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be what u want to be

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  • be what u want to be

    I have a question to ask every one, is it wrong to do what u want to do in a mmorpg, is it wrong to buy gil or character and play? The real question is why care, y care if some one is buying gil or doing something that u think is wrong. I pay my bill to play this game so i will do with my player what i want to do and not care what people say or think cuz i pay to play so i have the right to do what ever i want, is not only they way im but also my right, freedom of expression, i rather spend 20 dollars or so a month buying gil than paying 6 dollars every 3 days on a pack of smoke.
    The reason for this is cause it makes me mad to hear people complain about gil sellers or buyers or what ever it is people complaint about, its just a stuppid game and i will do what ever i want cause i pay for it, and also cause is my money and if i want to sub mnk while using my pld or sub nin while lvl rdm i will, its my right and no one has a say on it, and if you really want something work for other wise s.t.f.u. One more thing, i buy gil, cause unlike many of you out there i cant afford to play 12-17 hrs aday or do anything like that cause i have a family to take care of and cause im in the millitary, thats right , fighting for your rite to express your self, so making gil is kinda hard for me with everything that i do, i have been playing for 3 years and my highest is a 60 bst, but i do have alot of jobs that i lvl and that are in the 40,s or 50's but i dont even have lb3, thats just to show how bz my life is , while most of you get to 75 in like 2 months or less. But the point here is, what gives you the right to point fingers and talk crap about how people choose to play or lvl or express them self, is our right and i stand behind any one that likes to be their own person and not what others want them to be.

  • #2
    Re: be what u want to be

    I just got out of the service to and I don't remember being trained to whine like that. The game is created to work together and you can't do that if you are out there doing your own thing all the time. It's not that you can't lvl this job with this sub it's all up to you, you're right about that, but the question you have to ask yourself is do you want to party and do things the way that is better for the group or play solo cause you want to do your own thing instead of what is best for the group. So make your choice and stop whining.

    As far as buying gil the main reason it is looked down upon is because it throws off the games economy. It is also against the games rules, it's concidered using a third party or did you not read that when you signed up.

    I know what it's like to not have time to do the things in the game you would like to but that is something you will have to deal with. You apparently make your choice that family is more important then the game, so why don't you just leave it at that. And do what the Military trains us to do and deal with it. I really don't understand how it is that the Military has turned into a woosiefied version of itself but it is disheartening to me to see that.

    I have been playing for about 6 months and don't have a lvl 75 job, excesive amounts of time to play or buy gil but I have fun none the less. If you don't like the rules and the way everyone is in the game you have a choice to not play, this isn't the Military. My suggestion is to go play WoW it sounds like a better game for you anyways.

    Just stop making those of us that were and are in the Military seem like a bunch of whining babies. Grow up be a Man or Woman and make your choice.
    Last edited by Spiritbear; 03-21-2007, 11:35 PM.

    Created by Eohmer


    • #3
      Re: be what u want to be

      u think im whining? im not im giving my 2 cent my opinion and if it looks like im whining im not and sorry if it looks like that, i post my opinion cause people like to give their opinions on things and dont like to hear others. On top of that , it is not whats best for the pt is how good u can be for the pt, and as for rules, as long as they get their money i really dont care what their rules are or the agreement i sign with them, and if u think im giving the mil a bad name, im sure the retards that go out and get dui's and the ones that brake the law and end in jail or the ones that do stuppid things in iraq have done it already so spare me with the making the mil look bad speach, all thread is to post a opinion cause im tired of hearing every ones opinion and not getting a chance to speak.
      Last edited by luisa; 03-21-2007, 11:36 PM. Reason: miss spelled


      • #4
        Re: be what u want to be

        Live your life, raise your family, defend your country, whatever. That's all irrelevant to what you do in the game. Don't try to justify vices with virtues.

        If you're going to buy gil there's nobody that can stop you. Just know that SE reserves the right to ban you for not playing by the rules of their game, and other players will resent you for not working as hard within the same set of rules that they did to earn your rewards. If you feel you can't enjoy the game without the best expensive items but you can't invest the time to acquire them legitimately, then maybe you should play another game that's more compatible with your lifestyle.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: be what u want to be

          I'm in the military too. You can't use that excuse. I get to play maybe eight hours every five days, so my time is just as limited as yours. If you were doing the fighting you talk about, you wouldn't have time to whine the way you are. You probably wouldn't have time to play the game. I have LS mates in the Army, doing 6-12 month rotations, and when they get time to play, they certainly don't buy gil. They work as honestly as those players who have all the free time in the world.

          People hate gilbuyers because they support gilsellers. YOU ARE SUPPORTING GILSELLERS. Those same guys that use hacks to claim all the rarest drops, those same guys whose Dynamis shells cut ahead of you without regard, those same guys that drive up prices in the Auction House, and suck all the fun out of Sky(and eventually Sea), you're directly funding them. You're giving them money and incentive to get better hacks, to root themselves in the game further, and inflate the economy further, and make things more difficult for those who want to enjoy the game honestly. Do you remember those commercials about how buying drugs supports terrorism? What you're doing is no different.

