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Rumor about SE's next MMO...

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  • #61
    Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

    Originally posted by Callisto View Post
    I really don't. I only played FFXI out of being a FF fanboy, I personally do not like MMOs on the whole. When FFXI runs its course I kinda look forward to getting my shit together, sticking to console games for a while, and maybe getting back into shape, lol.
    Well I never ever paid a monthly fee for a game before FFXI. That doesn't mean I didn't play MMO's because I played a plethora of them but I usually alpha/beta tested and got free play sometimes. (Belong to an old geezer group...yadda yadda yadda) When I actually decided to pay for FFXI, there was a collective gasp in my group and at my house. LOL So in a way, I wouldn't mind if they didn't do another FF related MMO for the sake of my pocketbook but, on the other hand, I did enjoy this one enough to pay so one even better would be AWESOME!
    Originally posted by Feba
    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
    Originally posted by Taskmage
    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
    Originally posted by DakAttack
    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


    • #62
      Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

      Originally posted by Kitalrez View Post
      I just won the thread
      Well played, sir.

      500 hours in MS paint


      • #63
        Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

        I don't care what its about or if it is another FF MMO because as long as its as good as FFXI I won't care. FFXI is the best MMORPG I've played because (IMO) it has the most helpful and mature community, its quite complex and it scares off most of the players that ruin the game *cough*WoW*cough* by the difficulty of leveling and mostly being limited to partying. It's not often I play an MMO where you actually NEED the help of others to level (except BST I know) which I have to say I love, I've always loved actually playing a part in defeating monsters with teamwork, you can group together with complete strangers and have an extremely fun time with each other. I used to play WoW but unless I was just on a bad server I've never met such a bunch of unhelpful people, its as if they turn there noses up at anyone lower than them which totally ruined it for me. Ask a question and what do you get? Noob. I personally think square struck gold with this game and even though its not the most successful those who play it usually love it and that's what counts. Such a lengthy first post


        • #64
          Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
          If you mean things like the Treasure Casket gear and Conquest/Imperial Standing/Assault/Campaign, BCNM and NM drops, then I agree. They've made a lot of things gil-free if you just put the effort in toward them. A lot of this stuff - with the exception of particular NMs - are things RMT cannot really exploit for financial advantages over another player.
          Indeed, I do.

          I feel in regards to RMT that SE just underestimates the rate at which these guys actually level thier characters. Its just not human how they do it, but they'll go from 1-75 on a new BLM, THF or WAR with ease, seeing as RMT is a job and, as such, is free of a time limit to play. They just pass the account to someone they work with and the characters keep going, while the rest of us shut down our games to go to work (well, some of us anyway).
          The only real way around this is a real time based (or limited) leveling system. EVE online uses one that is almost entirely time based, with a bit of money involved, where the user leaves their character training 'skills', and only has to log in when they finish to start training the next. Again, I have to recommend that anyone who hasn't tried EVE online do so, because even if it's not terribly fun, it's filled to the brim with interesting ideas.

          The least objectionable way FFXI could implement this would be to store up all of your EXP as you gain it (separate holdings for each job, to keep people from EXPing as BRD and then putting that into Melee#5), and then add it at a certain pace to your that job's total; regardless of whether you're online or not. Something like an IV drip of EXP. This would also have the neat side effect of keeping people from out leveling their parties; although with level caps it's largely irrelevant. Maybe have the pace vary depending on conditions like how much EXP you have built up, how much time you spend on/offline, whether you use an EXP ring, job level, and so on.


          • #65
            Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

            I just want to say that (unless there's a major shift on processor technology) I can't wait to see the PS4 in a few years built with a cluster of overclocked Cells.

            And what does that have to do with RMT or new MMOGs? Like I care. I just want to see a cheaper PS4 for the next generation.

            PS > End the power of gil and item trade and you'll end RMT Star Trek style.
            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • #66
              Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

              Originally posted by Kitalrez View Post
              Your PC is actually less capable than a console? What kind of chip you got in there, a Dorito? *proceeds to hum along to the line: "Wastin' time with all the chatroom yakkers."* It's not that there's no emulator for these systems because they're ridiculously good, its more because they're ridiculously complex at doing basically the same thing as your PC. There are a lot of quad core systems out there which are much more powerful than a 360, but they don't add a few dozen unnecessary steps to handle video or engine information. Triple-core is a non-standard chip design, and ends up needing packets shipped around in a manner that makes it inefficient on any other system.

              You sure you're thinking Ruins of Kunark? I was a Scars of Vellious EQer, and I'm pretty sure the big change was Shadows of Luclin expansion. Kunark was the first expansion, I don't think they changed very much in hardware requirements. Luclin was a brand new engine design and completely new graphical overlays. It's basically what a lot of us were asking for here. Made the game look incredible compared to what it was before, but man did it require a lot in return. As an aside, you could also toggle all the new enhancements on and off, meaning if your system couldn't handle it, you didn't need to use that texture.

