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Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

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  • #91
    Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

    Also, Feba, Gears is coming to Mac. :3

    Games for Windows Live sucks. Pay $50 a year for the privelege to play with your 360-owning friends, which probably doesn't cost the developer anything.
    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
    Rockman - Fairy

    WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
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    • #92
      Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

      I agree... when I heard about the Windows Live BS I was like WTF is this crap.

      I took Halo 2 back, not because the game sucked, but because of all the BS to get it to work, when I logged in to the multiplayer lobby, there was no one there, and the game had been out for a week.
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #93
        Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
        So because you didn't like 1 game the console sucks? That's some logic you got there . XBL is a pretty awesome experience I must admit, but the only reason I'd pay for it would be to play Halo 3 online and there really isn't any need for Microsoft to charge for that. They're just out to make more money.

        The extra content from live (the stuff you pay for) is all legit, but having to pay just play a few games online with your friends? That's BS. I also do not approve of Windows Live. Biggest mistake MS could have made.

        On the one hand, it's cool to be able to play with PC players now on XBL. But there are infinitely more cheaters/hackers on Halo 2 now. Way to go MS...

        anyway enough derailing.
        No, I didn't Like any of the games that were out (Exept Genji and Motostorm :D) The others just pissed me off because eather it wold end too quick or it glitched and sometimes they wouldn't work on the internet. Also most of the times even at the hardest levels of the games I could pass threw it without any challenge, I.E. Resistance or Call of duty 3, Even though it sucked on every system (Where oh were was infinity ward
        Watching FFXI live and it's making me sad That I'm broke 100% of the time...


        • #94
          Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

          Genji was pretty disappointing, and don't even touch Gundam.... but the good stuff is finally on it's way ^^



          • #95
            Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
            Genji was pretty disappointing, and don't even touch Gundam.... but the good stuff is finally on it's way ^^
            I haven't played Gundam, And Yea. The PS3 it getting a good pack of games. (Dynasty Warriors gundam for one)
            Watching FFXI live and it's making me sad That I'm broke 100% of the time...


            • #96
              Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

              Master Grimm, you reek of IGN/Neo-GAFfery. Loyalty to any console is insanity.

              There are many reasons to be critical of any of the big three console makers, but lets not fault them for third party games, please. Its not like Sony or MS make all the games coming to thier consoles.

              Sony just fubared again, BTW, the slimmed-down PSP is going to have half the battery life of the original model, taking it from 8 hours to 3 to 6 hour of play. They're offering backplates in which to house the older batteries, but still, when you improve your product, you're really supposed improve it, not weaken it.


              • #97
                Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                Master Grimm, you reek of IGN/Neo-GAFfery. Loyalty to any console is insanity.

                There are many reasons to be critical of any of the big three console makers, but lets not fault them for third party games, please. Its not like Sony or MS make all the games coming to thier consoles.

                Sony just fubared again, BTW, the slimmed-down PSP is going to have half the battery life of the original model, taking it from 8 hours to 3 to 6 hour of play. They're offering backplates in which to house the older batteries, but still, when you improve your product, you're really supposed improve it, not weaken it.
                Hey, The only Sony console I'm complaining about is there PS3 I'm fine with the PsP and PS2 (I own them myself) But I'm not going to waist $600 on assystem I don't like, Every other systems fine. Hell I wish I had a super Nes again. Or a Wii >>. And no I'm not siding with any system if I did I would say "OH MY GOD THE 360 OWNS YOUR FACES IN SO HARD AND YOU CAN'T SAY IT'S NOT PERFECT" Because 1. It does have it's Defects and microsoft fixed them faster then you can say 'Final Fantasy' and with Excellent service, Also they reinstate the 360's warranty by another year. And 2. I'm not a one sided newb that sits in his draws all day arguing over with system owns what, I'm just stating the Defects on this forum because Its about the PS3, or is my eye site getting bad and the topic is 'Debate over the best system here...'
                Watching FFXI live and it's making me sad That I'm broke 100% of the time...


                • #98
                  Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                  Originally posted by Master Grimm View Post
                  or is my eye site getting bad and the topic is 'Debate over the best system here...'
                  I'm sorry but the princess is in another castle.

                  The moment you started mentioning the 360 and comparing the PS3 to it you turned it into that. Next time leave the 360 comparisons out of your of your PS3 criticism and you'll do much better.
                  "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                  Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                  • #99
                    Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                    The "best system" debate wrapped up in 5 lines:

                    -The Wii's graphics suck
                    -The PS3 is too expensive
                    -The Xbox360 is defective
                    -PC > Mac
                    -Mac < PC

                    Well, since all of the important points of the "best system" debate were just discussed in the above 5 lines I'll call that a closed topic!
                    Happy happy gogo Mana is full of



                    • Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      Master Grimm, you reek of IGN/Neo-GAFfery. Loyalty to any console is insanity.

                      There are many reasons to be critical of any of the big three console makers, but lets not fault them for third party games, please. Its not like Sony or MS make all the games coming to thier consoles.

