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Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

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  • #61
    Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

    Originally posted by Murphie View Post
    I'm not sure that I'd suggest taking the advice of someone who couldn't even make it to 30 in WoW.
    I am a 60 rogue, 60 Hunter and a 60 Warlock does my OP count ?

    Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


    • #62
      Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

      You're chronically negative, and seem to have an inability to discuss topics objectively, so no.


      • #63
        Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

        Originally posted by Murphie View Post
        You're chronically negative, and seem to have an inability to discuss topics objectively, so no.
        Ohhh i dunno. I thought telling a guy to play a 10 day free trial was a good idea. IF FFXI had a 10 day free trial I'd tell peeps to try this out as well.

        I thought Id be an expert on both FFXI due to my 75nin, 75Bst, 60Drk, 60War, an all other jobs 37. An a 60hunter, Rogue an Warlock in WoW. The only thing i couldn't tell people about WoW is what was considered "Endgame" because after FFXI i was trying to avoid it

        Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


        • #64
          Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

          Originally posted by Firaeon View Post
          EDIT: I also remember one time I was in a dungeon, and some really good drop came up. It was a good shield. I needed it, so I clicked "Need" and everyones like, "OMG U DONT KNEED THAT U HAV 2H SWORD." and I said, "I want to train my 1H once in a while too." and then they promptly kicked me out of the party, and a kid was PMing me all night blabbering about how many lvl 60's he had, and I kept telling him to get a fucking life, etc. etc. I hate the people on WoW.
          You damn hunters lot on everything!

          Feba, I recently cleared off all the characters on my account and it still has some time remaining. If you have the game installed you can create a new character and mess around.

          Hell, you can have the account if you pay for it.


          • #65
            Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

            Originally posted by little ninja View Post
            Ohhh i dunno. I thought telling a guy to play a 10 day free trial was a good idea. IF FFXI had a 10 day free trial I'd tell peeps to try this out as well.

            I thought Id be an expert on both FFXI due to my 75nin, 75Bst, 60Drk, 60War, an all other jobs 37. An a 60hunter, Rogue an Warlock in WoW. The only thing i couldn't tell people about WoW is what was considered "Endgame" because after FFXI i was trying to avoid it
            I'll be honest. I don't generally go back to reread your posts, for the reasons I mentioned above. But if you were suggesting he give it a try (because, hello - no downside), then my apologies.


            • #66
              Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
              I'm not sure that I'd suggest taking the advice of someone who couldn't even make it to 30 in WoW.
              That's the point. I was so incredibly bored of the game that I didn't even make it halfway. Lame.

              EDIT: I'd also like to add that it makes me sick when people make videos on YouTube, with a bunch of character models dancing around like morons and trying to make it look "funny", when it just looks like a group of fatass WoW whores got together and said, "Let's try to make it look like we do something productive with WoW", and then they fail miserably and they make people like me sick. Exceptions are the Leeroy Jenkins video, because it's about a guy pissing off a giant group of WoW-whores. Also that one South Park episode, that was funny.


              That's the shit I'm talking about. Jesus christ, that reminds me of how much I hate the way the character models look. The only decent ones are the Undead, because they're punk rocker inspired. And punk is good with me.
              Last edited by Firaeon; 07-15-2007, 04:06 AM.
              Firaeon : Ramuh
              WAR: 6 RDM: 5 WHM: 1 BLM: 1
              THF: 2 MNK: 2
              Main Job - WAR - Sub-Job - None


              • #67
                Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

                Videos of people having fun being silly makes you sick. I see.


                • #68
                  Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

                  [System Message: You are not allowed to post URLs as you have not yet contributed sufficiently. Please try again at a later time.]

                  I didnt even post a damn url! w/e basically I agree that WoWs characters look pretty stupid, not only that the game play, so u can do more stuff then in FFXI? I dont care, thats why I quit the damn thing and came to FFXI in the first place. Also, yes people being stupid and moronic, on the internet does make me sick. So in other words I agree with what you are saying, Firaeon.
                  "I shall heal all of those that have been hurt within battle, and I shall make them feel new again" #Moew# - Edelweiss (The WHM Mithra) of Bahamut


                  • #69
                    Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

                    Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                    I'll be honest. I don't generally go back to reread your posts, for the reasons I mentioned above. But if you were suggesting he give it a try (because, hello - no downside), then my apologies.
                    No biggie Murph. We all know most times then not I am a bit of a trouble maker..

                    Originally posted by Firaeon View Post
                    That's the point. I was so incredibly bored of the game that I didn't even make it halfway. Lame.
                    EDIT: I'd also like to add that it makes me sick when people make videos on YouTube, with a bunch of character models dancing around like morons and trying to make it look "funny", when it just looks like a group of fatass WoW whores got together and said, "Let's try to make it look like we do something productive with WoW", and then they fail miserably and they make people like me sick. Exceptions are the Leeroy Jenkins video, because it's about a guy pissing off a giant group of WoW-whores. Also that one South Park episode, that was funny.
                    That's the shit I'm talking about. Jesus christ, that reminds me of how much I hate the way the character models look. The only decent ones are the Undead, because they're punk rocker inspired. And punk is good with me.
                    I took my Hunter to 60 basically waiting for people to log on, and waiting for invites in FFXI. I don't think Wow was anymore boring then FFXI really. Really i thought the funniest part of WoW was the late 30's and on. You get more involved in things like raids, dungeons, battlegrounds. one n one fight with the other factions. Then again those things aren't most peoples cup of tea. But after fighting in FFXI for so long is was refreshing for myself.

                    I do agree player made videos for the most part are pretty lame. Every once in awhile someone puts out something interesting to watch. But Wow is some guy bragging about his job in a BG or some WoW chars dancing to some stupid music.

