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SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

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  • #46
    Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

    Ah. Well, Feebas, that's okay. I do want to play Suikoden and it's difficult to find now without forking over large sums to some guy on Ebay. Unless Sony is planning to put BC back in there, I don't think I'm going to mind overly much. And even if they did, my PS2 is still functioning really well.

    That and gift card + expiration = no. My money.

    And I'd rather buy a Chicken Wrap with the paltry money. Bah on your cheeseburgers.
    "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

    ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


    • #47
      Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

      Lets just hope Europe doesnt get the game in late 2010 ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that'd be hilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarious.

      Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha or lol.
      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


      • #48
        Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

        Originally posted by Telera View Post
        Ah. Well, Feebas, that's okay. I do want to play Suikoden and it's difficult to find now without forking over large sums to some guy on Ebay. Unless Sony is planning to put BC back in there, I don't think I'm going to mind overly much. And even if they did, my PS2 is still functioning really well.
        I am jack's missing $360+.


        • #49
          Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

          Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
          Sorry, I agree with Kitten. It was more than MS throwing money at SE. The FF franchise is huge, SE knows that. The big wigs are thinking "how can we make more money?" and I'm sure someone suggested going cross platform like a lot of games do nowadays. I'm sure the seed was there before MS even entered the picture suggesting it to them. Companies bottom lines are to make money and going cross platform is going to do that. The pittance they'd have to drop to port it over to the 360 will be worth the effort and SE knows that. Did MS sweeten the pot by offering them a larger piece of the pie? Possibly, but I imagine it didn't take much.

          My point was that JRPGs sell like failsauce on the 360 in America. By porting it they're targeting an audience that largely does not care about the genre at all.

          Are they going to make more money by doing this? Probably, increasing the amount of people the game will be available to generally can't hurt profits. But I really doubt those impressive sales from other titles of the same genre were enough incentive for SE to completely develop the game for a console with higher specs and then take a year to make it work on a console with lower specs and far more limited disc space.

          This is where Microsoft gives them all the incentive they need to take a very big exclusive from their competitor.

          Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
          Fyi, its obvious that you are biased Tickmeoff with the way you talk about the 360 and MS. It's hard to have a conversation with someone that can't look at things objectively.

          I have a problem with Microsoft releasing a console with an alarmingly high failure rate and a ridiculous price tag on any peripherals associated with said console. $150 for a 120GB hard drive? No thanks Microsoft, I do not live in the year 1997.

          I own a 360, by the way, because I love JRPGs. I've come to terms with the fact that some day it is going to brick and as long as it happens before the warranty is up that's alright.

          Last edited by Tickmeoff; 01-18-2009, 05:43 AM.

          500 hours in MS paint


          • #50
            Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            $200+ new? Holy fuck. XD

            Used prices are okay, but I think I'd rather have the PS3 and a guaranteed working copy... well I'm sure they're guaranteed from most vendors, but eh. We're getting XIII someday, rite? :p And Versus is exclusive (so far) and I want it more than 'vanilla' XIII. And Kingdom Hearts: <insert some odd nonsensical title here>.

            I also heard that -at least in Japan- there was a downloadable program in the PSN store that let you find people to play with on Phantasy Star Portable so you weren't restricted to just local Ad Hoc, so when PSP comes Stateside in March, I'm hoping we'll get that, too. Beats the hell out of paying for PSU access when they can't even keep the content up to date.

            I bought Genji, actually, and it's fun to play, but I kinda dislike that I can't really grind. Limited power up items makes Tele a sad panda.

            And yeah, my 360 better brick before Warranty is up. I won't be replacing it if it's afterward, Mass Effect trilogy or no.
            "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

            ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


            • #51
              Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

              Originally posted by Tickmeoff View Post
              My point was that JRPGs sell like failsauce on the 360 in America. By porting it they're targeting an audience that largely does not care about the genre at all.

              Are they going to make more money by doing this? Probably, increasing the amount of people the game will be available to generally can't hurt profits. But I really doubt those impressive sales from other titles of the same genre were enough incentive for SE to completely develop the game for a console with higher specs and then take a year to make it work on a console with lower specs and far more limited disc space.

              This is where Microsoft gives them all the incentive they need to take a very big exclusive from their competitor.

              I have a problem with Microsoft releasing a console with an alarmingly high failure rate and a ridiculous price tag on any peripherals associated with said console. $150 for a 120GB hard drive? No thanks Microsoft, I do not live in the year 1997.

              I own a 360, by the way, because I love JRPGs. I've come to terms with the fact that some day it is going to brick and as long as it happens before the warranty is up that's alright.


              the 360 version will not be that dumed down from the PS3 version, and its not like they cant use more then one DL DVD..... many FF games in the past have been on 2-3 disks.