              You know, Balfree, I'd have more sympathy for you on your pity party wagon if you weren't completely wrong.

              I seem to remember it being about $100 per 1m gil back during inflation, so basically 3-4 sales gets you enough to buy a console. An RMT operation is probably doing several hundred sales a week, so it's not really anything major for them to invest in a new console. It wouldn't be a particularly large portion of their overall operation, but it wouldn't be a massive expenditure of resources for them, either. They're probably making enough money in a few days of WoW to fund the new department.

              Also, for those of you who are certain consoles are secure, go ahead and search for the articles on modding the current generation of consoles. Look at the dates of those chip-mods or soddering mod articles, compared to the release dates of the console. If I remember correctly, some of them were within 3 months. A chip modification is the same sort of stuff they're teaching in Computer Science and Electronic Engineering departments around the country. It's not some new alien technology, it's the same stuff we use to build everything else, including PCs. If someone has a pretty decent working knowledge of how PC code works, and what kind of architecture it uses and why... it's not rocket science to mod a console in this way. Add a little sodder and wires, so you can reroute certain information through a bare-bones PC structure with your hacks, and you're back in business. Hell, when the original X-box came out, TechTV was running step by step guides on hardware modding the thing on cable television. If you could work a VCR or DVR player, you barely needed any tech knowledge at all.

              If you're going to stop RMT, it's usually better to build an economy that doesn't lend itself well to RMT activity. I think the others pretty much covered that earlier. Tying yourself to one console, though, that's not a good way to stop RMT or promote the longevity of your game. Look at how much trouble the PS2 has caused us here. This game could graphically be a much better game, with more storage, bigger areas, instanced areas, etc. We can't be because the PS2 can't handle most of that, however. You would run into the same issues if you tie yourself to consoles that are out now. Sony and Microsoft are going to redo those consoles again in another 5 years, then where will we be? EQ's upgrade only seemed so major because they waited 3 years to do every single upgrade to the game players had been asking for. We got the bazaar zone where we could finally sell items, loads of graphics, more storage, huge zones, pretty much everything we'd asked for. If they'd spread that out more, releasing a little at a time, they would have lost low end users more slowly, and it wouldn't have felt like a giant expansion abortion.
              do not want 2 read muchs.

              anyway, phooey!

              im never ever ever ever ever ever ever gonna post anything ever again, ever
              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


              • #67
                Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

                This thread really got sidetracked from what is really important: obsessing over SE's next MMO, despite a lack of tangible information, or even a solid promise of more info to come. I've been doing exactly this for such a long time but there's not much else to do till the release (of the game, or for God's sake, just a LITTLE bit of info!).

                I've been hoping for some preview prior to every big event (GDC, e3, even FanFest!) but nothing substantial ever comes forth...

                Perhaps this year's e3 will prove fruitful. It seems like a ripe time for Squeenix to let some more information out. Since FFXIII is nearing completion, and, one hopes, Rapture as well.

                Although it is amusing that there is such a lack of real information on this game that just the mention of scuttlebutt excites people so much.

                On a side note:
                I had put together all the information I could find on Rapture a while back and put it up at Rapture lag.
                Last edited by amusinginquiry; 02-05-2009, 05:01 PM.


                • #68
                  Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

                  SEs next MMO, oh well I know what it is, I did some snooping....

                  Its going to be called......

                  Mithra Extreme Valkurm Volleyball
                  Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                  • #69
                    Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

                    Ya the skuttle is that more info will be given at E3 this year. *crosses fingers*
                    Originally posted by Feba
                    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                    Originally posted by DakAttack
                    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                    • #70
                      Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

                      I take it I'll see you all in the new MMO on launch day?


                      • #71
                        Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

                        Originally posted by Fliegar View Post
                        I take it I'll see you all in the new MMO on launch day?

                        depends on how its made, what type of MMO it is, and if it has catgirls in it or not ;p

                        I will at least give it its 30day free trial though
                        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                        • #72
                          Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

                          Originally posted by Fliegar View Post
                          I take it I'll see you all in the new MMO on launch day?
                          Well I'll be beta testing that's for sure, based on that we'll see.
                          Originally posted by Feba
                          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                          Originally posted by DakAttack
                          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                          • #73
                            Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

                            I've loved SE since I was 6, so I'll play almost anything they make at least once.


                            • #74
                              Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

                              i have a feeling it won't be better than FFXI. This game is far from dead, if anything from what i've seen it has become more popular in Q4 2008 and jan 09.

                              I went to 4 different gaming stores today and all the 2008 collection packs were sold out, i luckily grabbed the last copy from the 5th store lol.


                              • #75
                                Re: Rumor about SE's next MMO...

                                Originally posted by Rekuja View Post
                                i have a feeling it won't be better than FFXI. This game is far from dead
                                I've found that things are really only "dead" when someone wants you to buy the newer things that aren't selling all that well.

