Re: Ffxiii: Gameplay! About Goddamn Time.
It'd be cool to play an FF game just once with a more Devil May Cry playstyle.
So far Kingdom Hearts is the closest thing to that but it's still not quite right (and far too kiddy IMO. But I still love the series ^_^)
I'd like to see FFXI's combat tweaked to actually allow proper use of the controller; that is no more auto-attack but manual swings and possibly combos as is standard in action games. Maybe spell combos too >.>, and actually factoring in where you hit and the range of your weapon.
But it'll never happen
It'd be cool to play an FF game just once with a more Devil May Cry playstyle.
So far Kingdom Hearts is the closest thing to that but it's still not quite right (and far too kiddy IMO. But I still love the series ^_^)
I'd like to see FFXI's combat tweaked to actually allow proper use of the controller; that is no more auto-attack but manual swings and possibly combos as is standard in action games. Maybe spell combos too >.>, and actually factoring in where you hit and the range of your weapon.
But it'll never happen
