Re: FF7 Remake: Should SE Rewrite it?
Not all of us are wise with our money
Also, I forgot to say this earlier, but I cheered when Aerith died. She was the most poorly written ditz of a female lead character I have ever seen. And that's saying a lot since Rinoa wasn't that much better. Nonetheless, Sephiroth got cool points for offing Aerith. Doesn't rate quite up there with Kefka though, he gleefully poisoned an entire kingdom.
Regarding Sephiroth's Super Nova Limit Break - if it takes enough time for me to go take a piss and it still isn't over, the attack is taking to long. Trim it down please, kthx.
Not all of us are wise with our money

Also, I forgot to say this earlier, but I cheered when Aerith died. She was the most poorly written ditz of a female lead character I have ever seen. And that's saying a lot since Rinoa wasn't that much better. Nonetheless, Sephiroth got cool points for offing Aerith. Doesn't rate quite up there with Kefka though, he gleefully poisoned an entire kingdom.
Regarding Sephiroth's Super Nova Limit Break - if it takes enough time for me to go take a piss and it still isn't over, the attack is taking to long. Trim it down please, kthx.