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Best in the Series

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  • #61
    Re: Best in the Series

    Actually, according to SE Vaan is the main character for 12. And even if he wasn't, he's still the most poorly done character ever, and that's pretty bad when you consider Gogo and Umaro (almost no personality).

    As for 6, it really is a tough call. I'd put my money on Terra though, if nothing else. It's almost a tie between her and Celes, since those 2 get the most focus, and Terra becomes optional towards the end (along with most of the other members as you said.)

    Bases on the general influence on the story however, I find it goes to Terra. Even in the game's ending (assuming you have her with you) there's a big focus on her.

    Finally, it's her theme music that plays while walking the overworld in the WoB.



    • #62
      Re: Best in the Series

      I think they mean in the sense other games have main characters- as a stand-in for the player- not in the way most FFs and movies have a main character that the story revolves around.

      I personally think that SE only gave Vaan any story at all to give him a reason at all to fight, and let the player understand what was going on with him, I think they kinda wanted the player to forget about Vaan's storyline and just enjoy it. That said, they probably could've done better on that, but I still like having a game where you're playing a minor character.

      Hate to say it, but I liked Yuffie and Cait Sith better than Aerith.
      Yuffie seemed far more alive than Aerith, no pun intended. Personally, Cait Sith was annoying as heck... Now that I've heard his accent in AC, I don't think I can ever see his dialog again and take it even semi-seriously.


      • #63
        Re: Best in the Series

        In general, I'd say FF6 is my favorite. I like 4 quite a bit as well though. Hmmm, let's see. Breaking it down.

        FF1- Played it when it was new on NES (damn was that battle commentary slow) and it rocked the house back then. I don't think it has aged that well. But being able to make your characters and choose their classes was like what Ultima:Exodus did, but with better gameplay. I liked it better than Dragon Warrior/Quest and whatever other 2-3 RPGs NES had at the time (Hydlide?). The GBA port was the best so far, but it's pretty stick-figure basic compared to all the junk I've played over the years. Still, at least a 5/10, IMHO.

        FF2- Played it on the PS1 port when that was new. I liked that there were set characters for the story, with guest characters, but I kind of hated the leveling system. If you haven't played it, each stat levels independently (no "level up" in the traditional sense) depending on what you do in battle. I thought it was tedious, but my brother-in-law likes that system a lot. It was the first to give you "blank-slate" characters that developed the weapon prowess and spells that you decided to give them. But overall, I'd give it a 3/10.

        FF3- Played maybe 5 minutes on the DS. I'll snag it off my Bro-in-law and figure it out one day soon.

        FF4- I played this on SNES when it was new. It was the first one I really fell in love with. And chronologically, it was the 2nd one I ever played. So it was the first time I saw a chocobo, a dragoon, a summoner, a dark knight, a paladin, etc, etc. It seemed so imaginative and the story rocked the shit. I remember actually feeling a little hurt by Kain's behavior, like he was my drug addict older brother I wanted to see go straight (I guess ) I loved the characters, loved the story, great game. One day, I will get that PinkPuff tail. The system was pretty simple I guess. Characters learned spells and skills just by leveling. Still, quite endearing. Maybe my second favorite in the series. 8/10.

        FF5- PS1 port was my first go around with 5. I loved the job system, and certain parts of the story (shipwreck level, town of wolfmen), but I wasn't super-big on the semi-corny story. Gilgamesh was pretty amusing. Mmm...6/10.

        FF6- Played it on SNES when it was new. I can't explain how much I loved this game. I'd go on all day. Characters were cool, unique, bizzare, everything I could ask for in a game. Graphics were kicking at the time. Music was good even. LOVE IT. 10/10.

        FF7- played it new on PS1. I liked some things about it, but even at the time when I was in the dark as to who directed, who designed the characters, etc. I still felt like something was lacking. It just felt kind of drab to me. Not that it was a bad game. I liked things like Gold Saucer and the chocobo stuff. But still, I'm only kind of lukewarm to the whole thing. IMHO, 5/10. I'd play FF1 just as soon as play FF7 again.

        FF8- I don't want to get into it. I'm only going to piss people off. I didn't like any of it: characters, story, battle system. Probably my least favorite. 2/10. I don't want to hear it. I've heard it all before.

        FF9- Played it about a year after it came out. I liked it a lot. But I'm an FF old-timer, so a lot of it just felt like home to me. But after 7 & 8, it was a breath of fresh air. The ending left me kind of underwhelmed though. 7/10 I'd say.

        Here's where I drop off. I had my first child about the time of FF10, so apart from FFXI, I'm kind of lost. I'll pick up FFX and FFX-2 now that they're $20 and play them sometime, FF12 as well. I probably won't be able to scoop it up for about a year I bet, when it's dirt cheap and there is absolutely nothing better to spend such a small amount on.

        I'd kind of put FFT, FFTA, and FFCC all as spinoffs, like DoC, Secret of Mana, SaGa series or something, because they are so fundamentally different. But FFT was awesome, FFTA was pretty good, and FFCC was abysmal.


