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Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

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  • #76
    Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

    Originally posted by Master Grimm View Post
    Ps3 = BAD!
    I know About the PS3 even though I only have a 360, My friend invites me to his house to Play the Ps3 and the over all quality is BAD, Yea it looks good in HD. But wheres the quality of games? There way too fast. (I beat Most of them, Including resistance Fall of man in around 2:30: Just by running and Gunning and not dieing once, Unlike Gear of War which took me about 2 days at the same difficulty for both. And the connection sucks. Me and my friend got the Same Internet service. Works the same and Everything. But I got The 360 Elite and he Has the 60GB PS3 (He's $ like that and I had to save up for 2 years to get an elite. But the PS3 network quality also sucks. It lags and disconnects on most of the games unlike the 360. Which only lag on new games for about 2 weeks or a week (I.E. The Darkness) So I would recommend saving yourself some cash and a lot of time to her the Pro edition OR the Elite (Your choice) for less. Because the PS3 ain't worth it... Unless you want a cheap Blue-Ray paper weight.

    Spoken like a true n00b. I heard a lot of people say the same thing about 360 in regards to the red ring you know, but that didn't stop anyone from buying or enjoying the system. PS3 has a lot going for it, and the good stuff is finally on it's way. How about taking time to actually research this sort of thing before making a post like this.

    I defy you to tell my Heavenly Sword, Final Fantasy 13, Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2 and Lair are crap. Go on, I dare you.

    Sony's online system does suck compared to XBL, but at least they don't charge to play games online either. And HOME looks freaking sweet...

    in short, Pai Pai is pretty much right; it's the consumers who win in the end of all this ^^

    Who gives a crap about console sales? Not me. All I care about is that all 3 companies are doing fine and putting out the games I like :3



    • #77
      Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

      Originally posted by Malacite View Post
      Spoken like a true n00b. I heard a lot of people say the same thing about 360 in regards to the red ring you know, but that didn't stop anyone from buying or enjoying the system. PS3 has a lot going for it, and the good stuff is finally on it's way. How about taking time to actually research this sort of thing before making a post like this.

      I defy you to tell my Heavenly Sword, Final Fantasy 13, Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2 and Lair are crap. Go on, I dare you.

      Sony's online system does suck compared to XBL, but at least they don't charge to play games online either. And HOME looks freaking sweet...

      in short, Pai Pai is pretty much right; it's the consumers who win in the end of all this ^^

      Who gives a crap about console sales? Not me. All I care about is that all 3 companies are doing fine and putting out the games I like :3
      Right, Noob eh? Well man. The warranty saved the hell out of the 360 even if they lost sales for that, Who cares, It's worth it for the 360 with all the Upcoming games coming up. And another thing I forgot too add. You can get most of the Ps3 games on the 360 since they are starting to lose all there exclusive games, Can anyone say "Microsoft gets another MSG!" ? (I'm taking bets on that prediction.) Also Heavenly sword looks Kinda like God of War with Extra weapons and skills.. But MSG4 Lair and kill zone will own the market, But there's also Haze (Coming for Ps3 too), Front lines, Huxley, Prototype, Splinter cell conviction and a couple of other games coming out from August - December for the 360 that will keep the Race on trucking. But beside all of that, The wii Still owns them all
      Watching FFXI live and it's making me sad That I'm broke 100% of the time...


      • #78
        Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

        Originally posted by Master Grimm View Post
        Right, Noob eh? Well man. The warranty saved the hell out of the 360 even if they lost sales for that, Who cares, It's worth it for the 360 with all the Upcoming games coming up. And another thing I forgot too add. You can get most of the Ps3 games on the 360 since they are starting to lose all there exclusive games, Can anyone say "Microsoft gets another MSG!" ? (I'm taking bets on that prediction.) Also Heavenly sword looks Kinda like God of War with Extra weapons and skills.. But MSG4 Lair and kill zone will own the market, But there's also Haze (Coming for Ps3 too), Front lines, Huxley, Prototype, Splinter cell conviction and a couple of other games coming out from August - December for the 360 that will keep the Race on trucking. But beside all of that, The wii Still owns them all

        ok now this is turning into a "my system pwz your system lolz" thread, when I made my post, I was looking at it in a different manner...

