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South Florida man sues IGE over goldfarming in WoW

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  • #16
    Re: South Florida man sues IGE over goldfarming in WoW

    Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
    Am I the only one feeling the deja vu here? I mean, even this thread so far just seems too familiar, right down to the diction used by the posters.
    I completely agree.
    I know I saw a thread like this a year ago, had to be before May 07, but after Sept 06 though. Even with the whole Florida Man sues IGE part, yet I don't see anything on search or threads I have subscribed.
    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


    • #17
      Re: South Florida man sues IGE over goldfarming in WoW

      Yeah its the same person/suit that was announced late 06 or early 07. i think they just took some time after they announced the suit to research it more.

      Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


      • #18
        Re: South Florida man sues IGE over goldfarming in WoW

        Originally posted by Malevolent View Post
        Ironically enough, with the legal system the way it is now, he might be better off suing Blizzard for failing to take appropriate action to stop this sort of thing, after all, the ‘A’ in EULA stands for agreement, which means that it is a deal between both sides of the party, if you agree not to farm Gold, then Blizzard are agreeing that you should not have to suffer for the actions of Gold Farmers, if you keep up your end of the deal, then Blizzard might well be liable for upholding theirs.
        As long as Blizzard is banning the farmers when they catch them then there is nothing that can be done to them. They're still providing a service in keeping their game as clean as they can but your enjoyment isn't gaurenteed in the ToS you agree too. Even if you do 'suffer' from the RMT, griefers, scammers and what not in the game you won't get squat for sueing because there is no clause that says these things won't happen, just that they're not allowed to happen and they will be dealt with if they do.

        Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
        Then would that mean Blizzard would have grounds for legal action against goldfarming companies? After all, they would be the reason Blizzard would be unable to uphold said agreement.
        The companies only buy and sell the gold, they're not responsible for farming anything. And on top of that, most companies do most of their business outside the US. This isn't the first time people have tried to sue IGE and RMT and it won't be the last. But in the end, all that does is waste more real money. The only way to truely get rid of RMT is to eliminate the need for them. But as long as any sort of online game has tradable currency of any kind, there will be people who farm and sell it for real cash.

        The only games where RMT isn't a major problem are the ones where the makers promote official RMT on their own.
        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


        • #19
          Re: South Florida man sues IGE over goldfarming in WoW

          Who knows...I never heard what happened in the case and no other stories got pronted about it.

          Persoanlly I'd like to hack into IGE's USA office and implant a bad boy virus...then again we have anti-hacking laws here in the USA.(I wonder if China has any anti-hacking laws...I'm not sure or I'd just find and hack the RMTs becase they can't do a thing to me!)
          Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
          (have fun MMO players ^^)
          Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


          • #20
            Re: South Florida man sues IGE over goldfarming in WoW

            Originally posted by Shadowneko View Post
            Who knows...I never heard what happened in the case and no other stories got pronted about it.

            Persoanlly I'd like to hack into IGE's USA office and implant a bad boy virus...then again we have anti-hacking laws here in the USA.(I wonder if China has any anti-hacking laws...I'm not sure or I'd just find and hack the RMTs becase they can't do a thing to me!)
            I'm pretty sure if you live in a apartment building with a buisness center with computers/faxes etc...etc that is not watched closely you could utilize that computer to plant the virus...Before I was sent to a private school kids always used the computer lab at public schools to send viruses to teachers computers or crack into the server to find grades, tests and daily schedules.

            They're still providing a service in keeping their game as clean as they can but your enjoyment isn't gaurenteed in the ToS you agree too.
            Its a video game...I would assume a video game is a form of enterrainment therefore enjoyment from it. By the hinderance of RMT I would say so much as they (RMT) are ruining my entertainment/enjoyment value of the game.

            I think there's alot more SE can do to combat RMT but they are just not willing to do it for various reasons which probably make sense to them but not to us. I always wondered when STFU was was a mumbled shut the fuck up to the members from SE
            Last edited by Malevolent; 04-07-2008, 10:12 AM.

            Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


            • #21
              Re: South Florida man sues IGE over goldfarming in WoW

              Originally posted by Malevolent View Post
              I'm pretty sure if you live in a apartment building with a buisness center with computers/faxes etc...etc that is not watched closely you could utilize that computer to plant the virus...Before I was sent to a private school kids always used the computer lab at public schools to send viruses to teachers computers or crack into the server to find grades, tests and daily schedules.
              I'm pretty sure if you live in a apartment building with a door that is not watched closely you could utilize that door to get into other apartments.
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              • #22
                Re: South Florida man sues IGE over goldfarming in WoW

                Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                I'm pretty sure if you live in a apartment building with a door that is not watched closely you could utilize that door to get into other apartments.

                Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


                • #23
                  Re: South Florida man sues IGE over goldfarming in WoW

                  Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                  YM most, if not all, of modern day RPGs are derivative of Dungeons and Dragons, which is extremely derivative for Tolkien's work. You can find proof of both in the very first Final Fantasy game.

                  Final Fantasy, to its credit, has done a lot to distinguish itself, but is indeed influenced by LOTR and somtimes almost shamelessly influenced by Star Wars.

                  /checks FFXII

                  Vaan: Luke Skywalker
                  Ashe: Princess Leia, leader of the resistance.
                  Balthier: Han Solo
                  Fran: Cute and Intelligable, but still a furry.
                  Basch: Obi Wan cept he doesn't die and is still badass
                  Penelo: Samwise Gamgee if he was a cute blonde hume chick, pal of Vaan.
                  Ba'Gammon: Boba Fett (his reptillian skin is even colored after the armor).
                  The Stral: Millenium Falcon
                  The Bahamut : Death Star
                  The Resistance: The Rebellion
                  The Empire: Uh.... The Empire.
                  Diggs: Biggs
                  Dwebge: Wedge

                  Note: Biggs and Wedge have been in each FF save for FFXI since FFVI. Biggs took on "Vicks" in the SNES version, it was a localization error.

                  Hume = Humans of Middle Earth
                  Viera = Elves
                  Bangaa = Orcs
                  No Mou = Whatever Yoda is.
                  Moogles = Hobbits

                  Now, to be fair, the story of FFXII was its own beast entirely, still, the influences are all there, even if the play out to more original ends.

                  Moreover, there's a YouTube video off FFXII CG and Star Wars: A New Hope audio spoofing the similarities.
                  Suppose that would make her Chewbacca, huh?

                  Proud hater of Windows Vista since Windows XP Service Pack Two!

                  My limit break involves a moose, the demon Baphomet, and a Kuiper Belt object. It takes four hours and you cant skip any of the cutscenes.
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                  FIGHT, ITEM, or RUN? DECIDE!

                  Dont look a gift lion in the mouth!

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                  • #24
                    Re: South Florida man sues IGE over goldfarming in WoW

                    I honestly think that Blizzard has been really bad about RMTs, look at there older games...Diablo and Starcraft OMG those games sucked many people selling gold it was not even fun at all. But, I do think that we all can agree that RMTs need to be the ones getting in trouble not Blizzard..after all they didn't plant the RMTs there in the first place. I think it is dumb, what the person is doing, why not sue the person that is selling the gold and not Blizzard? Also, why hasn't FFXI got sued for RMTs or anything else. I kind of think, that they got chocobobs from Big Bird lmao.
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