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Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

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  • #16
    Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    People can totally wait, I certainly haven't died yet from not playing The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess or Metroid Prime 3 - and both games belong to my favorite franchises ever, easily ranking above any FF I've ever played.
    Twilight Princess is one of the most tediously boring RPGs in the franchise. The "new car shine" wears off after about 10 hours into the game after you realize that combat in the game is a total crock since all the "optional advanced combat techniques" you learn throughout the game mean nothing because they're all unnecessary for beating anything (and most of them are so tricky to execute that you end up taking more damage/time than you would if you'd just waded in and button-mashed). It does have some redeeming features, but the game itself is so... milquetoast. If it weren't for Midna, your bitingly sarcastic sidekick, I'd have fallen asleep playing the game.

    Metroid Prime 3, on the other hand, is a very nice addition to the franchise. A worthy successor to Metroid Prime 1 (let's try and forget that Echoes was ever released), and unlike so very many Wii games (Twilight Princess comes to mind...), the motion controls actually make a lot of sense.

    I'd rank FF12 above Twilight Princess, but below Metroid Prime 3 Corruption as far as enjoyability goes. FF12 needed a stronger storyline, and it needed to lose that stupid license board.



    • #17
      Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

      Yea. I still love FF, but the "OMG A NEW GAME GOT RELEASED I MUST HAVE IT NOW" rush died quite a while ago.

      Next Gen consoles? Not even planning on getting one... I'll probably eventually get a Wii and a PS3 but probably not before the next consoles are announced.
      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


      • #18
        Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

        Originally posted by Balfree View Post
        Yea. I still love FF, but the "OMG A NEW GAME GOT RELEASED I MUST HAVE IT NOW" rush died quite a while ago.
        That's about where I am.

        8h into FFXII. I have a lot of other crap to do.

        FFTA is the only one I really never got into, and unfortunately there are a lot of things in FFXII that are like TA which is detracting from enjoying the game.
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • #19
          Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
          FF12 needed a stronger storyline, and it needed to lose that stupid license board.


          QFT. Was I the only one who was horribly disappointed by the end? (Or rather halfway through really. I forced myself to finish the game despite my hatred of it)

          FF 12 Spoilers + Rant



          • #20
            Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?



            • #21
              Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

              I forced myself to finish the game despite my hatred of it
              To echo what Feba said, maybe the title of this thread should be "why do you love to torture yourself?" You said it yourself, games are for fun. Why would you force yourself to play a game you don't enjoy?

              Personally, the only part of FFXII I didn't like was the excessively random nature of some of the marks and rare game. In a single player game I don't think there's any reason to simulate the experience of camping Fafhogg. But you know what? Like 100 hours in when all that was left was crap I didn't want to do, I stopped playing. I didn't force myself to slug through every last morsel of content and curse SE for making me do it. In such a huge game, everyone's going to be able to find some aspect they don't particularly enjoy. I just accept that those things are for other people and leave them out of my game experience.
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #22
                Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

                My biggest gripe with XII is that it is set up to try and be a single player XI complete with party members you don't control. I much prefer X battle system or anything before that really for a single player game.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #23
                  Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

                  Mhurron: you can always play no-gambits. In fact, I'd do it myself if I wasn't a lazy asshole that loved the hell out of gambits.

                  Honestly, I wish FFXI had gambits sometimes.

                  Although I have to say, FFXII has two gigantic benefits over other single player FFs imo: no more fucking random battles or long-ass cutscenes before you even start fighting. There's no reason I should see cracks spread out like my TV shattered, have the pieces fly away, and then gradually fade into my character standing in a field (that only looks VAGUELY LIKE WHERE I ACTUALLY AM STANDING), and then FINALLY get to the fighting, repeated EVERY MINUTE OR TWO. It's freakin' ridiculous. The other being that escaping is actually LOGICAL, and not based completely on luck, but rather how good you are at running the fuck away.


                  • #24
                    Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

                    Originally posted by Feba View Post
                    Although I have to say, FFXII has two gigantic benefits over other single player FFs imo: no more fucking random battles or long-ass cutscenes before you even start fighting. There's no reason I should see cracks spread out like my TV shattered, have the pieces fly away, and then gradually fade into my character standing in a field (that only looks VAGUELY LIKE WHERE I ACTUALLY AM STANDING), and then FINALLY get to the fighting, repeated EVERY MINUTE OR TWO. It's freakin' ridiculous. The other being that escaping is actually LOGICAL, and not based completely on luck, but rather how good you are at running the fuck away.
                    GOD I LOVE THAT

                    FFXI should have random battles like that for old times' sake. Imagine running through West Ronfaure at level five, your screen explodes, and you're standing outside of the outpost getting cold crushed by Jaggedy-Ear'd Jack as the guards stand there and not give a damn.


                    • #25
                      Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

                      FFXII's battle system should have...

                      Formations. I'd like to have someone on the backline not getting hit by aoe spells, FOR ONCE. Sure i can just switch to the character and do it myself but it'd be nice if we could order a team mate to stay back and heal or nuke, AND STAY there.

                      Freedom of movement is nice but im not really in love with it. I have this boss battle you see, and by simply running my MP gauge will rise. So what do I do? I tell 2 guys to hit the boss, while i run around with the third character, and heal them appropriatly, but i dont stop running ever because i'd like to keep the ethers for later on. This gets old fast, and its silly.

                      Upon finding an enemy, the guys could just stand in place and fight the mob like oldstyle FF titles, i dont need complete freedom to move around, its not required.

                      Sure i could tweak gambits to fix most of my problems, but i dont very much enjoy programming the game, i'd like to play it.

                      This totally became about FFXII, but thats OK, i can derail threads, im a mod!

                      Actually im just joking. This is still about SE's ability to screw things up.
                      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                      • #26
                        Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

                        Originally posted by Feba View Post
                        Mhurron: you can always play no-gambits. In fact, I'd do it myself if I wasn't a lazy asshole that loved the hell out of gambits.
                        I know, but as the game was designed to be played with them it doesn't quite work.

                        I prefer the random battle type battlefield. I liked the way Chrono Cross did it.
                        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                        • #27
                          Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

                          but it'd be nice if we could order a team mate to stay back and heal or nuke, AND STAY there.
                          you can. it's called a bow.


                          • #28
                            Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

                            My spellcasters usually use staves or rods.

                            And Fran still gets hit by AOE spells even if she wields a bow.
                            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                            • #29
                              Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

                              my setup was always Basch, Ashe, and Penelo.

                              Ashe and Penelo for the eyecandy because the characters don't really matter for the stats in 12, and Basch so people wouldn't ask why I'm playing chicks.


                              • #30
                                Re: Why does Square love to tortue ppl?

                                weird. FF9 actually got me into the Final Fantasy series and RPGs as a whole. :3

