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Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

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  • Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

    TGS 2007 is almost upon us!

    As usual, here's my official thread compiling all the big news announced at TGS from Sony, Microsoft, and third party studios.

    NOTE: FINAL FANTASY XI: Wings of the Goddess will be present at TGS. WotG content will be covered in a separate thread contained in the main page forums. There will also be a main page thread headlining Square Enix's major announcements, which potentially include a new Compilation of FINAL FANTASY VII title, new Kingdom Hearts titles, and Square Enix's next-generation MMORPG.

    For starters: Microsoft held a pre-TGS conference last week to make a few announcements. While most of it was targeted for Japan, but announcements included:

    Ninja Gaiden II - Published by Microsoft itself to ensure exclusivity, Team Ninja's ultra-violent exploda-ninja-fest is coming to Xbox 360 in 2008. It's not directed by Tomonobu Itagaki and a few changes have been made to make the game more accessible, but it looks even more fast-paced and challenging than the original. Visually, the game stands a bit ahead of the PS3 port of the original, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, with much more dynamic camera work, much more fluid and detailed animation, and much more blood and gore. Exploding Ninjas. 'nuff said.

    Infinite Undiscovery -- Square Enix published and Tri-Ace directed, this 360 RPG was lost in the darkness after its original announcement years ago. SE reminded us that it is coming, but it looks like it's still very much in development. Looks like it plays similar to STAR OCEAN series.

    Lost Odyssey -- Hironobu Sakaguchi's fantasy opus is coming to 360 in Japan this December...with a North American and European release trailing in Early 2008. Sakaguchi-san played the game live at the press event for 15 minutes...and it looks astounding.

    Next up: It's likely Microsoft still has a few new announcements up their sleeve. Hell, they could be saving their big guns for the actual show. Despite that, it's pretty obvious that TGS this year, like last year, is largely Sony territory. With Nintendo absent from the show, Sony's got the biggest presence. They haven't made any official announcements yet, but these are the biggest rumours and predictions that have merit:

    PS3 "Price Adjustment" - A new model of the PS3 console just recently popped up on the FCC's website. Of note is that it consumes less power than the current model. Is a new model of the PS3 coming? Or is Sony merely shifting production to the 65nm CELL Process they've been planning on moving to? Either way, something is happening. Many speculate that a lower-tech, 40GB model of the console is coming at a price point between $399 and $449 USD. However, the new model shown by the FCC still contains WiFi technology, so if its a low-end model, it's a different beast than the 20GB PS3 of old. If anything, Sony will probably announce their price re-alignment of the 80GB model to $499 and a new bundle at $599. However, don't expect those announcements to come on the days of the show. Sony will target their Japanese audience first and foremost, and western announcements will be secondary.

    PS3 "SixSense" Controller - A new PS3 controller is coming, that's for sure. Sony and Immersion Technology have stated multiple times that they've been working on something since their lawsuit settled last year. Of importance is Immersion's outline of their new "TouchSense" technology, allowing more realistic force-feedback in multiple parts of a controller, such as the body, the face buttons, triggers and analog sticks. With Gran Turismo 5 Prologue on the horizon and force-feedback a major part of the GT series, now's a better time than any to announce a new TouchSense-enabled controller, which is largely expected to happen.

    New Square Enix Titles - A poster on 2ch stuck up a list of "rumoured leaked" titles to appear at Square Enix's CLOSED MEGA THEATRE at TGS this week. Included were new footage of FINAL FANTASY XIII and FINAL FANTASY VERSUS XIII. However, included as well were a title called Endless Crisis: FINAL FANTASY VII for PLAYSTATION 3, a new Kingdom Hearts title for PLAYSTATION 3, Kingdom Hearts: CHAIN OF MEMORIES 2 for DS, and Kingdom Hearts 0 for PSP. Also included was STAR OCEAN 4 for PS3, which is expected to be the platform for the Tri-Ace exclusive. 2ch is usually pretty solid when it comes to these pre-event rumours, and Dengeki Magazine released today screenshots from an unannounced Kingdom Hearts title which looks very similar to the first two games, and appears to be a prequel of sorts. No platform is mentioned, but it does lend credit to the rumour.

    Capcom's 3 Major Announcements - Capcom mentioned last week that they have 3 major announcements for TGS, regarding their biggest franchises. New Resident Evil? New MegaMan? Street Fighter IV??? We'll find out tomorrow.

    There's a lot more to come, so stay tuned. TGS kicks off Wednesday night with Kaz Hirai keynoting the event for Sony. It's expected to be a much lighter event than Ken Kutaragi's cold, boring keynotes of old, as Hirai's proved himself already to be a more charismatic and software-focused leader of SCE. We'll see what Sony has up their sleeve then, with more announcements from Microsoft and third-parties after.


    KONAMI Press Event - Wednesday Morning, September 19th, and Famitsu Weekly Pre-TGS Issue Details

    PS3 Rumble Confirmed, Secret Agent Clank, MGS4 + MGO Famitsu Scans

    SCE/Kaz Hirai TGS 2007 Keynote Address and Nikkei News Q&A Session
    Last edited by Pai Pai Master; 09-19-2007, 07:45 PM.
    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
    Rockman - Fairy

    WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
    Currently Playing:
    FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta

  • #2
    Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

    Ok, it's almost upon us, but exactly when will it be upon us?

    Is it too much to hope for a second Wings trailer?
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #3
      Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

      It kicks off Wednesday and goes for 3 days.

      Wings of the Goddess is confirmed to make a non-playable appearance.
      PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
      Rockman - Fairy

      WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
      Currently Playing:
      FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


      • #4
        Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

        Swank. I have been craving more WotG information. And this also explains what "TGS" stands for - I saw it in a couple other threads, and had no idea.
        FFXIV Balmung Server
        Tenro Matashi


        • #5
          Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

          I'd take off my hat to Itagaki, but I haven't got a hat.


