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Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

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  • #31
    Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

    Originally posted by Pai Pai Master View Post
    I'm a guy. I'm all for games full of scantily-clad, attractive women. Look at the largest demographic for videogames. Who there would seriously want to play a game full of ugly women? Oblivion is the only one of that kind I can think of in recent years that's still been successful. However, there's one way of doing it, the DOA/Soul Calibur way of tossing artistic value out the window for the sake of increasing the nipplage, or there's the much more impressive way of doing it, where a designer can create a very sexy, very beautiful female character without going completely overboard, and where the developer can create a balance between sex appeal and the importance of gameplay over breasts, something many developers seem to have forgotten over time.
    Now that's the real problem here, when a developer uses breasts and hooker-like clothing to cover poor and unbalanced gameplay it becomes a real issue for players who really enjoy a good fighting game.

    If a game is well made I couldn't care less if the girls look like plastic barbie dolls* with unrealistic and oversized attributes. But when the gameplay is broken and they use skin to cover for it... Then why waste money on that when you can play dating sim with some animated porn or something like that for less money? Edit > And that applies to pretty much any kind of entertainment (including sports) if you ask me.

    *The only way I can tolerate watching Team Ninja's women (be it Ninja Gaiden or DoA) is pretending I'm playing a Rozen Maiden game.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #32
      Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

      Awesome Female Characters (Good Gameplay + looks)

      Samus Aran
      Luna/Mai/Jessika (Lunar SSSC)
      Just about every FF heroine but Tifa (@. @ she's way too big imo...)

      and there's more I'm sure, I just can't think of them all (and I have other things I want to do than discuss gameplay vs pillows )



      • #33
        Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

        The way the game looks and how the game plays are determined by two different departments, though they should be guided by the same person, or GDD. The artists determine how the game looks, and the programmers determine how the game plays. In my experiences if either department has problems only their contributions suffer, but can cause problems for the other.

        Character design has nothing to do with game play. If it's a bad game you can't assume that because the characters look good it was all done to compensate.


        • #34
          Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

          Dead or Alive Extreme 2. Please, please, please don't tell me that there wasn't too much focus on the breasts and not enough on the gameplay. Red Ninja. Oneechanbara Vortex. There are hundreds of games out there with the same problem.

          It happens moreso with anime than games, but when a developer suddenly begins to pump up the size of their characters' breasts, don't expect the gameplay quality to expand in the same way.
          Last edited by Pai Pai Master; 08-19-2007, 03:56 PM.
          PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
          Rockman - Fairy

          WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
          Currently Playing:
          FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


          • #35
            Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

            DoA Beach Volleyball > _ >

            And to clarify, no I'm not obsessed with boobs

            The pillows comment was a cheap reference to Bleach's Orahime (sp?) (Koen {again, sp?} keeps referring to her boobs as "pillows" in one episode, and for some reason that seemed like the most appropriate, least-offensive nick name I've ever heard for a part of the female anatomy. Cozy ~_^)

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #36
              Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

              Originally posted by Pai Pai Master View Post
              Dead or Alive Extreme 2. Please, please, please don't tell me that there wasn't too much focus on the breasts and not enough on the gameplay.
              DoA Extreme doesn't really have a place in a fighting game discussion. While I don't have much love for Team Ninja's games overall, DoA Extreme I actually did like for probably being the most relaxing, different and least stressful game I've ever played. It had a nice volleyball game, the casino and was just collecting widgets and staring at chicks otherwise.

              Its not like they were out to compete, if anything, if spawned imitators that failed horribly because DoA Extreme wasn't meant to be a competitive game, just a chill one.


              • #37
                Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                While I don't have much love for Team Ninja's games overall, DoA Extreme I actually did like for probably being the most relaxing, different and least stressful game I've ever played.
                Did you not enjoy Ninja Gaiden either? In my opinion it's one of the better games they've produced, and helps shed a little light on the DoA universe. Both Ninja Gaiden and DoA4 introduced elements of plot, but niether established enough definitive detail for us to see the bigger picture.

                Oh well. I'm fine being the only fan here.


                • #38
                  Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

                  I'm a fan of the old Ninja Gaiden games. I didn't like the new one, Team Ninja had nothing to do with the original games and didn't even consider picking up where those left off. I thought the game was disappointing and I hated that DoA characters and story were part of it.


                  • #39
                    Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

                    dude i get sex and big boobs sell but... do they all have to have double F's? it's sad really..

                    there is no such thing as failure, only death and success.

