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What SE could do, but won't.

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  • #46
    Re: What SE could do, but won't.

    SE doesn't owe us anything. We aren't doing them a favor by paying our fees. It's a service. They say "Pay us this, and we'll let you play our game", and we say "Ok", and then we pay.


    • #47
      Re: What SE could do, but won't.

      Says the guy ranting about a highly minor subject >.>
      Says the guy who is also ranting about said subject, even when he considers it minor.

      1) Plenty of people buy new cars "just because", infact it's why leasing is so popular
      So you're saying that PC players should be expected to upgrade their PCs every few years, but PS2 players should have no problem using their console for a decade?
      2) a PC and a PS2 are two entirely different beasts. So someone familiar with a PS2 may not be familiar with PCs at all. So no, not everyone can find PCs as easy as PS2s. Xboxs, those are a different story, but still a fairly expensive alternative.
      And again, when was it implied that ANYONE would be forced to leave their PS2? The PS2 players, the people on old PCs would still have their existing client. And if you can honestly find me someone that can use a PS2 and PLAY FFXI, but is too stupid to figure out how to use a PC, I'll be impressed.

      But other people will care, and will be upset if they "have" to upgrade to get the best out of the game.
      I was going to ask if you honestly think there are people out there stupid enough to realize that it's their outdated hardware that can't support the graphics, and not that SE is forcing them to buy a new game, but then I realized you're one of them.

      ....ok, I'll try to explain why "popularity" is important.
      And in the process, you completely forget what you were talking about in the first place. I'm done trying to talk to you, Ziero, you've already shown that not only do you have no clue what you're talking about, but that you can't even remember your own points.

      And anyway, since none of you are using your heads (thinking that such a graphics upgrade would only be good for a few FFXI players, and so on), I'll wait until someone who can actually argue against me on more than a single point comes along.


      • #48
        Re: What SE could do, but won't.

        Originally posted by Feba View Post
        Says the guy who is also ranting about said subject, even when he considers it minor.
        Yea, no. I understand why they don't do this, and accept why they don't. I'm just relaying the messege...[/quote]

        So you're saying that PC players should be expected to upgrade their PCs every few years, but PS2 players should have no problem using their console for a decade?

        You said : "and nobody wants to spend money to upgrade their car without a good reason." I respond "Plenty of people buy new cars "just because", infact it's why leasing is so popular" to disprove your point. I'm not saying they should be "expected" to upgrade for the sake of upgrading, I'm saying people DO upgrade for the sake of upgrading. There's also the fact that PCs are built then outdated within a year but the PS2 system was designed to be important for a decade or more, same with the PS3.

        And again, when was it implied that ANYONE would be forced to leave their PS2? The PS2 players, the people on old PCs would still have their existing client. And if you can honestly find me someone that can use a PS2 and PLAY FFXI, but is too stupid to figure out how to use a PC, I'll be impressed.
        I didn't say people would be "forced" into anything, but it would potentially PISS OFF THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE THE OPTION of upgrading. Which again, is the majority of the player base. Aka, most people playing. I.E. the larger amount of SE's current FFXI customers.

        I was going to ask if you honestly think there are people out there stupid enough to realize that it's their outdated hardware that can't support the graphics, and not that SE is forcing them to buy a new game, but then I realized you're one of them.
        ...most of Japan, SE'S BIGGEST CUSTOMER BASE, does not use PCs for gaming...nor have them in their homes. SE knows this, that's why they based the game around the PS2, and that's why they keep everything in line with the PS2.

        And in the process, you completely forget what you were talking about in the first place. I'm done trying to talk to you, Ziero, you've already shown that not only do you have no clue what you're talking about, but that you can't even remember your own points.
        And anyway, since none of you are using your heads (thinking that such a graphics upgrade would only be good for a few FFXI players, and so on), I'll wait until someone who can actually argue against me on more than a single point comes along.'re the one who claimed "FFXI expansions are insanely cheap", questioning "What has SE really done to significantly improve FFXI?", saying "SE owes fans more than it's giving", stating that PS2 users could get by just seeing " pretty screenshots by their friends and LS" and claiming "not really returning much to the people that play it."

        ...all that, just because *you* think SE needs to update the graphics for the minority of it's player base to make the game better. Despite the fact that such a change, which they've stated why they won't do it while also being far more difficult then you make it seem, would "having no effect on gameplay".