          • #6
            Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

            New jobs + PS3 Mega Man Game = one happy gamer.

            I hope that once the rumble feature is out Insomniac will post a patch allowing for it to be used in Resistance... so many moments in the game would have been better with it.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #7
              Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

              Originally posted by Pai Pai Master View Post
              It kicks off Wednesday and goes for 3 days.
              Wings of the Goddess is confirmed to make a non-playable appearance.
              k, I'll get excited tomorrow.
              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



              • #8
                Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

                I love Pai Pai because he always gives me the news I care about.

                PS3 PSP.

                Sometimes DS.


                Maybe this Christmas will finally be reason enough for me to get a PS3. Especially if there is one for 400!!
                The Tao of Ren
                FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                Originally posted by Kaeko
                As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                • #9
                  Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

                  I'm all wet in my special places for this year's TGS.

                  For so many reasons I won't even bother mentioning.

                  signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                  • #10
                    Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

                    As exciting as the prospects of new KH games is to me, I do have 2 reservasions about the "KH:3" title being for the PS3.

                    Other sources I've read state that CoM2 and Zero are for their respective systems, "KH3" has no announced system.

                    Also, Yoichi Wada (the President of S-E) is not very happy with the PS3's performance, stating "Sony first unveiled the PS3 as a mighty home electronics product. Then, after some badgering from game companies, it shifted the position of the console closer to a game machine. (The future of the PS3) would be tough if its marketing strategy is not straightened up". So Yeah, take that for what you will.

                    New KH scan has only 2 pics: Axel and Roxas standing infront of the rest of the Organization in the meeting room. "Is he the one with the Keyblade?" written as the subtext. The other is of Sora (in his KH1 outfit/body) and Mickey (with the Star Seeker Keyblade) in Traverse Town. "I was alone here, on that day."

                    PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                    • #11
                      Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

                      Originally posted by WishMaster3K View Post
                      I love Pai Pai because he always gives me the news I care about.

                      PS3 PSP.

                      Sometimes DS.

                      lol Sorry. There would be more 360 and Nintendo news out there at this point, but Microsoft's weak presence in Japan means they haven't hyped up their TGS appearance that much as yet, and Nintendo will be absent from the event, so there's no telling what third party Wii and DS content will be present at this point. However, this is going to be primarily a Sony-spotlighted show, so please don't attribute the wealth of Sony-related news to my blatant fanboyism.

                      However, since Wii sales exploded in Japan so quickly, don't be surprised to see the majority of announced games for that platform. PSP sales have started to pick up in Japan recently, so I'd expect that to be the 3rd most-supported platform at TGS, after DS.

                      A little more news that was revealed recently:

                      Namco-Bandai was pretty big at Microsoft's pre-TGS conference, and Microsoft announced that Ace Combat 6 will be a 360-exclusive this year. However, the same day, information leaked on Namco-Bandai's official website that Tri-Crescendo's Eternal Sonata would be coming to PS3 in 2008, and that Beautiful Katamari would be returning to the PS3 and Wii platforms next year as well. Dengeki later confirmed that the PS3 version of Eternal Sonata would include additional content.

                      As for the new Kingdom Hearts title, there are probably going to be more than one, but it looks like this first one shown in the scan is either for PS2, PSP or Wii. We know that Kingdom Hearts 3 isn't going to be out for some time. Nomura stated that it probably won't appear until halfway through the PS3's life cycle, because they wanted to use the knowledge gained from developing FFvXIII. It's looking like they plan on creating as many new titles in a series for as many platforms possible. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them didn't show up on PS3, nor would I be surprised if it did. With rumours strongly backing it however, a PSP title is most likely.
                      Last edited by Pai Pai Master; 09-18-2007, 10:19 AM.
                      PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                      Rockman - Fairy

                      WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                      Currently Playing:
                      FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                      • #12
                        Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

                        Kingdom Hearts: 0 ??

                        Damn, it looks like I may have to go out and get a PSP again some day.

                        Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                        • #13
                          Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

                          So basically, Sony just said PS3 was rushed to market and giving us everything that should have been there from Day 1 at a slightly better price.

                          Endless Crisis: Final Fantasy VII I would assume is the working title for the FFVII remake? The name would be appropriate for that particular game. Another new Final Fantasy VII game is beyond unneccesary at this point.

                          Nice to see KH franchise is still expanding and that Zero adds more information to Organization XIII, I was kinda ticked how quickly such intriguing characters were just killed off between CoM and KH2 and though they could have been built into something bigger.

                          I'm also still somewhat frusrated SE hasn't given the western market the PS2 remake of CoM. I personally think CoM was the best game of the initial trilogy on the grounds of it not being a button masher like the PS2 games.


                          • #14
                            Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

                            The Kingdom Hearts backstory is very strong, but it hasn't had a chance to be fleshed out. I'm glad that Square Enix plans to alleviate this before they continue on with the story of the game.

                            And yes, I agree that if Endless Crisis does exist, it's a likely name for the remake. "Crisis," however, has been reserved for prequels in the series so far. We'll see what happens, as we know already that there is new FINAL FANTASY VII content present at the show.
                            PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                            Rockman - Fairy

                            WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                            Currently Playing:
                            FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                            • #15
                              Re: Pai Pai's OFFICIAL Tokyo Games Show 2007 Thread

                              Final Fantasy VII: The Neverending Story seems to be a more appropriate title as time goes on.

                              If the FFXIII games end up each being exclusive to one console, I'm going to be pissed. No one cares, but damnit I will be.
                              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


