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Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

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  • #16
    Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

    I just hope they don't have different content on each platform's version, I really don't want to have to invest the time and money to play through the same FF game twice, in terms of a console FF that's a huge chunk of time and not like I don't already spend enough time on FF.
    Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

    Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

    Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


    • #17
      Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

      Originally posted by Feba View Post
      Yeah. That's not at all like FF10 or 12.
      Fair enough.

      Didnt play FF12 too much, and FF10 while a good game, doesnt stand out as much, guess why that's why I said that.

      The FF8 look to this new game appeals to me, I must say.
      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


      • #18
        Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

        Originally posted by Ziero View Post

        I'm tired of trench coats and gun-fights and high tech junk in FF.
        Only other trench coats I remember in a FF game previously were Irvine and Seifer in FFVIII. No others til now.

        Guns and high tech stuff have pretty much always been in every FF game. Since FFIV, there's pretty much always been very high tech kinda stuff. Fantasy meets industry/technology has mostly been what set FF apart from so many RPGs.

        FFVII and FFVIII have the distinction of being the most modern settings of the franchise, while all others skew to kingdoms and fantasy.

        Finally, to date, this actually looks like the only futuristic Final Fantasy ever, I'm sure the moogles, chocobos, airships, Tonberries, Malaboros and Bombs will find thier way in somehow. They've got crystals and this is actually the first time a Kitase/Nomura Final Fantasy has just called them that or didn't ignore that theme.


        • #19
          Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

          That video makes me wish I could afford a PS3...
          Originally posted by Ellipses
          Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
          Originally posted by MCLV
          A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
          More Sig:


          • #20
            Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

            Why do I get the feeling the 360 will have an install disc and a play disc...

            Saw the vid when it first came out allong with the 360 news, no one seemed to notice it then lol.


            • #21
              Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              Only other trench coats I remember in a FF game previously were Irvine and Seifer in FFVIII. No others til now.

              Guns and high tech stuff have pretty much always been in every FF game. Since FFIV, there's pretty much always been very high tech kinda stuff. Fantasy meets industry/technology has mostly been what set FF apart from so many RPGs.

              FFVII and FFVIII have the distinction of being the most modern settings of the franchise, while all others skew to kingdoms and fantasy.

              Finally, to date, this actually looks like the only futuristic Final Fantasy ever, I'm sure the moogles, chocobos, airships, Tonberries, Malaboros and Bombs will find thier way in somehow. They've got crystals and this is actually the first time a Kitase/Nomura Final Fantasy has just called them that or didn't ignore that theme.
              How can you say FFVII and FFVIII were "modern" but not futuristic? And while guns and tech have been a part of the FF series since the start (and it's certainly not something unique to FF), there's a big difference between the amount of tech in VI and the tech in XII.

              And while I was a bit generic about "trench coats", ever since VII (excluding IX and XI) it's been all about the jpop-ish fashion on main characters, which I was never a fan of.

              Maybe it's not something specific, but for the past few FFs past 7 the only ones I liked were IX and XI. And it looks like this one will follow suit.
              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


              • #22
                Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

                I do hope they keep giving us new games that while similar in their atmospheres and settings, always manage to be original and new.

                FF12 may have been high-tech and sexy but it had a medieval look to it as well.
                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                • #23
                  Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

                  Somewhere on the internets, someone is Rule 34ing the recent SE fetish for zippers.

                  I like the designs, to be honest. KH2, Advent Children, Crisis Core, and now Versus.

                  I don't see what the big stink is. If you don't like the way it looks, just don't play it.
                  The Tao of Ren
                  FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                  If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                  Originally posted by Kaeko
                  As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                  • #24
                    Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

                    Ok , while some don't care or give two shites... Some people are saddened by the PS3/360 dual release. This is for a few reasons.