        • #64
          Re: Best in the Series

          FF2 actually had the best story out of the 3 NES titles, but you're right about the battle system; tedious as all hell. 3 was also the first game to have the job system, which was later perfected in 5.

          I still can't see why so many people hate 8, but you've clearly made up your mind on that title. Too bad...

          Your critique of 7 is a bit odd I find though. FF7 is one of the few games that I found to have a little bit of everything in it. It was also my entry into the RPG (and FF) world. I still remember the commercial lol. Looking back, it doesn't quite stack up against 6, but is still amazing in it's own right.

          FF9- Played it about a year after it came out. I liked it a lot. But I'm an FF old-timer, so a lot of it just felt like home to me.
          That was the whole point of 9; it was a tribute to FF's 1 through 8.

          10 is good, but prepare to be disappointed horribly by 10-2 >_>

          Lastly, Seiken Densetu (aka Legend of the Holy Sword / Secret of Mana) is it's own series and not a spin-off of FF. Just because FF was Squaresoft's first RPG doesn't mean all other series after are spin-offs. I don't know why, but the label "spin-off" just feels wrong.

          Maybe it's because I love SD2 and 3 so much, and am begrudgingly starting to accept Dawn of Mana .... ugh *shudder* if not for them rendering Flammie in full CG glory...

          ok, damn it I couldn't find any pics of the CG rendering (no full body shots anyway) but here's Flammie goodness ^^

 (so beautiful ^^)

          An interesting note I found from Wiki;

          Square trademarked the title Seiken Densetsu: The Emergence of Excalibur in 1987, intending to use it for a game project led by Kazuhiko Aoki for the Famicom Disk System. According to early advertisements, the game would consist of an unprecedented five floppy disks, making it one of the largest title developed for the Famicom up until that point. Although Square solicited pre-orders for the game, Kaoru Moriyama, a former Square employee, affirms that it never progressed beyond early planning stages before management cancelled the ambitious project. In October 1987, people who had placed orders were sent a letter informing them of the cancellation, were refunded and suggested to consider placing an order on another upcoming Square role-playing game in a similar vein: Final Fantasy.[1]

          That's unbelievable. Seiken Densetsu almost became Square's flagship title...



          • #65
            Re: Best in the Series

            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
            That was the whole point of 9; it was a tribute to FF's 1 through 8.
            1 through 6 actually, as 7 and 8 were very different then the first six and there were a lot of complaints about that.
            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
            10 is good, but prepare to be disappointed horribly by 10-2 >_>
            Most of the complaints about X-2 boiled down to guys complaining that it made them feel like girls. X-2 was different, but it was not a bad game.
            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



            • #66
              Re: Best in the Series

              FFX-2 was a very good game, actually. My only complaint would be that most of the random encounters had enemies that did nothing but spam deadly status ailments on you. But I liked the pacing and style of the battles, it was FFVI ATB on speed.

              I still haven't unlocked the Mascot dressphere. I want to beat Trema first, but he's a toughie even with Rabbit Charm and Max Level Trigger Happy doing 9,999 a shot.


              • #67
                Re: Best in the Series

                Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                I still can't see why so many people hate 8, but you've clearly made up your mind on that title. Too bad...
                I'll put it like this. My baby son likes pea baby-food and hates green bean baby-food. Even though they would seem very similar in flavor. Nobody taught him that; he just has his own preferences. That kind of surprised me and made me wonder where we even get preferences at all. It's not like we have to weigh things logically in a pro/con way to justify our likes and dislikes.

                People can tell me why they liked FF8, and that's great. I love it when people are content. But for whatever reason, the sum of FF8's parts just didn't add up to something appealing to me. I personally didn't like the characters, the junction system, the scaling mob strength, the story, or the art style. None of it seemed to appeal to whatever the hell my inner preference compass says I like. I don't think it's at all unreasonable for others to like the very things that put me off, but there is still no convincing me that I should like the game. That's all.

                Your critique of 7 is a bit odd I find though. FF7 is one of the few games that I found to have a little bit of everything in it. It was also my entry into the RPG (and FF) world. I still remember the commercial lol. Looking back, it doesn't quite stack up against 6, but is still amazing in it's own right.
                Many younger people feel the same as you about FF7. It was a monumental game in terms of bringing an audience to RPGs and the FF series. My cousin is 17 and FF7 was a huge game to him. It hit at just the right time for him.

                But think about it from my point of view. I played the games in the order that they hit NA shores, meaning FF1 --> FF4 --> FF6 --> FF7. So to me, there was no great signifigance to FF7 besides being the first non-2D FF. It was just another entry into the series to me. Like I said, I thought it was a good game overall. I just didn't get the same mileage out of it as people who first discovered the FF universe through it. I'll never be able to go back and experience the games for the first time in any other order than what I did, so I can never fully understand how it feels for FF7 to be my great springboard into FF like others did. I like it, but I don't love it.