          The game is difficult. It's made to be difficult, you're meant to spend time out of your day to toil to raise gil for better gear. I concede that sometimes it gets a touch ridiculous, but it can still be done with perseverance. If you were in the military, you should know something about that. However, when someone buys gil, and makes an exuberant purchase, they drive prices on items up higher and higher, and gilsellers work to keep prices high, and keep their profits high. Soon, the honest moneymaker selling his craft wares can't get returns on what he sells. The RDM that wants to solo Ruby Quadav to test his skill and get a testimony can't because the gilbuyers keep claimbotting Ruby to get the Ruby drop that people like you are going to simply buy online. Your gilbuying contributes to that.

          Your gilbuying increases directly the degree of difficulty in this game. Were all players to stay honest, prices would be far more reasonable, and everyone would have a fair shot at getting what they want. Over a long enough timeline, everyone gets what they want. But because of those individuals who want to take cheap shortcuts like yourself, prices are made higher, progression is made harder, and enjoyment dwindles overall.

          Last but not least, Real Money Trade is against the terms of service. Should S-E catch you, they can ban you, whether you feel it's right or not.

          In the past few months, S-E's anti-RMT measures have made a visible impact on the game. Prices are lower, it's easier to turn an honest profit, there is no excuse for anyone who wants to make their way in this game, to do it honestly. There's less reason now to buy gil than there has ever been.

          As I said before, the game is meant to be hard. It's meant to take a certain degree of time. If you are unable or unwilling to put in that time, for yourself and for others who play, then you should play something else; Final Fantasy XI isn't for you.


          • #6
            Re: be what u want to be

            Ok seriously. What is up with people lately? Just play the game as intended or don't. If you can't play without cheating, what's the point? There are plenty of other games of all shapes and sizes out there for you to play if FFXI's rules aren't for you.


            • #7
              Re: be what u want to be

              Originally posted by luisa View Post
              (blah blah) my right, freedom of expression (blah blah)
              Originally posted by luisa View Post
              The reason for this is cause it makes me mad to hear people complain about gil sellers or buyers or what ever it is people complaint about, its just a stuppid game and i will do what ever i want cause i pay for it, and also cause is my money and if i want to sub mnk while using my pld or sub nin while lvl rdm i will, its my right and no one has a say on it, and if you really want something work for other wise s.t.f.u. (more blah blah)
              Originally posted by luisa View Post
              One more thing, i buy gil
              Well, it's within everyone's "freedom of expression" to say one hates Gil buyer/seller, isn't it? And, to point out (rightly) that PLD/MNK and RDM/NIN aren't usually the best combination for party play. Heck, I'd say it's well within people's rights to laugh and make fun of you or just be outright angry at you if you show up in parties like that in RMT'ed gears.

              Also, regarding RMT (gil seller, gil buyer, etc.), like others have pointed out, you accepted the rules on those when you signed on.

              Unless somehow the freedom of expression is yours alone, suck it up. "Gill buyers are cheaters"--you hear it from me, and you'll hear it from others. Get used to it.

              Don't like the rules of the game? Don't play.
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • #8
                Re: be what u want to be

                I seriously doubt they teach you to speak like that in the military. Seriously, I had to go get a cup of coffee and drink the caffiene before I even came close to understanding that.

                Gilbuyers destroy the game. Without people like you, gilsellers wouldn't have a market. They wouldn't need to bot claim/bot fish etc. They would then vanish to other games (I'm looking forward to the exodus to LOTRO). So can I hold you personally responsible for destroying my fishing market? Good, thanks.

                Seriously - go out, get a life. I thought I was bad, but you are worse than the ones that are on 12-17 hours a day, which frankly, I don't know anyone who does that. Not even Murphie.

                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                • #9
                  Re: be what u want to be