                    The PS3 is struggling to have anything unique to it to draw people to buy a PS3 for more than just it's Blu-Ray. This game was what Sony was planning to use as a catapult to sell systems and promote the capabilities of the PS3. Now that it will be dual-released the major fear is that FF13 will fall victim to the same design flaws that are apparant in the current Dual system games.

                    The major flaw I speak of is that developers, in respect to making more money and not worrying about improvement, build a game to 360 specs and leave it as is. They change the format to work on the PS3, but fail to vamp it up abit since the PS3 can process more with increased efficiency. For the most part this would only hone the graphics and visuals, but it could also allow for smoother gameplay, deeper mechanics, or w/e the developer felt was appopriate.

                    While I agree that changeing a game too much between systems can be frustrating, I would simply play the enhanced PS3 version and be done with it. This is not the case, however, with current games. As some gamers know, Crysis will be "Dumbed" down and released on both the PS3 and 360 systems. From what has been released about it, though, it will be the exact same mechanics, visuals, etc. This is a prime example of ignoring the PS3 capabilities. This is what is "killing" the PS3. Sony has talked about all the potential of the system, but without proof that it can do those things people refuse to believe it. Why play it on the PS3 if you have to "Download" it before you play, which can take 30 minutes or more, when you can play it with a less than a minute update from Xbox and play it immeditely with the 360.

                    The only thing keeping the PS3 afloat is Blu-Ray imo, and with them losing the "Exclusives" that would have guranteed more console sales / interest Sony is going to have an even harder time then they have already been having adjusting.

                    I own a PS3 and I'm not impressed and more often then not I'm on a different system. I probably only have about 100 horus invested in it total and I've had it for 7 months. Whereas I have much more in the other systems I own. I know I'm not the only one in this predicament and I understand not everyone can afford both so they only have one, but it still is frustrating.

                    The arguement that it's better so that "more" can play it, to me, is a statement I have agreed with, but also disagreed with. If you own a SAAB any problems or beneifts from it you enjoy, appreciate, or learn to despise. Complaining or exalting these thigns should not suddenly be downcast by the owner of an older/not as "efficient" of a vehicle. I own a 1991 Chevy Lumina w/ 250k miles. I understand the problems of "Newer" vehicles and I find it annoying sometimes when my car is having problems to hear the problems of those updated models, but it still should be taken just as seriously. It may not be the best comparison, but I'm ranting so I'll stop. lol ^^
                    Life is all about decisions. It is the decisions you make in life that shape you.


                    • #25
                      Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

                      Originally posted by Temagori View Post
                      This game was what Sony was planning to use as a catapult to sell systems and promote the capabilities of the PS3.
                      And it's really not going to help them in anything but the short term. GTA4 didn't help console sales very much, nor did MGS4.

                      Originally posted by Temagori View Post
                      Sony has talked about all the potential of the system, but without proof that it can do those things people refuse to believe it.
                      The console's "Potential" is irrelevant, and silly marketing. Why the hell should I care about what a console CAN do, if nobody is DOING it? Very few consoles will ever live up to their potential, especially until after they've been out a few years (compare early PS2 games to Shadow of the Colossus for instance). If Sony doesn't feel like the PS3 is living up to its potential, THEY SHOULD GO MAKE GAMES FOR IT THAT DO instead of bitching about MS throwing gobs of cash at third parties.

                      Originally posted by Temagori View Post
                      The major flaw I speak of is that developers, in respect to making more money and not worrying about improvement, build a game to 360 specs and leave it as is.
                      As has been mentioned, FF13 has been developed from the PS3 from the start, so it's rather unlikely SE will scrap all that work; considering that would actually probably take MORE effort.

                      And either way, there is more to a game than how large the disk is. In terms of content, Persona 3: FES packs a huge amount into a single disk; and it's a PS2 game. Shadow of the Colossus has incredible graphics, and is also a PS2 game. There are tons of fun Wii games. Last generation, the Gamecube had a smaller disk size as well, and also still had plenty of good looking games (RE4, for example)

                      SE is hardly new to multidisk games, and it wouldn't be too surprising to see them do that either.

