I ws looking over the E3 news and two MMOs were either confirmed or revealed.
First one I had heard rumors of and its awesomely true - Bioware is doing a KOTOR MMORPG. So this time, we might actually have a good Star Wars MMO out there. I loved to KOTOR games and this could be a great MMO if they handle it properly.
If they stay true to how the Jedi and Sith operate, that would be quite interesting. Still, I just want to be a Han Solo type. Force-shmorce. I just want to blast things and rob freighters in my spiffy space ship.
The other MMO is DC Universe Online. Its just all kinds of geeky goodness. It should be interesting to see how they differentiate this from City of Heros. Sounds like you can create a hero or villian, explore Gotham, Metropolis and other locales in the DC Universe. If I could become a Green Lantern, that would be cool.
Only point of concern is that is PS3 only. SE learned from this error, I hope they will too. That and the Joker model is hideous, they need to fix him.
First one I had heard rumors of and its awesomely true - Bioware is doing a KOTOR MMORPG. So this time, we might actually have a good Star Wars MMO out there. I loved to KOTOR games and this could be a great MMO if they handle it properly.
If they stay true to how the Jedi and Sith operate, that would be quite interesting. Still, I just want to be a Han Solo type. Force-shmorce. I just want to blast things and rob freighters in my spiffy space ship.
The other MMO is DC Universe Online. Its just all kinds of geeky goodness. It should be interesting to see how they differentiate this from City of Heros. Sounds like you can create a hero or villian, explore Gotham, Metropolis and other locales in the DC Universe. If I could become a Green Lantern, that would be cool.
Only point of concern is that is PS3 only. SE learned from this error, I hope they will too. That and the Joker model is hideous, they need to fix him.