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Peta has a game for you!

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  • Re: Peta has a game for you!

    You have it rough BBQ, you have it rough.

    *eats his pizza*
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • Re: Peta has a game for you!

      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
      But plenty of other cultures worldwide can and do eat meat. Maybe in moderation and not as excessively as we do, though.
      Like I said, mostly very light on meat if they do eat it. Look especially at the bottom (wealth-wise) %50-60 or so of the population.

      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
      But as Balfree said earlier, if we only did what was needed, life wouldn't be terribly interesting.
      Yep, and as I've said three or four times now, being needless doesn't make something bad.

      BBQ, about your personal problems, that sucks. I am not a medical professional or nutritionist. However, I am sure that other ways could be found for the few people that do have those sorts of issues.


      • Re: Peta has a game for you!


        [ame=]YouTube - Vegan Video[/ame]
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • Re: Peta has a game for you!

          Yeah, I've never really used the whole 'our bodies aren't made to eat meat', because like has been discussed there are some nutrients which we don't get from vegetables. Whether this is something that eons of cooking and eating meat has brought us, or if there's some source of it we used to eat but which has been long forgotten, I dunno. There are a few signs that we're omnivorous creatures, from a natural perspective. That doesn't mean we can't be herbivores out of practicality, though.


          • Re: Peta has a game for you!

            Even if we are supposed to be herbivores, its not like we're eating meat that just died 5 seconds ago (is raw) or that's been lying in the sun there for days or is carrying disease (heh... maybe). We cook the food which not only kills some bacteria but also makes it easier to digest and we can expel that food out of our bodies if we take care of other important factors such as fiber and proper dosages.

            At least that's what I think.
            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


            • Re: Peta has a game for you!

              To be honest I've never really seen a compelling argument that it's one of our instincts to eat meat, any more that it was in our instincts to figure out math, physics, or electricity. Who's to say we didn't simply use our ability to reason and figured that out?

              Now don't go and take that out of context, I'm not trying to use that as a pro-vegetarianism/anti-meat-eating argument; it's highly irrelevant. It's just a thought. I mostly point it out because I've never really experienced any urge to eat meat. If it were an instinct, wouldn't I get the urge and have to make a conscious decision to fight it?


              • Re: Peta has a game for you!

                I guess people are different? :p

                I wouldn't call it an instinct either though. Right now I'm eating a delicious chicken breast, I'm eating it because its apparently good food for after a workout ... but more because its DELICIOUS *munch*

                And I like delicious things, I should add.
                Last edited by Balfree; 11-20-2008, 01:00 PM.
                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                • Re: Peta has a game for you!

                  I just had some awesome chicken for dinner.

                  So we are in agreement: Delicious food is delicious because it is delicious.

                  Although there was something fucked up with the shrimp. They had like ingrown tails.


                  • Re: Peta has a game for you!

                    And a shit vein running down their spine! *shudders* I could never eat breaded shrimp......I never knew if that vein was there or not.
                    Originally posted by Feba
                    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                    Originally posted by DakAttack
                    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                    • Re: Peta has a game for you!

                      Well, I go to McDonalds occasionally, so I've grown accustomed to eating shit.


                      • Re: Peta has a game for you!

                        Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
                        And a shit vein running down their spine! *shudders* I could never eat breaded shrimp......I never knew if that vein was there or not.
                        a) Properly prepared shrimp has the vein removed.
                        b) randomly picking a few and removing the breading to see if the vein is there should let you know if 'A' is true.

                        /prefers non-breaded shrimp dipped in hot butter.
                        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                        • Re: Peta has a game for you!

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post
                          Although there was something fucked up with the shrimp. They had like ingrown tails.
                          You live in Kansas. My personal rule is to not eat seafood unless I can see where it lived.
                          Was in Seattle a few years back and had a salmon filet that was incredible. Decided to get one at a nice restaurant here in town after I got back and it was absolutely abysmal.
                          You can be surprised and and find good seafood in landlocked areas, but I haven't found anywhere that is consistent.

                          Its the same with fish, TGM. If it hasn't been deboned then that vein is just below the spine until you clean it out. Like they said, its supposed to be cleaned out, but not everyone does it.
                          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                          PSN: Caspian


                          • Re: Peta has a game for you!

                            Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                            a) Properly prepared shrimp has the vein removed.
                            The only time its properly done is when I do it. Most shrimp are mechanically de-shitted and its not reliable.

                            Originally posted by Caspian View Post
                            You live in Kansas. My personal rule is to not eat seafood unless I can see where it lived.
                            Was in Seattle a few years back and had a salmon filet that was incredible. Decided to get one at a nice restaurant here in town after I got back and it was absolutely abysmal.
                            You can be surprised and and find good seafood in landlocked areas, but I haven't found anywhere that is consistent.
                            Ya I live in Wisconsin and freshwater fish is no problem but any type of seafood, not the best around here. When you say that Red Lobster is the best you can get, thats a sad statement indeed. When I went to stay in Seattle I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Friends that I had out there laughed at me at first, but they quickly got tired of my endless pursuit of seafood. LOL I was like a kid in a candy story flitting from one thing to the next and constantly on the move. Pike's Place was nirvana! And then I had to come back was like being put in a frickin dungeon. I'd move to Seattle in a heartbeat if I could.
                            Originally posted by Feba
                            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                            Originally posted by DakAttack
                            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                            • Re: Peta has a game for you!

                              They don't need to be de-veined for it to be "healthy", in fact it is a southern thing to not remove the "vein", its just better to remove it. Some animals if you put them in a salt bath before cooking they expel their bowels, crayfish do this.

                              As for vegetarianism... that video left out omnivores, we're not the only ones. The world isn't divided into just herbivores and carnivores. Raw meat in fact can be eaten, some subcultures do in fact do it, its just not the wisest thing to do with regard to bacteria and parasites. We also lack the digestive enzymes to break down starches effectively like herbivores do... blah blah blah. I'm really tired of misinformation, people seem to love learning it and spreading it.

                              Interesting fact about crayfish #2!: If you buy them frozen and thaw them they can come back to life!
                              Last edited by DieselBoy09; 11-21-2008, 04:23 PM.
                              Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


                              • Re: Peta has a game for you!

                                Well, Balfree, that would basically eliminate every sort of seafood there is from my menu. Most of it around here isn't bad at all; and there's this frozen food company that has awesome salmon.

