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This has got to be the single most offensive plotline I've ever seen. Also hilarious.

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  • #16
    Re: This has got to be the single most offensive plotline I've ever seen. Also hilari

    Sad it's so close to the real thing isn't it.

    I just hope the kid remembered to thank his aunt for her time with a nice gift. Like, cash.

    PS > Is it just me or this game becomes more awesome the more you think about it? And they were scared of too much skin showing on SCIV...
    Last edited by Raydeus; 05-23-2008, 10:28 AM.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #17
      Re: This has got to be the single most offensive plotline I've ever seen. Also hilari

      Okay, definitely one of the funniest things I've seen in awhile! Drugs, sex, child trafficking, border hopping... Though all implied, it makes for a hell of a game.. And hey, you learn Spanish to boot!


      • #18
        Re: This has got to be the single most offensive plotline I've ever seen. Also hilari

        DOT..........BIG DOT.................HUGE F'IN DOT!

        Good god, is this for real!?

        Ok....let's see....

        In stereotypical fashion, the young ethnic lad can't afford a DS so he borrows his friend's DS and steals it. (Accidentally...uh huh.) The ethnic boy jumps into a big blue limo that speeds off with a few police cars chasing it...... And the young boy wants to go after them! I'm thinking {Run away!} Then the young man's aunt comes along and kidnaps him and takes him to get the just dropping him off and leaving him in a foreign country. Oooook. (Let's clarify that this boy is as white as they come and can't speak Spanish, so Mexico is NOT his country of origin!) Then she tells him to ride in the back of a beaten old pickup.......with a bull......that talks.....and is going to teach him Spanish. The bull is multi-lingual. *getting a headache* "I must now fight in the coliseum of man against the evil red devil.... "What insane adventure awaits our hero next..." INDEED! So the bull drops him off in a ghost town and someone he knows just happens to be there! Now this person he knows named Juan (who we later find out is his "uncle") is an "exporter" to the US and he has business in Ensenada so get in my jeep little boy and I'll protect you..... So "uncle" Juan delivers him to a huge house and then tells him to go inside ALONE and he'll stay in the car. He also tells him that he can't get him home and the young man says thats ok cause he'll find his own way home....from Mexico....on his own.... He confronts the ethnic young man that answers the door holding his DS and says "I need my DS back, its worth that much to me!" Ok...seriously....with todays gas prices...I'm thinking he could have bought a new one! So the young man has his DS now and leaves to WALK HOME. Ya...walk....from Mexico.... But he sees a package left for him by his "uncle" Juan.....full of "puffy dolls" with a note that says "Nice seeing you Shawn. I've left a plane ticket in the box. I'd be really grateful if you would deliver the remainder of this package to...." OH COME ON!! The guy is an "exporter" and wtf is a "puffy doll" and why can't he deliver it himself! Oh ya, underage kids don't go to jail for the rest of their lives....silly me... How's the kid getting to the airport and where the f**k is the airport!!? And when he looks at the tickets, is he going home!!? OH HELL NO! He's going to France! You know his parents always did want him to travel the world..............though I think they meant when he was an adult......

        I know this HAS to be aimed at a younger crowd but still....seriously....couldn't they come up with a better story than that??
        Originally posted by Feba
        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
        Originally posted by Taskmage
        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
        Originally posted by DakAttack
        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


        • #19
          Re: This has got to be the single most offensive plotline I've ever seen. Also hilari

          Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
          (who we later find out
          Actually, in their first encounter, he calls him "Tio Juan"; tio meaning uncle.

          But yeah. That's pretty much exactly it.