                      Sony just fubared again, BTW, the slimmed-down PSP is going to have half the battery life of the original model, taking it from 8 hours to 3 to 6 hour of play. They're offering backplates in which to house the older batteries, but still, when you improve your product, you're really supposed improve it, not weaken it.

                      At E3 they said it was going to be increased. WTF happened to that?

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                        Originally posted by Manatra View Post
                        The "best system" debate wrapped up in 5 lines:
                        -The Wii's graphics suck
                        -The PS3 is too expensive
                        -The Xbox360 is defective
                        -PC > Mac
                        -Mac < PC
                        Well, since all of the important points of the "best system" debate were just discussed in the above 5 lines I'll call that a closed topic!
                        how about I fix that for you....

                        Wii = Unique game controls
                        PS3 = best graphic capability
                        360 = best online capability
                        PC = gameing computer
                        Mac = graphic and music design computer
                        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                        • Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                          Also, Feba, Gears is coming to Mac. :3
                          heh. Still, I refuse to buy a game that uses an ad to try to get you to buy it, has nothing that was actually in the ad, then says 'oh hi you need to buy me again to fight that thing lol.'

                          That's false advertising, if not morally corrupt.

                          t given the computational powers of Cell + RSX.... I'm hoping for at least 50+ enemies charging in at me.
                          Only 50? I assume you've never played Metroid Prime or Dynasty Warriors then...

                          On the one hand, it's cool to be able to play with PC players now on XBL.
                          It's good in concept, but I won't think a system like this is amazing until it's truly crossplatform. I believe PSU's various servers have people of all sorts of different consoles, and FFXI has obviously got at least two markets, but I don't really care. Unless I can talk to any random person who plays video games and say "Hey, wanna play *?" and they go "Sure.", I doubt I'll be impressed.

                          Sadly, Second Life or WoW look to be in the best position to make this happen, a true virtual world that almost everyone is a part of (Imagine email), but I doubt either of them will. Luckily, game consoles are becoming more and more like desktop computers (the PS3 willingly adapts itself into a linux box, and it doesn't take much doing to get the 360 running Windows, OSX, or Linux from what I've heard. ), so porting games will probably not be very difficult soon enough, but free use and distribution will be nearly impossible.

                          My dream would be a timeless (Everything from Lord of the Ring-fantasy type worlds to Space Stations that would make Lucas jealous), shardless, borderless (people from all around the planet) game world that would run on pretty much any of a giant range of hardware people could get off the shelf, which would be freely distributed, with advantages for those paying (like an item mall, or virtual land type stuff), something for everyone all on one little virtual universe, everything from the hack and slash MMO fanatic to the shoot'em'up deathmatch-nut coexisting in a single game, with their characters suitably reflecting their interests and personalities (someone who plays around the old west time period slicing zombies mercilessly might carry a blood stained gunblade on his back, but someone who plays a space trucker from the future might have a glove-computer he uses to look up things about his surroundings, or talk to friends.). You could easily send a message to a friend, asking if they want to play lightcycles, agree, use an ancient spell to teleport to their location, join them and warp into the future, get on a light cycle and start a match, beat them, and hop on a bullet train that takes you to a virtual shopping mall.

                          Of course, actually making a game like that would take a raving lunatic, but it would still be neat to see some day.


                          • Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                            Originally posted by Manatra View Post
                            The "best system" debate wrapped up in 5 lines:

                            -The Wii's graphics suck
                            -The PS3 is too expensive
                            -The Xbox360 is defective
                            -PC > Mac
                            -Mac < PC

                            Well, since all of the important points of the "best system" debate were just discussed in the above 5 lines I'll call that a closed topic!
                            *Bows to him* You nailed it -_-
                            Watching FFXI live and it's making me sad That I'm broke 100% of the time...


                            • Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                              Well, Ps3 has smoother graphics that make it seem crystal clear, Fine with me, but I would like a little more detail like in GoW or Lost planet. And just a question not related to this topic, If I use a prepaid card for FFXI will they cancel my account after the cash in the card runs out? or will they keep it until I pay it again, If I stay reliable it FFXI, Or do I have to manually cancel the account?
                              Watching FFXI live and it's making me sad That I'm broke 100% of the time...


                              • Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                                The "best system" debate wrapped up in 5 lines:
                                -The Wii's graphics suck
                                -The PS3 is too expensive
                                -The Xbox360 is defective
                                -PC > Mac
                                -Mac < PC
                                I disagree. So far, in terms of current gen systems:

                                Wii: Doesn't have much graphic power, but has fun controls.
                                PS3: Doesn't have much *but* graphic power, and a Blu-Ray Player.
                                360: Great graphics, great online system, great games, and probably the best system for a serious gamer right now.
                                Vista: Causes nothing but problems for existing games, while games made for it have hardly any benefits.
                                10.5/Linux: Should be great, although the library is lacking, and there's just not much real creativity (Katamari, Guitar Hero, but then those kind of inventive games are dead on Windows too)