        Ignore the systems, ignore the hype, and ignore the games out or each system, and look at the companies themselves. Nintendo has always given its customers good quality products, and the others...well.. let the latest news speak for themselves.
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #79
          Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

          Master Grimm
          I'll call this exhibit A and present it as the perfect example of why I'll never go near Live.
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • #80
            Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

            I defy you to tell my Heavenly Sword, Final Fantasy 13, Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2 and Lair are crap. Go on, I dare you.
            They're crap.

            Seriously, using games that aren't out yet to defend a console is stupid. No one can play them, calling them good is like talking about how intelligent your six month old child is.

            Not to mention, we have no idea yet if it will turn out to flop or become the next Duke Nukem Forever.


            • #81
              Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

              Originally posted by Master Grimm View Post
              I beat Most of them, Including resistance Fall of man in around 2:30: Just by running and Gunning and not dieing once, Unlike Gear of War which took me about 2 days at the same difficulty for both.
              You're upset because you ran straight through a game and it was short? How is this the PS3's fault? I don't know why everybody compares shooters to Gears of War, that was a terribly repetitive game and was only worth playing one time through.

              Play everything on the hardest setting and with a friend, and I'm sure you'll find the games a lot more fun.


              • #82
                Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                It's perfectly plausible Feba, because it's been done for the longest going as far back as SNES/N64. Just look at all the hype Mass Effect is (rightly) getting... dear god that game looks amazing.

                I didn't mean to start a flame war here, but that was just such an ignorant statement I couldn't ignore it.

                If you actually took the time to read reputable sites like Joystiq, you'd know that Heavenly Sword is very different from God of War (not that God of War isn't amazing in it's own right). It's more of a freestyle combat system based on timing and stances as opposed to button mashing. Hell, you block just by standing still.

                And since when did Gears become the benchmark? I thought Halo:CE was still the #1 FPS by which all others were judged by, not that really care anyway. Gears was also pretty damn short by the way so don't go saying it's so much longer. It's pretty easy to get through it in a couple of hours to be honest. The game is still the most visually stunning out on the market right now though and while I haven't tried it myself, the online play beats out even Halo 2 on XBL so that's pretty indicative how good it is. Love that chainsaw bayonet!

                I'd like to put that MGS4 rumor to rest too... I don't know where XBM gets off saying that it will come to 360. Hideo Kojima himself said at E3 on stage that it's going to remain exclusive. I'm going to take the word of mouth from the series' creator over some shady rumors any day.

                Ok, got that off my chest ^^ feeling better now. Man I hate fanboys. Buy/play whatever systems/games you like and quit talking trash about the others. Yes, Wii is outselling PS3 5 to 1 in Japan. Does that really matter? Not really, unless you're a share holder of Sony or Nintendo (even Sony isn't concerned so whatever. Glad to see Nintendo is actually trying to put out good games this time around)

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #83
                  Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                  personally, I refuse to buy gears just because they release it for xbox, have this awesome commerical.. you go to the store and buy it, and the thing in the commercial ISN'T IN THE GAME. So what do they do? Downloadable content? Nope, you have to buy AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT VERSION OF THE GAME TO RUN ON YOUR (WINDOWS, NATURALLY) COMPUTER!

                  There's a line between being capitalists and being price gougers. Guess where I drew that.


                  • #84
                    Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                    Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                    You're upset because you ran straight through a game and it was short? How is this the PS3's fault? I don't know why everybody compares shooters to Gears of War, that was a terribly repetitive game and was only worth playing one time through.

