Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?
if you could live in an MMO world as a simulated reality, say through something like in The Matrix or any other number of books that have mentioned the topic,
would you?
That is, spend your entire life in the game, it's universe.
And if it were possible, what MMO (World) would you want to be in, and what would you do?
Personally, yes, in an instant, and FFXI. Even though I personally don't find the game itself fun, I still love the world. I'd probably become a DRG, and spend my time hanging out in small towns. Rabao (well, maybe not, it is a desert), for the fishing, Mhaura for the arts and crafts, Kazham for the Mithra. Maybe move to Aht Urhgan and take up a job as a mercenary.
The above words are by Feba.
The words below are by Rainblade.
1. Would you? Yes.
2. What MMO (World) would you want to be in, and what would you do? Final Fantasy XI. I'd be a a Woodworker (or caravan) who tends to his own business. If there is trouble, I will stop it by using my heretic magic and use my powers to my advantage over the enemy.
Originally posted by Feba
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would you?
That is, spend your entire life in the game, it's universe.
And if it were possible, what MMO (World) would you want to be in, and what would you do?
Personally, yes, in an instant, and FFXI. Even though I personally don't find the game itself fun, I still love the world. I'd probably become a DRG, and spend my time hanging out in small towns. Rabao (well, maybe not, it is a desert), for the fishing, Mhaura for the arts and crafts, Kazham for the Mithra. Maybe move to Aht Urhgan and take up a job as a mercenary.
The above words are by Feba.
The words below are by Rainblade.
1. Would you? Yes.
2. What MMO (World) would you want to be in, and what would you do? Final Fantasy XI. I'd be a a Woodworker (or caravan) who tends to his own business. If there is trouble, I will stop it by using my heretic magic and use my powers to my advantage over the enemy.