                Lastly, Seiken Densetu (aka Legend of the Holy Sword / Secret of Mana) is it's own series and not a spin-off of FF. Just because FF was Squaresoft's first RPG doesn't mean all other series after are spin-offs. I don't know why, but the label "spin-off" just feels wrong.
                "Spin-off" isn't correct; you're right. I should have said something more like a "cross-pollenation." The SNES "Secret of Mana" was a big game for me back in the day, and it was the first time I saw moogles and things that kind of crossed-over between the series. I was trying to make the distinciton that FFT, FFCC and the like seemed in my mind to be about as FF as the Seiken Densetu games that were realeased on Game-Boy and given "Final Fantasy Adventure" names as a safety-net to appeal to FF fans. FFT, etc. are good games, and I think they could also stand on their own as titles without the FF name.


                • #68
                  Re: Best in the Series

                  Secret of Mana (SD2) is still my favorite SNES game, and one of my all-time favorites in general. I don't know why, but I actually like it better than SD3, despite the general consensus being that 3 is the best in the series.

                  And for the people who like X-2: Good for you. I enjoyed some of it, but I just couldn't get past the general ease of the game (easiest FF ever, no contest) and whole FF meets Charlie's Angels Meets Britney Spears thing. For a game with such a good battle system and story potential, I find SE blundered on it. Big time. But that's just my opinion.

                  And 9 *was* tributing 7 and 8 as well by the way. SE said so when they announced the game way back, and it's not too hard to spot the references.

                  Hell, Zidane and Kuja are a throwback to Cloud and Sephiroth in a lot of ways. They blatantly make fun of FF8 in the game's ending...

                  You just have to look for them. I can't recite them all as it's been ages, but the references are there. It mostly focuses on FF1 and 4 I find though.

                  EDIT: Kuja was a mix of Kefka and Sephiroth

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #69
                    Re: Best in the Series

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    FFX-2 was a very good game, actually. My only complaint would be that most of the random encounters had enemies that did nothing but spam deadly status ailments on you. But I liked the pacing and style of the battles, it was FFVI ATB on speed.
                    I still haven't unlocked the Mascot dressphere. I want to beat Trema first, but he's a toughie even with Rabbit Charm and Max Level Trigger Happy doing 9,999 a shot.
                    Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                    1 through 6 actually, as 7 and 8 were very different then the first six and there were a lot of complaints about that.
                    Most of the complaints about X-2 boiled down to guys complaining that it made them feel like girls. X-2 was different, but it was not a bad game.
                    I absolutely loved FFX-2's battle system, it was seriously so much fun. The story isn't half bad too, though they probably could have given it a little thought and tried not to put so many crappy endings in due to your percentage of completion.

                    I think what ruined it at the end was the extremely cheesy dialogue and the whole girl power thing, that didn't interest me that much. I mean you can say "you're just complaining because it made you feel like a girl" when really, it was just all lame.

                    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                    And 9 *was* tributing 7 and 8 as well by the way. SE said so when they announced the game way back, and it's not too hard to spot the references.
                    Yeah, there were a few references to 7 and 8 in there. I think in one of the weapon shops you see a buster sword, and when you examine it, it says something like "I used to know a guy with spiky-hair that had one of these...".

                    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


                    • #70
                      Re: Best in the Series

                      I think what ruined it at the end was the extremely cheesy dialogue and the whole girl power thing, that didn't interest me that much. I mean you can say "you're just complaining because it made you feel like a girl" when really, it was just all lame.

                      Aye. Not that I have anything against "girl power" (Go Equality! ^^) but come on >_ >

                      It just seemed so out of place. I still think the whole Charlie's angels thing really did it in.

                      That, and Yuna was just seemingly over Tidus and everything that happened right off the bat. WTF? I would have much preferred a long, engaging story about her coping with everything that's happened since the previous game and actually seeing her become a stronger person over time.

                      Instead, we got a retarded pretty princess dress up with a bizzare story. 10-2 could have been a lot better given the amazing battle mechanics and over all production quality (Visuals and Audio)

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #71
                        Re: Best in the Series

                        They're brothers and its clear Vanye would like to off Larsa, he just can't ever seem to find a convienent way to do so because Larsa is so resilient.
                        I'd have to disagree; I think Vayne knew that Larsa needed to be kept alive. "Larsa is as he should be." He may have thought every now and then that it would be nice if Larsa didn't exist, but he didn't want Larsa dead. He had to carry on the Solidor name if Vayne failed, for one thing.

                        And I agree that XII is a bit more like VI in that it allows you to decide who the main character really is, but a weak character is still a weak character. I mean, I didn't want all this melodrama surrounding him, but it would have been nice to perhaps see more of his love for Dalmasca or something along those lines. And as I've said before, it's kind of underwhelming that his dream of becoming a sky pirate is fulfilled absolutely, with no kind of downside to it. He wants to become a pirate -> he becomes a pirate -> his life rocks. That's pretty boring to watch.

