Today's Smash Bros. Dojo megaton announcement comes with a price:
Smash Bros. will not only require Friend Codes, but you also have to register friends as "Smash Friends" for the game. And we already hated Wii Codes enough.
Nintendo. Taking 1 step forward to take 2 steps backwards. But oh well. Custom stages in Smash Bros. is enough to make up for it, but hopefully such a thing doesn't spread to other games.
Smash Bros. will not only require Friend Codes, but you also have to register friends as "Smash Friends" for the game. And we already hated Wii Codes enough.
And I’m happy that this is compatible with SD cards. You don’t have to worry about size, so make as many stages as you like.
Also, if you’ve finished registering someone as both a Wii Friend and a Smash friend, you’ll be able to send custom stages to each other.
Also, if you’ve finished registering someone as both a Wii Friend and a Smash friend, you’ll be able to send custom stages to each other.