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Video games you'd like to see

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  • Video games you'd like to see

    Title, obvious, post, etc.

    Shenmue Wii - Wii, for one reason: Pointing. That would be such a huge help in Shenmue. Also, if you're going to finish the series (which really freaking needs to be done), you might as well redo the entire thing, given it's age. Also, by putting it on the Wii, the arcade/games could be linked to the Virtual Console (like how Smash Bros. did it, but less transparent), to increase their library, or just encourage people to buy VC games. Also, WiiConnect24/NintendoWFC could be used for the features that Passport used to do before the dreamcast died. Putting it all in a single game would also give people more time to screw around in various areas, and allow them to go back and forth, instead of having it be so linear, and killing the player off for taking too long to get on a boat. On the bright side, I've heard multiple rumours about this, the latest being some swedish magazine talking about it.

    Battle Royale (as in, the movie where a bunch of school kids have to kill each other) - This would just be so damn awesome. Hell, just take Kojima Productions, and have them make this; MGS would fit this so well you could practically skin it, add danger zones, and slap a battle royale logo on it. The online mode would be epic. Customizable characters could also make it very interesting.

    My Japanese Coach - Anyone who has played the My * Coach games knows what I'm talking about. It's the main language I'm interested in learning right now, so it would be nice. I'd also like to see more educational games in general-- it's a really bare market if you're not buying them for a 6 year old. ESRB rated!
    Last edited by Feba; 07-07-2008, 08:42 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Video games you'd like to see

    Yeah I personally own the My Spanish Coach game/tutor and I like it. I won't lie I kinda forgot about it from playing Rondo Of Swords, but I would pay for the Japanese Coach in a heartbeat.

    I would absolutely love to see a Dynasty Warriors-esque game that used the concepts and character development etc, but with absolutely nothing to do with the Chinese History. I understand that there was a war blah blah ok been there done that. let's move on.

    I would like to see some games become MMO style, but I play FFXi so one MMO is enough atm lol.

    I would enjoy a SE version of Super Smash Brothers. Characters like in Ergheiz(Sp?) Cloud, Sephiroth, etc
    Life is all about decisions. It is the decisions you make in life that shape you.


    • #3
      Re: Video games you'd like to see

      What about that Dynasty Warriors game that used Gundams?


      • #4
        Re: Video games you'd like to see

        It was decent I won't lie. But I meant more on the physical warrior aspect and not the Mecha side.
        Life is all about decisions. It is the decisions you make in life that shape you.


        • #5
          Re: Video games you'd like to see

          If we are talking about giant robots then there's nothing I'd want more than a Zone of the Enders for the PS3.

          Another game I'd like to see is a Action/mecha/RTS/RPG game based on Code Geass (japanese dialog with subtitles of course).

          And remakes of Half Life (hopefully it will be done soon), Max Payne, Farenheit - Indigo Prophecy, Star Trek Armada, FFXI, Castlevania , Bionic Commando, (all NES games in 2D with HD sprites).

          Aaaand a Matrix game or mod using the Max Payne remake engine. (It's so sad the only decent Matrix game ever was a Max Payne mod -_-; )
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • #6
            Re: Video games you'd like to see

            I'd like to see a good Batman game, for once. Something in the vein of GTA, but keeping with the morality of the character and an equal emphasis between detective work and action. Live the life of Bruce Wayne during the day, maintaining Wayne Industries and using your resourses there and in the Batcave to research and fight crime. Have contacts with Commisioner Gordon and the Oracle.

            Superhero games tend to get fucked up so bad and lose thier flavor in the process. The early Spiderman games on Playstation were more in the spirit of the comics, not so much the more recent entries.


            • #7
              Re: Video games you'd like to see

              Fully 3D (not shitty cell shading) remakes of the old Mega Man games with interactive controls and environments, either on Wii (for the screwy controls) or PS3 (for sheer graphical awesome)

              Fighting Crash Man for example in Full 3D would just be epic...

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #8
                Re: Video games you'd like to see

                Full Crystalis Remake on the Wii. Or 360. Either/or I don't care which. My life would then be utterly complete.

                Oh, and for the DQ5 remake to actually see the light of day State-side this time. Yeah.
                "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


                • #9
                  Re: Video games you'd like to see

                  Mega Man Legends 3.


                  • #10
                    Re: Video games you'd like to see

                    Originally posted by Telera View Post
                    Oh, and for the DQ5 remake to actually see the light of day State-side this time. Yeah.
                    Its already been confirmed for US release, last I checked.


                    • #11
                      Re: Video games you'd like to see

                      LOVE the new avatar dude. Zero ftw

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #12
                        Re: Video games you'd like to see

                        You know, I once heard Game Freak, et al., were working on titles "DuskGold" and "DawnSilver" for the DS. Do want.

                        Fan fact: Goldenrod City's music and the Bike music were the same in the 2nd Generation games, with the obvious exceptions of pitch and tempo.
                        Originally posted by Armando
                        No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                        Originally posted by Armando
                        Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA


                        GOD IS AMBIVALENT ABOUT FURRIES

                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                        Matthew 16:15


                        • #13
                          Re: Video games you'd like to see

                          Golden Sun 3. Preferably DS, but Wii would be cool too.

                          500 hours in MS paint


                          • #14
                            Re: Video games you'd like to see

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            Its already been confirmed for US release, last I checked.
                            That's the best news I've heard in years.
                            "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                            ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


                            • #15
                              Re: Video games you'd like to see

                              Monster Farm Online in English.

