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Video Games as addictive as heroin?

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  • #16
    Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

    Originally posted by Humar View Post
    In related news.....we ran out of milk today. There was much chaos. No one survived.
    yay no survivors. milk sucks, water ftw!
    live w/o milk, lets see you live w/o water!

    Read if you don't value your braincells.


    • #17
      Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

      Well dispite the fact that that may be true...I'm still gonna continue to drink it cause i love it...whether or not it helps me. I was merely trying to find a way in which it would further my arguement....but i suppose I was wrong though.

      Edit: man..i hate water...i know i know you cant live without it..and i drink it cause i know i have too....especially when dehydrated....but i have a severe dislike for tasteless things and water.... is tasteless.
      Last edited by Humar; 06-23-2007, 11:06 PM. Reason: didnt see above post
      I like seriously.. i do.

      Das Oldskoolen
      It's not a pizza. It's a bomb.
      We didn't order a bomb either.

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      • #18
        Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

        damn right

        but no way video games are as addictive to heroin

        Read if you don't value your braincells.


        • #19
          Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

          Originally posted by Murphie View Post
          Accomplishment and status are appealing. But they aren't addicting. People may enjoy those things, but they aren't dependent on them. They aren't going to suffer physically because of the loss of them. They may suffer emotionally, but that's because of depression or something else going on in their lives.
          And with respect I disagree. Wholeheartedly. Reeeeally wholeheartedly.

          But I think it's fairly obvious that we have different definitions of 'addiction'.

          No but really, Addiction = physical, bodily dependence only..?



          And Van'derfel wrote:
          wow change jimmy to my name and w/e name you put for the charcter to mine and you got me i like to think it causes me physical harm, i get cuts seemingly out of nowhere

          (sorry, can't seem to figure out how to do multiple quotes from different people due to the funny numbers after the quoter's name)

          I'm confuzzled. I can't work out what the inference is here. Either a) you yourself self-harm or b) you're making some wide generalisation about all addictions?
          Oh, Warp. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...


          • #20
            Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

            Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
            I agree with Feba. The chemical changes in the brain that are attributed to addiction to activities can and do appear for any activity that you enjoy. Imo, calling anything outside chemical acclimation to a substance "addiction" in our alarmist culture is an abuse of the term.
            I agree whole-heartedly. But didn't this kid live with his mother? Why didn't she do something to try and help him?
            The only reason I ask is cause I am a mother 3. I have very strict limits on how long my kids play video game and watch TV.


            • #21
              Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

              Originally posted by Deeke View Post
              And with respect I disagree. Wholeheartedly. Reeeeally wholeheartedly.

              But I think it's fairly obvious that we have different definitions of 'addiction'.

              No but really, Addiction = physical, bodily dependence only..?

              You disagree, but you don't provide any reasons why. You just disagree and that's that? K!


              • #22
                Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

                Originally posted by Cutie View Post
                I agree whole-heartedly. But didn't this kid live with his mother? Why didn't she do something to try and help him?
                The only reason I ask is cause I am a mother 3. I have very strict limits on how long my kids play video game and watch TV.
                I usually place blame with the parents first. Parents these days are always just looking for the next scapegoat to cover up bad parenting.

                PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                • #23
                  Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

                  Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                  You disagree, but you don't provide any reasons why. You just disagree and that's that? K!
                  See my first post?

                  If I need to explain it again in simpletalk for you: I disagree that the word addiction only applies to chemical dependency (what the general consensus seems to be in this thread). Refer to my other post for what I prefer to define addiction as.

                  Just to clarify though: You ARE saying no-one has ever been 'addicted' to an MMO? That's an important opinion that can be derived from your previous posts, right?
                  Oh, Warp. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...


                  • #24
                    Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

                    Originally posted by Deeke View Post
                    See my first post?

                    If I need to explain it again in simpletalk for you: I disagree that the word addiction only applies to chemical dependency (what the general consensus seems to be in this thread). Refer to my other post for what I prefer to define addiction as.

                    Just to clarify though: You ARE saying no-one has ever been 'addicted' to an MMO? That's an important opinion that can be derived from your previous posts, right?
                    Hey Deeke! What's up man? Just wanted to make a shoutout to you!

                    Let me just stick to the topic before I recieve any drama.

                    Well, in my opinion, I think the correct term is "Obsessed with games" instead of "Addicted to games." Also, Feba's first post pretty much sums up this thread.

                    Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

                    I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


                    • #25
                      Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

                      Originally posted by Deeke View Post
                      See my first post?

                      If I need to explain it again in simpletalk for you: I disagree that the word addiction only applies to chemical dependency (what the general consensus seems to be in this thread). Refer to my other post for what I prefer to define addiction as.

                      Just to clarify though: You ARE saying no-one has ever been 'addicted' to an MMO? That's an important opinion that can be derived from your previous posts, right?
                      Don't feel like you have to talk down to me. You just make yourself look more like an idiot.

                      No, I don't believe anyone has ever been addicted to an MMO. I believe that people have had priority issues, and they have possibly been depressed and trying to use the MMO to escape from that. But they haven't been addicted. They aren't going to physically suffer if the MMO is removed immediately from their lives.


                      • #26
                        Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

                        I believe people have been addicted to MMOs, but not in a way worth panicking about. Like I said, it is possible to be mentally addicted to ANYTHING.

                        Almost everyone could be said to have multiple addictions- things that they would hate living without. That doesn't mean it's going to cause physical symptoms if they're cut off from it.

                        If it doesn't involve a chemical dependency, it is incredibly irresponsible to call it an addiction. It's a lack of willpower, simple as that.


                        • #27
                          Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

                          Actually, certain behaviors can be considered chemical dependency. Whenever you are partaking in an enjoyable activity, you have increased levels of seratonin in your brain. Take away the activity from the person, and they can actually go through symptoms that are associated with withdrawal.

                          Take running for example, or even sex. Whenever people run for extended periods of time, or reach coitus, there are endorphines released into the blood stream. This causes the release of seratonin in the brain. I actually did a project on this in high school for Psychology. I observed a track-and-field runner who ran every day (4 miles a day) and made them stop for a week. The first few things I immediately observed were that they:

                          1) Had increased irritability.
                          2) Had aching joints.
                          3) Slight Nausea.
                          4) Increased fatigue.

                          All of these are also associated with the withdrawal of quitting smoking.
                          Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
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                          • #28
                            Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

                            Ok. But playing a video game isn't the sort of intense physical activity (thus triggering a chemical change in the brain) that you're talking about.


                            • #29
                              Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

                              Nope, but any activity, even ones where you're just sitting on your ass can make increased seratonin levels in your brain.
                              Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                              90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                              Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                              • #30
                                Re: Video Games as addictive as heroin?

                                Enough to allow someone to develop an addiction to that seratonin?

