Nintendo’s Storage Solution: Better Than HDD, Expected Soon - WiiWare World
Apparently this has actually been floating around for almost a week, but better late than never; and it deserves its' own thread.
Anyone up for some speculation on what could be 'better than a hard drive'? I doubt it's online storage, considering that we basically already have that through the Wii Shop channel. COULD be that, but allowing you to leave them on your Wii Channels menu to minimize the hassle wouldn't be much of an improvement, and hardly 'better than a hard drive'.
I had thought of custom disks; pressing the games people have on Wii Shop to a DVD and shipping it to them; but that might have problems with Saves (I haven't personally used the Virtual Console, but as I understand it it DOES allow save states). It's also not really better than a hard drive and would lead to problems with piracy (although TGM would eat it up, I'm sure.)
Allowing people to use the SD card slot doesn't really strike me as being 'better than a hard drive' in any department except aesthetics and price (price I mean from "lowest possible price point", not "lowest price per gigabyte"). Plus, from what I can see, the Wii only supports SD cards up to 2GB. ( | Nintendo - Customer Service | Wii - SD Cards ) That's only four times the memory the Wii has built in; hardly better than a hard drive. And considering that the entire problem is the PITA that is swapping stuff from an SD card to the Wii Menu, I highly doubt people would be very happy when they have to start swapping SD cards out physically.
There is that whole 'holographic media' thing Nintendo is involved with, but I think bringing it in on the Wii would be crazy. Plus I don't think Nintendo really wants a repeat of the N64DD.
What could possibly be better than a hard drive?
although to be fair to streaming games, I would love an arcade channel.
Toss up some free games and demos every week to get people interested. Have some addictive games that are ALWAYS free, with high score boards (A basic version of Tetris, an addictive shooter along the lines of Space Invaders Extreme or Rez, some light gun style game, etc.) to keep people coming back.
But that's more in the "Wii/WiiWare/VC demos, dammit!" category than the 'storage space plz' one.
Apparently this has actually been floating around for almost a week, but better late than never; and it deserves its' own thread.
Anyone up for some speculation on what could be 'better than a hard drive'? I doubt it's online storage, considering that we basically already have that through the Wii Shop channel. COULD be that, but allowing you to leave them on your Wii Channels menu to minimize the hassle wouldn't be much of an improvement, and hardly 'better than a hard drive'.
I had thought of custom disks; pressing the games people have on Wii Shop to a DVD and shipping it to them; but that might have problems with Saves (I haven't personally used the Virtual Console, but as I understand it it DOES allow save states). It's also not really better than a hard drive and would lead to problems with piracy (although TGM would eat it up, I'm sure.)
Allowing people to use the SD card slot doesn't really strike me as being 'better than a hard drive' in any department except aesthetics and price (price I mean from "lowest possible price point", not "lowest price per gigabyte"). Plus, from what I can see, the Wii only supports SD cards up to 2GB. ( | Nintendo - Customer Service | Wii - SD Cards ) That's only four times the memory the Wii has built in; hardly better than a hard drive. And considering that the entire problem is the PITA that is swapping stuff from an SD card to the Wii Menu, I highly doubt people would be very happy when they have to start swapping SD cards out physically.
There is that whole 'holographic media' thing Nintendo is involved with, but I think bringing it in on the Wii would be crazy. Plus I don't think Nintendo really wants a repeat of the N64DD.
What could possibly be better than a hard drive?
although to be fair to streaming games, I would love an arcade channel.
Toss up some free games and demos every week to get people interested. Have some addictive games that are ALWAYS free, with high score boards (A basic version of Tetris, an addictive shooter along the lines of Space Invaders Extreme or Rez, some light gun style game, etc.) to keep people coming back.
But that's more in the "Wii/WiiWare/VC demos, dammit!" category than the 'storage space plz' one.