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If you could live in an MMO, would you?

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  • #16
    Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

    Originally posted by Feba View Post
    ...Hey, read the entire post, thanks.
    if you could live in an MMO world as a simulated reality, say through something like in The Matrix or any other number of books that have mentioned the topic,
    would you?

    That is, spend your entire life in the game, it's universe.

    And if it were possible, what MMO (World) would you want to be in, and what would you do?

    Personally, yes, in an instant, and FFXI. Even though I personally don't find the game itself fun, I still love the world. I'd probably become a DRG, and spend my time hanging out in small towns. Rabao (well, maybe not, it is a desert), for the fishing, Mhaura for the arts and crafts, Kazham for the Mithra. Maybe move to Aht Urhgan and take up a job as a mercenary.

    The above words are by Feba.

    The words below are by Rainblade.

    1. Would you? Yes.

    2. What MMO (World) would you want to be in, and what would you do? Final Fantasy XI. I'd be a a Woodworker (or caravan) who tends to his own business. If there is trouble, I will stop it by using my heretic magic and use my powers to my advantage over the enemy.

    Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

    I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


    • #17
      Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

      I got a friend who wrote an interesting, and rather humorous, fanfic story about what as Blm she had to go through to get her Weskit body...seeing as most of it's tatoos and such. Stuff like that is something that would certainly make living in FFXI a bit more interesting then just playing it
      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


      • #18
        Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

        I would definalty pick FFXI. I love the land of FFxi and all of the expansions.

        To be a SMN in real life would be a Awesome to the 10th degree.

        To be able to call forth Ifrit , shiva , Fenrir, Diabolos, etc. and have them take care of my ish would be great.

        Also, to play fetch with carby would be cool.

        And if it was RL, i could maybe finally get my Damm YY robe

        And on a side note. If FFXI was RL, then what would RMT's be called. And could we finnally kick their butts.


        • #19
          Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

          If FFXI was RL, then what would RMT's be called.
          If you wait a few hours, someone should be around to call them illegal immigrants quickly enough.


          • #20
            Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

            Originally posted by Feba View Post
            If you wait a few hours, someone should be around to call them illegal immigrants quickly enough.
            I would stop all RMT trading with the help of my avatars. We would band together and make the Goblin Bounty Hunters look like charity workers.

            To all RMT's reading this thread .......


            • #21
              Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

              Originally posted by Feba View Post
              If you wait a few hours, someone should be around to call them illegal immigrants quickly enough.
              Ya, way to bring that up again.
              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



              • #22
                Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

                lol, would you call Qiqirin RMT? All they care about is money, and they're somewhat a type of race, this illegal immigrant enough for you?


                Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


                • #23
                  Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

                  Well, I really think that this thread is a good concept. One day I think VR FFXi will be possible. To totally imerse your self in a land somewhat like the one we all love. (.hack comes to mind)


                  • #24
                    Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

                    Would I? No. If you ask me this couple years ago I might answer yes xD
                    Enough things to keep me happy in the real world now, I need no more escape into MMO world.
                    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                    - Pablo Picasso


                    • #25
                      Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

                      Although I love FFXI, I wouldn't want to live in it... I die far too much.

                      I would like a chance to go stab a RMT though.


                      • #26
                        Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

                        >> Leviathan begins casting "Grand Fall"
                        >> RMT bot takes 2000 damage
                        >> RMT bot defeated by Leviathan
                        >> Starlett cheers!!

                        SMN power FTW!!


                        • #27
                          Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

                          Honestly, I'd pick Phantasy Star Universe. I'd probably be a CAST, so I can call giant guns up from satellites and totally blow everyone away.

                          And if I had to live in FFXI, I'd be a mithra thief. Whore myself out, get some "legit" money, then rob the asshole blind. It's fun, AND IT'S NOT ILLEGAL!!!


                          • #28
                            Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

                            It really would depend for me... if The World is populated by the same type and quantities of people as there are as it is a game, then no. However, if it were possible to get a game like FFXI, and populate it with people that are represented in .Hack, I would totally be for that.

                            And, for that matter, .Hack isn't necessarily an MMO, but it's a game based on an MMO, so would it count? If so, I would be torn between that and FFXI, really.

                            To rephrase a little on what I said first: in other words, if The World has the same number of morons, retards and "generally unlikable people" as there are in the game, then no.
                            Kindadarii (Bahamut)
                            90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
                            70.3 + 2 Woodworking
                            52.2 Synergy

                            Breeding Chocobos? Visit to find chocobos in your area!


                            • #29
                              Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

                              I wouldn't, personally. I'm sure an MMO world would be nifty and all, but I enjoy the variety provided by real life.


                              • #30
                                Re: If you could live in an MMO, would you?

                                (.hack comes to mind)
                                Technically, .hack players weren't immersed at all, they just had their screens in classes, which is nothing new. Of course, the people in comas were immersed, but we still don't know how "real" it was for them (remember, tsukasa is still able to access whatever command it takes to log out)

