Ok, I'm hopelessly addicted. I just finished the first disc (there are 4) and I have 30 hours playtime into it. I couldn't be happier that I'm homebound for a week because I'm sick! LOL
It's nothing innovative, just a good solid JRPG. One of the things that is driving me crazy is having all the immortals learn the skills of the items and the humans. I'm one of those people that will make sure that they learn ALL of them so I'll spend hours grinding just so they do....and there is a LOT of them so far! lol So I'm off right now to boot up the 360 and grind away....almost have all my 3 immortals caught up on skills and then I'll go explore the mountain villiage of Tosca!
It's nothing innovative, just a good solid JRPG. One of the things that is driving me crazy is having all the immortals learn the skills of the items and the humans. I'm one of those people that will make sure that they learn ALL of them so I'll spend hours grinding just so they do....and there is a LOT of them so far! lol So I'm off right now to boot up the 360 and grind away....almost have all my 3 immortals caught up on skills and then I'll go explore the mountain villiage of Tosca!