        And you don't even play.

        SE is catering towards it's overwhelming majority of players, of whom less then half would benefit from this type of change. And you're upset at the fact people feel adding in game content that *EVERYONE PLAYING WILL HAVE FULL AND UNBIASED ACCESS TOO* is more important then making the game "look nicer." While also completely ignoring the fact that many people PREFER the way this game looks over many other games with "superior" graphics. So apparently it's not I who has "no clue what [I'm] talking about.

        Options are great yes, but when you can't provide that option to everyone on equal grounds, then you run the risk of alienating those whom you ignore. And when that group of people is the clear majority and already content in what they have, why risk changing things just for the smaller minority?
        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


        • #49
          Re: What SE could do, but won't.

're the one who claimed "FFXI expansions are insanely cheap",
          And now you're trying to counter me on yet another point.

          I'm not sure if you keep switching between defenses because you have no argument, or because you can't keep track of what you're talking about, but again, I'm done trying to reason with you. Use some logic and try again in another thread.


          • #50
            Re: What SE could do, but won't.

            I thought you were done talking to him about this, Feba.


            • #51
              Re: What SE could do, but won't.

              Originally posted by Feba View Post
              And now you're trying to counter me on yet another point.
              I'm not sure if you keep switching between defenses because you have no argument, or because you can't keep track of what you're talking about, but again, I'm done trying to reason with you. Use some logic and try again in another thread.
              Actually, I countered ALL your points.

              You made many baseless, bold, and totally false comments, I'm not the one lacking logic.

              And again, do you even play?
              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
              I thought you were done talking to him about this, Feba.
              Oh they always say that when they don't really have a point to stand on...they just never mean it.
              Last edited by Ziero; 10-26-2007, 11:02 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


              • #52
                Re: What SE could do, but won't.

                Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                I thought you were done talking to him about this, Feba.
                I am. That has nothing to do with the subject, just telling him to learn to keep track of his arguments if he wants to ever be taken seriously.

                Oh they always say that when they don't really have a point to stand on...
                Go look for some debates I've had with Mhurron. When he's right, I admit it. Same with anyone else. You, however, do not even have an idea of how to argue correctly, let alone make a good point.


                • #53
                  Re: What SE could do, but won't.

                  No. If you're done, be done. Responding is not done. Getting the last word? Not done.

                  Telling someone to check their thighs in the mirror? That's done.


                  • #54
                    Re: What SE could do, but won't.

                    Apparently you don't understand the difference between debating the subject and just insulting someone for being an idiot, Murph.


                    • #55
                      Re: What SE could do, but won't.

                      Oh, I do. But what we're talking about is being done.


                      • #56
                        Re: What SE could do, but won't.

                        Originally posted by Feba View Post
                        Apparently you don't understand the difference between debating the subject and just insulting someone for being an idiot, Murph.
                        Which brings up the (derail) question: Do we need posts that are nothing more than insults?
                        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                        leaving no trace in the water.

                        - Mugaku


                        • #57
                          Re: What SE could do, but won't.

                          Being done with one thing doesn't mean you're done with all things, though. I can be done making a call, but not be done making calls.

                          Also, when'd you learn to derail threads?

                          Do we need posts that are nothing more than insults?
                          Last edited by Feba; 10-26-2007, 11:21 AM.


                          • #58
                            Re: What SE could do, but won't.

                            As Itazura pointed out, posting just to insult is called trolling. You should know better than that.

                            If you're done with the conversation, then be done with the conversation. Don't be petty and ridiculous and continue to debate semantics with people because you can't admit that you are wrong.

                            Let it go.


                            • #59
                              Re: What SE could do, but won't.

                              As Itazura pointed out, posting just to insult is called trolling. You should know better than that.
                              And you should know better than putting words in other people's mouths.
                              If you're done with the conversation, then be done with the conversation.
                              And I'm not done with the conversation. I never said I was. Once again, you should know better than putting words in people's mouths.

                              If you don't want to debate semantics, don't make assumptions about what other people mean if you don't want to accept that you were wrong about it.

                              because you can't admit that you are wrong.
                              As I mentioned above, I can and have admitted I was wrong. I might not be wrong very often, but when I am, I don't mind that much.

                              Let it go.
                              Irony intended?


                              • #60
                                Re: What SE could do, but won't.


