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What games do you want to see remade?

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  • #31
    Re: What games do you want to see remade?


    I always thought they forgot about the third in favor of that lame-excuse for a MMO... Now to play the waiting game and see who gets the honor of such a package.

    Edit: Ack, just had a nasty thought... If they release that Shenmue package on the PS3, that's it. Game over. I'd have to buy one. TwT Go Wii, go Wii...
    Last edited by Nandito; 10-31-2007, 07:14 PM.
    Originally posted by Yygdrasil
    Originally posted by Nandito

    You make me want to hurt things.


    • #32
      Re: What games do you want to see remade?

      Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
      And then there's the story, the gameplay, the puzzles...

      I don't believe a simple change in graphics will violate the spirit of the game. Actually, I think it could only be done justice with maybe the cell shaded style, a la Windwaker.
      A simple graphics change? Also, the things I mentioned are part of the gameplay.

      The game is still great. It doesn't need a remake. What's wrong with just playing the old game again?


      • #33
        Re: What games do you want to see remade?

        Murphie: You obviously aren't going to like anything in the thread. Why not just stop reading it?

        I always thought they forgot about the third in favor of that lame-excuse for a MMO... Now to play the waiting game and see who gets the honor of such a package.
        same, what I see now looks like Shenmue Online is actually going to take place during Shenmue II.


        • #34
          Re: What games do you want to see remade?

          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          Murphie: You obviously aren't going to like anything in the thread. Why not just stop reading it?
          For the same reason you never leave a thread. It's a public forum. Just because you don't like what I have to say doesn't mean that I don't have as much right to post in here as anyone else.

          I happen to believe that classic games don't need to be remade. I feel that it actually cheapens them, and shows a distinct lack of creative power on the part of the developers and the fans asking for them. That's just a valid opinion as "I think X should be remade because I really liked it but hate the outdated graphics."


          • #35
            Re: What games do you want to see remade?

            For the same reason you never leave a thread.
            I leave threads all the time.

            There are eight threads on my New Page window that I have no interest in opening, reading, or replying to. Compared to three I do.

            Just because you don't like what I have to say doesn't mean that I don't have as much right to post in here as anyone else.
            Murphie, please check your crotch. I think you'll find a bunch of sand there for some reason. Nobody says you don't have a right to post here, just that if you hate the entire idea of the thread and everything and everyone in it, stop shitting on other people's good time.

            I happen to believe that classic games don't need to be remade.
            You've made that clear. About five times. The only reason you would continue to read a thread where you know you aren't going to like anything in it is to troll.


            • #36
              Re: What games do you want to see remade?

              Project much? Just because I disagree with a topic doesn't mean I hate the idea of a thread and everyone and everything in it. Don't be so dramatic.

              If you have a problem with my posts in this thread, report them. Otherwise, deal.


              • #37
                Re: What games do you want to see remade?

                I think I was satisfied when they remade FFIV for PS1. I can remember playing it on SNES when it first came out and thinking that the opening scene too so long. I don't think it was totally remade, they just made an English version that was closet to the Japanese one.
                Thanks Kazuki.
                Dragoon Equipment


                • #38
                  Re: What games do you want to see remade?

                  Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                  Project much? Just because I disagree with a topic doesn't mean I hate the idea of a thread and everyone and everything in it. Don't be so dramatic.
                  If you have a problem with my posts in this thread, report them. Otherwise, deal.
                  So what in the thread do you like? Or would you like?

                  Because by liking anything in this thread, you make yourself a pretty big hypocrite, and by disliking everything you prove my point.


                  • #39
                    Re: What games do you want to see remade?

                    Disagreeing is not the same as disliking.


                    • #40
                      Re: What games do you want to see remade?

                      Originally posted by Skoal View Post
                      I think I was satisfied when they remade FFIV for PS1. I can remember playing it on SNES when it first came out and thinking that the opening scene too so long. I don't think it was totally remade, they just made an English version that was closet to the Japanese one.
                      Hell, they're gonna remake it again, for the DS. Though we probably already know that...

                      *Waves Kain flag* Dragoon power~!
                      Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                      Originally posted by Nandito

                      You make me want to hurt things.


                      • #41
                        Re: What games do you want to see remade?

                        Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                        You know that there's a new 3D Bionic Commando coming right?

                        And Contra 4 is getting ready to be released for the DS.

                        Yes indeed, but I'm interested in graphic/sound updates for the old games. Contra 4 isn't even made by the japanese team and Bionic Commando in 3D will not be like the original regardless of how good the 3D version ends up being like.

                        It's like the Lynk to the Past example, the spirit of the games is in 2D, if you change that and send em into the 3D realm then all the retro-magic will be lost.
                        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                        • #42
                          Re: What games do you want to see remade?

                          Skyes of Arcadia for 360, i LOVED that game one of my favorite rpg.

                          and obiusly FFVII,cant wait for it...just hope it can be multiconsole.


                          • #43
                            Re: What games do you want to see remade?

                            Shadow of the colossus...
                            I know it's graphically great and all, but that game NEEDS a powerful system.
                            (Imagine how everything would look bump-mapped) PLUS there was quite a bit of slowdown and graphical "whuuuut?"s in it. (What is WRONG with Agro's hair!?)


                            • #44
                              Re: What games do you want to see remade?

                              I'd love to see Altered Beast get the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time treatment.


                              • #45
                                Re: What games do you want to see remade?

                                I saw the Bionic Commando trailer a while ago, and I'm simply on edge waiting for it now. Those games have been needing a sequel for the longest time, and now they finally get it. I played the hell outta BC for both the NES and Game Boy (and I still got them both; loved playing the GB version on my Super Nes with the color modes heh).

                                My next question is this: is that Super Joe, Rad, or someone else? From the voice in the trailer, it might be Super Joe, but I guess we'll see. Also, who is the other person? Hmmm, more mysteries. And is this the rebirth of the Albatross Project?

                                Oooooo I can't wait!