                    Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                    • #70
                      Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

                      FFXI is more exciting to me because theres far more to do and experiment with. It may also help that I'm a Final Fantasy Fan all around, so I like the atmosphere better. But I also like the fact that FFXI is more complicated and, I guess, strategy oriented.
                      Firaeon : Ramuh
                      WAR: 6 RDM: 5 WHM: 1 BLM: 1
                      THF: 2 MNK: 2
                      Main Job - WAR - Sub-Job - None


                      • #71
                        Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

                        You've been playing it for less than a week. I don't think you're able to really objectively compare the two.


                        • #72
                          Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

                          Originally posted by Firaeon View Post
                          But I also like the fact that FFXI is more complicated and, I guess, strategy oriented.
                          You guess wrong.


                          • #73
                            Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

                            Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                            You've been playing it for less than a week. I don't think you're able to really objectively compare the two.
                            Well, I'm comparing them from when I started. Like, when I started WoW, I had less to do than on FFXI when I started. I've also read up on stuff too, and I like the idea of having one character to be able to try and master ALL the jobs on. It just works better for me, I guess. WoW really has less feeling of accomplishment too. Even when I started FFXI, I felt accomplished when I sold some stuff at the AH. I never really felt that before in WoW.

                            I'll just say this: it's personal preference. You either like FFXI, or you like WoW. WoW is for people who like a simple MMORPG where you can go through dungeon runs and grind and more simplified crafting system (however I haven't tried the FFXI crafting system yet, it seems more detailed from what I've researched). FFXI is for people who have more time to do things and thus I believe you get more of a feeling of accomplishment. There's also less hatred between factions/races. In WoW, you have morons running around saying "lol HORD IS TEH WINZ" or "Horde sucks ass Alliance is way better!". And from when I PvP'd a little on there, people get too into it really. They're acting like it's before Black Rights in America, and they're killing each other with actual hatred. Really weird. There also seems to be more WoW 'nerds', and 'nerds', in the definition of 'completely obsessed and obnoxious with the game' are NOT a good thing to have in a game really.

                            But I also like the fact that FFXI is more complicated and, I guess, strategy oriented.
                            Sorry, but from playing, I personally believe it's more statistical than WoW.
                            Firaeon : Ramuh
                            WAR: 6 RDM: 5 WHM: 1 BLM: 1
                            THF: 2 MNK: 2
                            Main Job - WAR - Sub-Job - None


                            • #74
                              Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

                              Originally posted by Firaeon View Post
                              Well, I'm comparing them from when I started. Like, when I started WoW, I had less to do than on FFXI when I started. I've also read up on stuff too, and I like the idea of having one character to be able to try and master ALL the jobs on. It just works better for me, I guess. WoW really has less feeling of accomplishment too. Even when I started FFXI, I felt accomplished when I sold some stuff at the AH. I never really felt that before in WoW.
                              I'll just say this: it's personal preference. You either like FFXI, or you like WoW. WoW is for people who like a simple MMORPG where you can go through dungeon runs and grind and more simplified crafting system (however I haven't tried the FFXI crafting system yet, it seems more detailed from what I've researched). FFXI is for people who have more time to do things and thus I believe you get more of a feeling of accomplishment. There's also less hatred between factions/races. In WoW, you have morons running around saying "lol HORD IS TEH WINZ" or "Horde sucks ass Alliance is way better!". And from when I PvP'd a little on there, people get too into it really. They're acting like it's before Black Rights in America, and they're killing each other with actual hatred. Really weird. There also seems to be more WoW 'nerds', and 'nerds', in the definition of 'completely obsessed and obnoxious with the game' are NOT a good thing to have in a game really.
                              Sorry, but from playing, I personally believe it's more statistical than WoW.
                              WoW = factions hating each other. An FFXI = Ls's hating each other. This is something you can neither grasp or understand sitting in a starting nation with a job not even into the teens. Both games have the satisfaction of accomplishment. You just never gave WoW the chance for it to happen. As for FFXI, you have yet to sit thru insane amount of hours expless. Stuck on an AF, stuck on a mission, or stuck on a cap quest because you can neither find the appropriate jobs to help you out.

                              This game offers very little in strategy. You will end up in the course of your FFXI life fighting similar type of mob 86% of the time. You fight the same mobs, with the same jobs, with the same skill chain, with the same magic burst. The same could be said for every part of FFXI as well as Wow.

                              Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                              • #75
                                Re: Ugh. Someone talk me out of it.

                                Originally posted by Firaeon View Post
                                Sorry, but from playing, I personally believe it's more statistical than WoW.
                                If by statistical, you mean vague, then you'd be correct. World of Warcraft gives all the information you need at your fingertips. Final Fantasy XI keeps everything hidden and some people consider this "depth" because it's "more challenging" and therefore equates to it somehow being a better game. Then they rush to Allakhazam to get the latest guide on how to beat Obscure Quest X and what CHR does or doesn't do for Paladin.

                                Don't get me wrong... World of Warcraft wasn't my thing either. But you're not being objective here at all. World of Warcraft's mechanics are deeper than Final Fantasy XI's. Usually someone will rush in the game's defense and reference skillchains, but just about everyone plays TP burn parties these days so that's kind of moot anymore. Besides, skillchains are neat, but really not that big a deal. I mean, combining skills/spells for extra damage was done as far back as Phantasy Star IV on the Sega Genesis back in 1993. Granted, it's not an online game, but the concept isn't exactly "WOW" by any means. It was possible to combine photon blasts in Phantasy Star Online, but that didn't make it any less shallow of a game.
                                PSN & XBL ID: Meicyn
                                Wii Code: 6847-2608-8630-2415

