Or do they just have the worst testers on the face of the earth?
Seriously, I'm playing through FF9 again and I have to wonder: is this where their quality control started going down hill?
Idk, I found ever since FF7 Square's forgotten it's supposed to be a god damned game. It's about having fun.
FF IX in particular is IMO, utterly ruined/tainted by the bull shit steal rates on the bosses. I just spent well over an hour trying to steal 1 stupid item from a boss (don't even get me started on the Beatrix fights...) because even with Zidane's Bandit ability, you'd still have to ask NASA to calculate the odds.
I guess I'm just pissed atm, but seriously, it just sucks out all the fun. Lately I've found that the vast majority of boss fights are stupidly easy. at least 90% of the time on IX in particular I find myself in a position where I can kill the boss in a single blow whenever I want, but the fight still drags on for a horrendous amount of time simply because of the bad steal rates.
Sure, I could just not bother, but then I'd be missing out on awesome items much earlier than expected. I would also like to point out that in no other FF has stealing been this stupidly hard (nor the bosses such utter cake walks back in the Nintendo era)
I really have to wonder some days if Square properly tests their games. Do their people actually sit down and go "Yeah, this is pretty fun." ? Masochism or Laziness, gotta be one of the two...
/rant off

Seriously, I'm playing through FF9 again and I have to wonder: is this where their quality control started going down hill?
Idk, I found ever since FF7 Square's forgotten it's supposed to be a god damned game. It's about having fun.
FF IX in particular is IMO, utterly ruined/tainted by the bull shit steal rates on the bosses. I just spent well over an hour trying to steal 1 stupid item from a boss (don't even get me started on the Beatrix fights...) because even with Zidane's Bandit ability, you'd still have to ask NASA to calculate the odds.
I guess I'm just pissed atm, but seriously, it just sucks out all the fun. Lately I've found that the vast majority of boss fights are stupidly easy. at least 90% of the time on IX in particular I find myself in a position where I can kill the boss in a single blow whenever I want, but the fight still drags on for a horrendous amount of time simply because of the bad steal rates.
Sure, I could just not bother, but then I'd be missing out on awesome items much earlier than expected. I would also like to point out that in no other FF has stealing been this stupidly hard (nor the bosses such utter cake walks back in the Nintendo era)
I really have to wonder some days if Square properly tests their games. Do their people actually sit down and go "Yeah, this is pretty fun." ? Masochism or Laziness, gotta be one of the two...
/rant off