                    Play everything on the hardest setting and with a friend, and I'm sure you'll find the games a lot more fun.
                    I was about to say this myself. Did you try Resistance on it's most difficult setting? You would've gotten your ass handed to you so fast if you tried "running and gunning" like you said. If you don't have fun blowing through a game, or that bothers you...then play it on hard. Otherwise, it's gonna be easy as hell and you'll beat it fast....what a retarded reason.

                    Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


                    • #85
                      Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                      Originally posted by Feba View Post
                      There's a line between being capitalists and being price gougers. Guess where I drew that.


                      • #86
                        Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                        That's kinda funny, because it took me a couple of weeks to finish Resistance, and less than a day to finish Gears of War.

                        It's different for everyone, obviously.

                        I too thought Heavenly Sword would be nothing but a God of War clone, but the latest footage clearly shows that it's going to be a fantastic action adventure title in its own right, with a beautiful story and artistic direction to boot.
                        PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                        Rockman - Fairy

                        WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                        Currently Playing:
                        FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                        • #87
                          Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                          And the scale of the battles is apparently massive. Now, that's open to interpretation, but given the computational powers of Cell + RSX.... I'm hoping for at least 50+ enemies charging in at me. BRING IT ON!

                          I thought the GEARS commercial was kind of cool actually. It was a demo that didn't give away any spoilers whatsoever which is always nice. That's why I hate movie trailers; they always show off the best parts.

                          And now it's coming to PC and Mac with extra features and (hopefully) free online play.

                          Also, everyone I've talked to agrees with me on GEARS; Great game, but it was way the hell too short. By the time you beat RAMM it feels like you're just getting to the middle of the game, and then -blam!- it ends!

                          Apparently there's a Gears of War movie in the works now too, so that will hopefully be kick ass... though it still doesn't stand a chance against Peter Jackson's Halo (pending 2009)

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #88
                            Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                            I don't think there's any specific point where there are that many enemies coming after you at once, but the game does a fantastic job of displaying battlefields. When you're in a major battle, it feels like a major battle. You'll certainly see at least 50 enemies fighting, they're just not all fighting you at once.

                            That's not to say Gears doesn't have its share of spectacular firefights. Both games, I think, do really amazing jobs of portraying battlefields, although Resistance does manage to stuff more NPCs in there and show much larger environments.

                            And yeah, it is an incredible game but far too short.
                            PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                            Rockman - Fairy

                            WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                            Currently Playing:
                            FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                            • #89
                              Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                              Originally posted by Feba View Post
                              personally, I refuse to buy gears just because they release it for xbox, have this awesome commerical.. you go to the store and buy it, and the thing in the commercial ISN'T IN THE GAME. So what do they do? Downloadable content? Nope, you have to buy AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT VERSION OF THE GAME TO RUN ON YOUR (WINDOWS, NATURALLY) COMPUTER!

                              There's a line between being capitalists and being price gougers. Guess where I drew that.
                              Gow is not too fun, Trust me -_-;;
                              And yes the 360 has some drawback like the Paying for Live, But I think it's worth it. Also if you wanna play FFXI or PSU you don't need a gold account. But yes. I pBlame the PS3 and it's developers for producing a game thats not fun, And thats not a crime...
                              Watching FFXI live and it's making me sad That I'm broke 100% of the time...


                              • #90
                                Re: Don't buy that 60GB PS3!

                                So because you didn't like 1 game the console sucks? That's some logic you got there . XBL is a pretty awesome experience I must admit, but the only reason I'd pay for it would be to play Halo 3 online and there really isn't any need for Microsoft to charge for that. They're just out to make more money.

                                The extra content from live (the stuff you pay for) is all legit, but having to pay just play a few games online with your friends? That's BS. I also do not approve of Windows Live. Biggest mistake MS could have made.

                                On the one hand, it's cool to be able to play with PC players now on XBL. But there are infinitely more cheaters/hackers on Halo 2 now. Way to go MS...

                                anyway enough derailing.

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