                      And frankly:

                      Originally posted by Temagori View Post
                      The PS3 is struggling to have anything unique to it to draw people to buy a PS3 for more than just it's Blu-Ray.
                      Is exactly why SE should be wary of making FF13 PS3 exclusive. MGS4 didn't draw a crowd, Resistance and Rachet didn't draw crowds, for all of the PS3 exclusives, the console does not really gain many buyers. The idea that FF13 was going to be some magic bullet, but no other game, is silly. The idea that FF13 would be better flopping on the PS3 than having a successful cross-platform release is pure fanboism.


                      • #26
                        Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

                        Originally posted by Febas
                        Originally Posted by Temagori
                        Sony has talked about all the potential of the system, but without proof that it can do those things people refuse to believe it.

                        The console's "Potential" is irrelevant, and silly marketing. Why the hell should I care about what a console CAN do, if nobody is DOING it? Very few consoles will ever live up to their potential, especially until after they've been out a few years (compare early PS2 games to Shadow of the Colossus for instance). If Sony doesn't feel like the PS3 is living up to its potential, THEY SHOULD GO MAKE GAMES FOR IT THAT DO instead of bitching about MS throwing gobs of cash at third parties.
                        You just kinda agreed with what I said so I don't see the need for a mention if it..., but yes. I get annoyed with it, but there isn't much that can be done about it. Hence why I mentioned I was ranting...

                        Now I never said there weren't ANY games that were good on PS3, but 99% of them are on 360 as well. While I agree that some of the Exclusives on PS3 "flopped", at least where I live, everyone and their dog hails MGS4.

                        I'm just one of the people who wish my PS3 was able to be put to use more often. I don't only play the "Hit" games, but I'm an avid FF fan so I was looking forward to this being my "gem" for my PS3. Now I just hope that the fact that there was development for the PS3 before 360 wasn't just from creating the engine used for it.
                        Life is all about decisions. It is the decisions you make in life that shape you.


                        • #27
                          Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

                          Originally posted by Temagori View Post
                          , but I'm an avid FF fan so I was looking forward to this being my "gem" for my PS3.
                          And why the hell can't it be? I have wii games that are basically PS2 ports (Hell, one of them is a DS port!) and they're still very fun.

                          If you're buying games based on what your friends will think of you, you have some pretty big problems.


                          • #28
                            Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

                            We've only begun to see what the PS3 can do, while the 360 has basically flaunted most or all of it's power by now.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #29
                              Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

                              Looks like totally cool new game thanks for the video. I love the trains and there is a few spin offs like with FFVII and FFXII so the story will be really fleshed out. So complicated an issue about the "other" machine, but the bottom line is that most the people I know got the PS3 cause we "knew" they would never put a Final Fantasy on the 360. Oh well at least I can watch my blue ray movies and play all my old FF games. This the 360 will never have and I do not see the consumer base of that console rushing out buy it nor those sales making that big a difference in the profits of the franchise.

                              Anyways I do not know what the 360 guys are going to play there copy of the game on after the warranty runs out and they cant return their machines with the red ring for the 3rd or 4th time.

                              "Square Music for a Round World"
                              Final Fantasy Radio


                              • #30
                                Re: Speaking of FFXIII, have you seen the new trailer?

                                Originally posted by tebian View Post
                                the bottom line is that most the people I know got the PS3 cause we "knew" they would never put a Final Fantasy on the 360.
                                Well, there's two problems with that. First of all, the game isn't out yet, and buying the console ahead of time (with price drops, hardware revisions, and so on as they are) is just plain stupid. Second of all, there is already a Final Fantasy on the 360, AND YOU PLAY IT.

                                SE has been crossplatform for a very long time. If you want to play a game, buy the console it is on, or beg for a port.

