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Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

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  • Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

    ... to ZOMGBEWBS!

    I'd link the pics if they could be considered worksafe. But suffice to say, DOA is now the soft porn of fighting games. Sophitia has gone from a B Cup to DDs.

    I love Soul Calibur, but this is just going a little overboard. Put some clothes back on these girls. I can't buffer Summon Suffering on Ivy if her boobs are hanging out.

  • #2
    Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

    Sex sells.
    Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


    • #3
      Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

      I agree.... I like boob as much as the next guy...but hell DOA was to much in my opinion....but this!...... wow sad.....
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #4
        Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

        Soul Calibur III sucked and didn't sell that well. The next step? Take an already fanservice-laden fighter to soft-porn levels instead of fixing what went wrong with the gameplay. Was nice knowing you, Soul Calibur.
        PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
        Rockman - Fairy

        WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
        Currently Playing:
        FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


        • #5
          Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

          I approve. Clothes are overrated.

          Besides the boobs, the game looks pretty fantastic.


          • #6
            Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

            I agree with Dak. If the game plays great, it's not a big deal.

            And I never saw any gameplay problems with Soul Calibur 3, to be honest.


            • #7
              Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

              Other than it being horribly, horribly unbalanced. They didn't spend nearly as much time with they game as they should have. It's one thing to pack a game full of characters, who doesn't love that? It can come back and suck in the end however, if they don't properly balance said massive character list, like Tekken has been successful with.
              PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
              Rockman - Fairy

              WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
              Currently Playing:
              FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


              • #8
                Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

                I heard Soul Cal 3 was ubar unbalanced. I can't play it cause everytime I try to play Chronicles of the Sword my data keeps getting corrupted. . I hope they fix that and make it more fun in Soul Cal IV.

                Originally posted by FFXI's view on other MMORPGs
                'Start learning boy, no you don't get a tutorial, this is man's country! Tutorial's are for little sissy babies who need their mommies! Now, are you a sissy baby or a man?"
                Bahamut server
                Lv 75 Ranger Lv 75 Samurai


                • #9
                  Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

                  I played Soul Calibur and SC II so much I just skipped over SC3 entirely because I had had my fill of the series for the last few years. I still consider it my favorite 3D fighter series since its pretty much the perfect balance between Virtua Fighter and DoA - smart enough to have real strategy and rules, but flexible enough to remain accessable to many players.

                  I wish I knew where that SCII arcade machine went to after the arcade closed down, I miss my Conquest Mode Ivy The AI had adapted so well fellow patrons would storm out of the arcade in a fit because I beat them without actually being there.

                  I remember because when I said "hello" to one of them as I went in, thier reply as "F*** you."


                  • #10
                    Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

                    Taking a wild stab in the dark here but I'm guessing the majority of the beat 'em up gaming market is tit-obsessed, undersexed males.

                    Oh, and as much as I like your sig, omg, don't you think something that's three times the size of your average post is a little too much. I recall everyone, including mods, jumping on Sweetkitty for her planet-sized attention-craving sig but yours is about the same size.


                    • #11
                      Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

                      Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
                      Taking a wild stab in the dark here but I'm guessing the majority of the beat 'em up gaming market is tit-obsessed, undersexed males.
                      Why make a beautiful game with ugly women? What's the point of a revealing dress if there's nothing to reveal?

                      Don't be so afraid of them, they're just boobs.


                      • #12
                        Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

                        Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
                        Oh, and as much as I like your sig, omg, don't you think something that's three times the size of your average post is a little too much. I recall everyone, including mods, jumping on Sweetkitty for her planet-sized attention-craving sig but yours is about the same size.
                        I think sigs are only an issue when you're forced to scroll horizontally to read anything. Armando's avatars are longer than most of his posts and I don't have a problem with that. I might still trim the sig down later, but probably after I get some smaller .gifs made to collapse links into.


                        • #13
                          Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

                          Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                          Why make a beautiful game with ugly women? What's the point of a revealing dress if there's nothing to reveal?

                          Don't be so afraid of them, they're just boobs.
                          I'm fine with it when it's a quality game. SCIII reeked of half-assery. The last thing they need to focus on is reworking the series' character designs. If SCIV turns out to be as spectacular as the first two, I couldn't care less. However, if they take the easy way out and try to boost sales by increasing the sex appeal instead of improving the gameplay, it's all for naught.
                          PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                          Rockman - Fairy

                          WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                          Currently Playing:
                          FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                          • #14
                            Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

                            Sophitia has gone from a B Cup to DDs.
                            {C Cup} {Yes, please.}

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #15
                              Re: Soul Calibur 4 to undergo name change...

                              I'm of the mind that this has long surpassed excessive. They took a successful arcade smash hit, made it a successful console hit, then let the breasts take over.

                              I mean when DoA first gave the women overly mobile breasts, it was innovative. We'd never seen a woman get punched in the face and her fake breasts would then bounce up and hit her in the face again. I mean the women characters in that game should have taken double damage, but it was new. We'd never seen it, it meant we'd see more in games. More things would react, and life was good.

                              Then the shift was made. Fuck the game, makes those breasts bounce! How long before a sword across the body cuts open the front of the woman's costume completely exposing those completely unrealistic representation of mammaries? Which would spawn MABBIV (Mothers Against Big Breasts In Video-games.), Congress would take this time to further attack the video game industry instead of doing something that's really needed, and the cycle begins anew.

                              The past 3 games have had a teen rating, but show nearly as much breast as 2 AM Skinamax or HBO Zone. Does that seem right at all?
                              PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
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