Ubidays 08: Raving Prince, Assassin and Fischer Rabbids

Ubisoft handed out packs of these four Raving Rabbids at this year's Ubidays. I'm not a huge schwag fan myself, but these managed to melt even my cold heart. And yes, we're sorry Ubisoft, turns out Sam Fischer did make an appearance at your show.

I want the black one and the pirate! Awwwww come on Ubi! Make them for the masses!

Ubisoft handed out packs of these four Raving Rabbids at this year's Ubidays. I'm not a huge schwag fan myself, but these managed to melt even my cold heart. And yes, we're sorry Ubisoft, turns out Sam Fischer did make an appearance at your show.

I want the black one and the pirate! Awwwww come on Ubi! Make them for the masses!