just Capcom killing another great franchise by pumping out sequels without thinking about what people actually like about the game.


      • #18
        Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
        It's not survival horror when ammo and money drop from killing enemies.

        It's not survival horror when you can run around shooting all nilly-willy and not run out of fucking ammo.

        It's not survival horror when the games aren't even scary.

        As far as I'm concerned, RE:0 was the last one.

        Also I hadn't noticed it until you pointed it out but you're right Chris does look weird.
        Except you can't run around while shooting and can run out of ammo.

        Also, Resident Evil 0 sucked ass. Direct prequel to the Gamecube remake and yet not terribly consistent with the RE remake at all. Co-op concept sucked, no crimson heads and a convoluted plot about how Rebecca got separated from the Bravo Team, yet when she gets to the mansion she's helpless and acts like she never saw a zombie yet.

        The remake was brilliant and, I hate to say it, but RE4 was a set in the direction the series needed. There were so many elements creating artificial difficulty and people complained about them. So they steered it more toward action and now people complain its not enough like the ones they were complaining about.

        Cept no one complains about RE2 and before this topic, I'd never seen anyone complain about RE4.

        I blame Chris Redfield.


        • #19
          Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

          RE2 sucked!...... na kidding ^.^

          I will say that RE5s controls are clunky, I wont deny that, but ALL RE games have been clunky, its something I have been used to *shrugs*

          Besides I play RE for the story, and its a good one if you know all the stuff from playing the games.
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #20
            Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

            Originally posted by Kailea View Post
            I will say that RE5s controls are clunky, I wont deny that, but ALL RE games have been clunky,
            So "crappy gameplay" is now a valid part of the design process?


            • #21
              Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

              Originally posted by Feba View Post
              So "crappy gameplay" is now a valid part of the design process?
              Not any less than being a whiny, ungrateful child is now a valid part of being a gamer these days, it seems.

              How I miss the days of the arcade...

              I play RE, I expect the character to move like a tank. If you haven't adapted to the idea in a decade and also half a dozen installments, quit and move on to another series.

              And I guarantee you the moment they remove tank controls, we'll hear a myriad of complaints like Malacite's or the people that were butthurt they improved the controls in Silent Hill: Homecoming.
              Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 01-28-2009, 05:21 AM.


              • #22
                Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

                Because people never bitched about crappy games in arcades.

                Somebody really ought to explain why society is getting worse every single day, when we were so awesome in the past.

                What's that? We even have a word for that?

                Nostalgia?! I thought that was some kind of Italian food!


                • #23
                  Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

                  Originally posted by Feba View Post
                  Because people never bitched about crappy games in arcades.
                  Most people I knew complained about the space Tekken 4 took up on the floor where a better game could have been. And when it was the 80s, we kicked your ass if you touched the Journey arcade game.

                  Somebody really ought to explain why society is getting worse every single day, when we were so awesome in the past.
                  Things were way more awesome before you we born, trust me.

                  Its all your fault.

                  But I still blame Chris Redfield.


                  • #24
                    Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    Things were way more awesome before you we born, trust me.
                    The far easier explanation for this is that I am the universe, and that it was only possible for me to make the past awesome because I wasn't around to suffer through it.

                    You have no idea how awesome it is to know that when I die, I get to take everyone with me.



                    • #25
                      Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      Not any less than being a whiny, ungrateful child is now a valid part of being a gamer these days, it seems.

                      How I miss the days of the arcade...

                      I play RE, I expect the character to move like a tank. If you haven't adapted to the idea in a decade and also half a dozen installments, quit and move on to another series.

                      And I guarantee you the moment they remove tank controls, we'll hear a myriad of complaints like Malacite's or the people that were butthurt they improved the controls in Silent Hill: Homecoming.

                      eh was going to say something... but you said pretty much what I was going to say... but better ;p
                      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                      • #26
                        Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

                        Controls are clunky, which is fine for the most part, but there are times where a little agility would be a life-saver. The clunky controls require just a little bit more planning.

                        Capcom definitely took a step in the right direction with split-screen co-op. They even added co-op elements to the game, which aren't really necessary for a good co-op game.


                        • #27
                          Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post
                          As far as I care, this is just Capcom killing another great franchise by pumping out sequels without thinking about what people actually like about the game.
                          And this wins the thread.

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          And I guarantee you the moment they remove tank controls, we'll hear a myriad of complaints like Malacite's or the people that were butthurt they improved the controls in Silent Hill: Homecoming.
                          Never speak of that PoS game again. Silent Hill 2 was and forever shall be the epitome of Survival Horror. The improved combat controls did make sense but only for that game since you were supposedly an ex-military man. Having great combat controls wouldn't have made sense for 1-4 since they were all just civilians with no formal training at all.

                          That actually makes me think about RE 2 and now Claire likely should have been dead 10x over. Leon at least had graduated from the Academy, but Claire's never held a gun in her life, is still just a kid, and is somehow ready to fight off a horde of zombies? .... wut? I mean it was a great game and I loved it but... @.@ plot holes...

                          Even if you still have to stop moving when you fire, you should still be able to move while aiming and the old, clunky controls weren't so bad (not saying I approved of them just that it was tolerable) in the old games because you rarely had more than 2-3 enemies on screen at once. And if there were, you always had options;

                          If it's zombies, run past 'em they're slow so no need to waste ammo (or in Code Veronica knife 'em since you could knee cap zombies...) If it's something bigger like say a pair of hunters (or anything that's not really safe to run by) just pump a few shotty rounds etc. There was always a way to get around monsters and conserve ammo. The only real exception to this was RE:3 when you're running the hell away from Nemesis. You could try killing him for the weapon upgrade parts but that was almost always more trouble than it was worth.

                          Finally, if you run out of ammo in RE4 or 5... you're doing something wrong.
                          Last edited by Malacite; 01-28-2009, 10:10 AM.

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #28
                            Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            Most people I knew complained about the space Tekken 4 took up on the floor where a better game could have been. And when it was the 80s, we kicked your ass if you touched the Journey arcade game.
                            The Michael Jackson game was so much better anyway.

                            Feba: Are you the LHC?
                            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                            PSN: Caspian


                            • #29
                              Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

                              Just finished playing this with my roommate, despite the controls we had tons of fun. While he did complain, cause he's still playing Dead Space, about the moving and shooting, we got the controls down pretty quick since they are pretty similar to RE4's.

                              We took down the Chainsaw guy pretty easily(easy as hell to kite really), and we didn't bother trying to fight the Executioner when we saw him use his axe to take down a wall, we literally screamed and booked it to the nearest ladder and just killed zombies till the end, was tons of fun honestly. We're definitely buying this when it comes out, playing this with someone else makes it really fun.
                              Cleverness - Hades
                              DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                              • #30
                                Re: Resident Evil 5 Demo

                                Silent Hill: Homecoming o.o

                                lolSilent Hill 2

                                The final boss is... my sick wife doing freaky Tool video spasms.

                                Yeah, that was brilliant.

                                Silent Hill just makes me wonder why I bothered to play them at all. No continuity, just random freaky shit.

                                I'll give Pyramid Head props, but the evil zombie kindergartners in the first game were much more frightening. They were all short and had knives and were naked and evil and coming after you even though you only had like three bullets.

                                RE5 should have just been Sheva, Rebecca and Ada wrestling in a pool of banana pudding. Much better than having to look at Mr. Roid Rage Redfield and probably not getting a Wesker subplot at all.

