DISCLAIMER: Please do not post here if you haven't already beaten FF7 and Crisis Core, as there will be spoilers and the general nature of this topic is about looking at FF7 in its entirety (Crisis Core, FF7, Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus)
Now then, there are a number of issues that have been raised thanks to Crisis Core. We now know Zack's story. He got the Buster Sword from Angeal, was forced to kill him and well basically everyone he knew ended up dead (eventually
) save for Cloud and Tifa.
In the final FMV, Zack specifically asks Cloud to tell Aerith that he said hi. Now, we know at this point Cloud is still recovering, but you think he'd at least be able to remember Zack upon meeting Aerith. It kinda screws up the whole interaction between them in FF7, unless SE decides to use the Mako Addiction as a cheap cop out.
They also changed how Cloud survived. Originally, the Shin-Ra soldiers just said to leave him because he'd die anyway. However in CC, Zack hid him behind a rock and after losing the battle (good as the guy was there were just too many of them; plus he was weakened by Jenova's cells. Poor guy
) Cloud crawled his way up to him, and drama ensued. So, assuming SE ever decides to remake FF7, wouldn't they have to incorporate all this?
Then there's the matter of Genisis. Now, I was under the impression that Zack, Sephiroth, Gensis and Angeal were the only SOLDIER 1st Class. But, in the ending we see what are clearly 2 SOLDIER 1st Class take Genesis away in a helicopter. This in itself is another huge mystery that bugs the crap out of me, since we've had 3 interconnected games and a movie. Just how much is SE trying to milk out of this? Anyway, we never really do find out what happens to him, or who takes over for Lazard and actually, SOLDIER just kind of disappeared in the aftermath of CC didn't it?
We never do find out what Cissnei's real name is either. Personally, I thought they were going to kill her (thus giving way to Elena) but that never happens. So why is she mysteriously absent in FF7? All the others were there, and remember that when you first meet Elena she says she joined recently (thus providing possible precedent for Cissnei's death) so what the hell? SE is having a very hard time with consistency and continuity here.
And what about all that crap underneath Benora (and Benora itself for that matter). Was that all just Cetra ruins, or something else entirely? At least we finally know what went on in Nibleheim now. Shin-Ra must have rebuilt the town during the 4 years that Zack and Cloud were in the basement of the mansion.
Okay, moving on to Dirge. We know for sure now that it is in fact Genisis in the secret ending:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3Z3B189cFE]YouTube - Dirge of Cerberus secret ending[/ame]
So, I'm assuming that SE plans to make yet another FF7 game. It's getting a bit ridiculous now, whatever. I want to discuss this more, but it's been a while since I went through Dirge (didn't care for it much but I did beat it) and all I can remember is that organization you defeated, Genesis taking off with their leader, Hojo being the mastermind behind all the shit in FF7 in the first place, and that crazy ass weapon you kill that was supposed to leave for another world with the planet's Lifestream.
Haven't watched Advent Children in a while either, so did they ever explain what that sickness was? Just how long does this go on for, because at the very end of FF7 it showed Nanaki and his kids looking over the ruins of Midgar (which begs the question: Does humanity eventually get wiped out?) .
Finally ('cause I want to do other things right now and discuss this more later) What the HELL is up with Sephiroth's reincarnation in AC? We find out in CC that his cells can not be passed on, thus they don't degrade the way Genisis' cells did (they didn't really explain how he fixed that problem either for that matter) so what the fuck? Doesn't CC kind of nix the entire premise for the plot of AC?
Now then, there are a number of issues that have been raised thanks to Crisis Core. We now know Zack's story. He got the Buster Sword from Angeal, was forced to kill him and well basically everyone he knew ended up dead (eventually
In the final FMV, Zack specifically asks Cloud to tell Aerith that he said hi. Now, we know at this point Cloud is still recovering, but you think he'd at least be able to remember Zack upon meeting Aerith. It kinda screws up the whole interaction between them in FF7, unless SE decides to use the Mako Addiction as a cheap cop out.
They also changed how Cloud survived. Originally, the Shin-Ra soldiers just said to leave him because he'd die anyway. However in CC, Zack hid him behind a rock and after losing the battle (good as the guy was there were just too many of them; plus he was weakened by Jenova's cells. Poor guy
Then there's the matter of Genisis. Now, I was under the impression that Zack, Sephiroth, Gensis and Angeal were the only SOLDIER 1st Class. But, in the ending we see what are clearly 2 SOLDIER 1st Class take Genesis away in a helicopter. This in itself is another huge mystery that bugs the crap out of me, since we've had 3 interconnected games and a movie. Just how much is SE trying to milk out of this? Anyway, we never really do find out what happens to him, or who takes over for Lazard and actually, SOLDIER just kind of disappeared in the aftermath of CC didn't it?
We never do find out what Cissnei's real name is either. Personally, I thought they were going to kill her (thus giving way to Elena) but that never happens. So why is she mysteriously absent in FF7? All the others were there, and remember that when you first meet Elena she says she joined recently (thus providing possible precedent for Cissnei's death) so what the hell? SE is having a very hard time with consistency and continuity here.
And what about all that crap underneath Benora (and Benora itself for that matter). Was that all just Cetra ruins, or something else entirely? At least we finally know what went on in Nibleheim now. Shin-Ra must have rebuilt the town during the 4 years that Zack and Cloud were in the basement of the mansion.
Okay, moving on to Dirge. We know for sure now that it is in fact Genisis in the secret ending:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3Z3B189cFE]YouTube - Dirge of Cerberus secret ending[/ame]
So, I'm assuming that SE plans to make yet another FF7 game. It's getting a bit ridiculous now, whatever. I want to discuss this more, but it's been a while since I went through Dirge (didn't care for it much but I did beat it) and all I can remember is that organization you defeated, Genesis taking off with their leader, Hojo being the mastermind behind all the shit in FF7 in the first place, and that crazy ass weapon you kill that was supposed to leave for another world with the planet's Lifestream.
Haven't watched Advent Children in a while either, so did they ever explain what that sickness was? Just how long does this go on for, because at the very end of FF7 it showed Nanaki and his kids looking over the ruins of Midgar (which begs the question: Does humanity eventually get wiped out?) .
Finally ('cause I want to do other things right now and discuss this more later) What the HELL is up with Sephiroth's reincarnation in AC? We find out in CC that his cells can not be passed on, thus they don't degrade the way Genisis' cells did (they didn't really explain how he fixed that problem either for that matter) so what the fuck? Doesn't CC kind of nix the entire premise for the plot of AC?