              The 360 started off horrible... and I would be the first to admit I hate Microsoft's BS, but he 360 is a pretty good system, and atleast MS has their @!$% straite about backwards compatibility, unlike Sony -.- I loved MY PSX and PS2... but the PS3 has let me down alot.
              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


              • #52
                Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

                Yeah, that is one thing I'm not understanding. VII, VIII, IX were all multi-disc. Lots of games were. I mean, sure, we're in an era where maybe it shouldn't be as necessary, but I never did mind changing discs. I actually used it to be like 'Ah, a chapter completed'. It felt like it nicely wrapped things up somehow, odd as that sounds.
                "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


                • #53
                  Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

                  Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                  Lets just hope Europe doesnt get the game in late 2010 ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that'd be hilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarious.

                  Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha or lol.
                  Late 2010, your joking Balfree, surely it would be late 2011!! We always get the last straw well err except Austrailia who seem to get it after us!


                  • #54
                    Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

                    Originally posted by Cometgreen View Post
                    I didn't know people still demonized Microsoft. I thought that ended around the new millennium.

                    Really - Have you ever used vista?

                    Oh no, the hate continues....

                    (\ /)
                    ( . . )
                    ...Somebunny loves you....

                    ...That's "Little Washu", Bub....


                    • #55
                      Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

                      Hating MS for Vista I can understand.

                      But its been years since MS entered the console market, the continued resentment there is just a bit childish. Yes, some of the previous incarnations of the 360 broke down, but Sony got nailed with a class-action lawsuit over the exact same thing last gen and they still act like they did no wrong. Hell, rabid fanboys lept to their defense each time the issue came up.

                      MS is in the console business to stay. The fact SE went multi-platform in the first place was because Sony fucked them over on FFXI. Had Sony stood behind the PS2 HDD, SE might have never sought out greener pastures with the PC Market, Nintendo and later the Xbox 360.

                      This was not a move made solely on MS money hats, but also due to the high development costs this generation and the fact that Sony has the lowest market penetration in the next-gen race (and save your semantic bullshit, whoever is planning to write it, Sony is dead last). Why stay exclusive, why insist that SE stay "loyal" when Squaresoft abandoning Nintendo support for the PSX proved their loyalty is to market share and the best possible profit?

                      As much as I like console exclusives this generation has proven its a foolish gamble with the stakes so high and the economy in an unforgiving state. Multi-platform support is not only the smart move, its the right one.

                      Deal with it.


                      • #56
                        Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

                        I really don't care that its multi-platform. I do think microsoft sent some money SE's way to get in on it, thats just how business works. But thats really neither here nor there. I'm irritated thats we're not getting the game for about a year after it debuts in Japan. If its because of it going cross-platform in the states, then yeah, that sucks. If its because SE is just incredibly slow at localizing a game, then that also sucks. I'm unhappy because last year they said they would make worldwide releases the norm. I realize that "the norm" means not all releases but most, but when you think SE you think of two video game franchises and they know it. Yet they didn't say up front that "the norm" didn't apply to their big games. I think even then I figured that it wouldn't apply to FF games, but you hold out hope and its pretty crappy for them to announce that 6 months before they announce the release date of the new FF game only to say it'll be another year and a half before its localized and released in the U.S.

                        My reasons for disliking Microsoft (and I own a 360, its just been in a different time zone for the last two years) has nothing to do with Vista or the console market.
                        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                        PSN: Caspian


                        • #57
                          Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

                          Originally posted by Caspian View Post
                          My reasons for disliking Microsoft (and I own a 360, its just been in a different time zone for the last two years) has nothing to do with Vista or the console market.
                          Same here - I'm an old Apple die-hard from the original Mac days (read 1984)
                          So I hate Microsoft on general prinicples and history

                          Vista was just gravy

                          Or sauce

                          Failsuace maybe


                          (\ /)
                          ( . . )
                          ...Somebunny loves you....

                          ...That's "Little Washu", Bub....


                          • #58
                            Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

                            I don't see what Apple has to do with Xbox 360, Final Fantasy XIII, Playstation or the butthurt about it coming out April of 2010.

                            You want to still be jaded about MS stealing Apple's OS concept. Fine. Apple moved on, found a new market and cut themselves a nice fat slice of it. Now they're a innovative force in mobile devices, too. I want a iPhone, I want an IPod. I'm happy for them and I still like their computers, but I'm done wasting my time on hating MS for something that happened in the 80s.

                            It has nothing to do with them being in the gaming industry, in any way.


                            • #59
                              Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

                              Wait, what the hell is an OS concept?

                              "Hey guys, let's make something that people can use to run programs and shit!"?

                              I mean, for more specialized OS I can understand, but for desktop OS?


                              • #60
                                Re: SE f*** over the western world (yet another reason to hate microsoft!)

                                Originally posted by Feba View Post
                                Wait, what the hell is an OS concept?

                                "Hey guys, let's make something that people can use to run programs and shit!"?

                                I mean, for more specialized OS I can understand, but for desktop OS?
                                The non text driven OS that characterizes pretty much all OS's now. Like how DOS was Microsoft's original OS then moved to a picture and mouse driven OS. There was a movie about it a long time ago about how Gates got he idea from Jobs. Its was kind of a shady deal a long time ago, but like all good ideas it was copied and this is the standard now.
                                (Or did you already know all that and were being sarcastic?)
                                I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                                PSN: Caspian