                  first of all, i want to say thank you, to you for serving your country. 2nd yes you have every right to play as you wish and buy gil if you want to take the easy way out. i have never bought gil and have no intention to do so. if you feel good about it i say that is your right to do as you please. others should not condemn you so quickly, because you are cheating yourself of accomplishment. i believe the main reason most people dislike rmt ,is because of the way the rmt go about obtaining items in game. they are known to mpk and bot and use hacks of every known kind. when people buy gil they encourage illegal and immoral behaviour. this also causes people like myself to become frustrated camping nms for drops because i dont use these methods, therefore i may never be able to obtain items that are desireable. i work every day and can only play couple of hours a day, this makes any chance of reasonable nm camping unobtainable to me. i have never used this as an excuse to buy gil. instead i have learned ways to make gil in game to buy the items i need. most of my methods can be done while im asleep. reselling items on ah while im not on. now as far as you using whatever sub you wish to use while playing your character, yes that is your choice if you intend to solo, but in a party the needs of the party come first. its no different than being in the military. you dont want tank commanders flying your aircraft just because they feel like it? you wouldnt want your water purification squad working on your armor or planes etc.. everyone has a job to do in a party that is dependent on main and /sub. pld/mnk doesnt work becasue you have no voke. war/rdm,blm,whm doesnt have useful purpose in exp party. low and useless mp, also lower hp and str and essential stats. there are only 6 people in a party, yes some jobs are interchangeable, but certain /subs are also required to make an effecient party. just as an example i was around 60 drk. i have war and thf leveled as correct subs. i happened to be farming and got a blind invite while subbing /rng. i was so excited about getting a party i forgot about changing subs and no one mentioned it. it didnt take me but 1 mob to start thinking to myself wtf is wrong with my damage output. i was hitting mobs for considerably less damage than what i normally did. i was checking gear when all of a sudden it dawned on me /rng sub. my party may not have been able to tell or they didnt care but i did, i knew my damage was lower than it should have been. i also did not have double attack that i would have got from war or sata from /thf. i say do as you wish solo, if you want an exp party be a team player if you wish to hit 75.


                  • #10
                    Re: be what u want to be

                    Buying gil might seem trivial to you, but what you're doing is no different than disrupting a public theme park. You pay and you may have little time, others may have more or less time, but we're all still paying to be there.

                    Now, lets say you want to win your little girl that big Scooby-Doo doll. The game that you need to win it from is something you're not so skilled at. So this guy named Mr. Big offers you his skills in exchange for $50. Game only costs $2 to play, but your little girl really wants that doll. So you give him the $50 and he wins if for you.

                    What's wrong with this picture? Mr. Big made a profit off the game the park was supposed to get and you didn't win it honestly. What if Mr. Big and his buddies won everything for everyone that paid them? The park would lose profits, people would buy less food and see fewer shows since they could get everything they wanted quickly. Less money would go to the park, the staff would lose pay and people could lose jobs.

                    While there's nothing illegal about this in a court of law, the deal you made with Mr. Big could be against the rules of that private establishment, which a court may recognize. If the park owners found out what you what you did, they'd have the right to confiscate the doll and no obligation to refund you for any of your expenses there. They'd also be in the right to deny you entry into the park permanently. The courts would back their decision.

                    Now, you profess to fight for my country. I urge you to get a real understanding of the First Amendment and Freedom of Expression.

                    The First Amendment allows you to express your opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment. That means you can walk down the street and talk about whatever you want with your friends until you step on government or private property.

                    That park I made up would be private property, this forum is private property and FFXI is as well - you are allowed to speak your mind, but once your "expression" steps out of the rules, freedom of speech is irrelevant in private realms. You can be asked to leave or just banned for no reason, its the right of the owners either way.

                    And I didn't ask you to fight for my country, so don't flaunt it. I don't care what you're defending if you don't understand what you defend.
                    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-22-2007, 02:52 AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: be what u want to be

                      if you feel good about it i say that is your right to do as you please. others should not condemn you so quickly, because you are cheating yourself of accomplishment. i believe the main reason most people dislike rmt ,is because of the way the rmt go about obtaining items in game. they are known to mpk and bot and use hacks of every known kind. when people buy gil they encourage illegal and immoral behaviour. this also causes people like myself to become frustrated camping nms for drops because i dont use these methods, therefore i may never be able to obtain items that are desireable.
                      Contradict yourself much?

                      Ever tried to get a rare/ex item but gilsellers are holding it to try and merc that item? Happened to my friend recently when we were camping him a YY Robe. 2 gilsellers holding Shikigami for over an hour before a GM carted them off.

                      I will always condemn gilsellers and gilbuyers because they are breaking the rules of the game which you sign up to every time you log in. Go read them. You are spoiling other people's enjoyment of the game. You are creating problems.

                      And whoopee you are in the military. Not of my country you are not. Doesn't wash with me.

                      One last thing.

                      Last edited by luisa : Today at 06:36 AM. Reason: miss spelled

                      I suggest you stop using text speak, and use English. Also it is misspelt or misspelled.

                      Originally posted by Aksannyi
                      "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                      • #12
                        Re: be what u want to be

                        Originally posted by luisa View Post
                        The reason for this is cause it makes me mad to hear people complain about gil sellers or buyers or what ever it is people complaint about, its just a stuppid game and i will do what ever i want cause i pay for it, and also cause is my money and if i want to sub mnk while using my pld or sub nin while lvl rdm i will, its my right and no one has a say on it, and if you really want something work for other wise s.t.f.u.
                        This has to be one of the most oblivious and selfish view on playing a cooperative game I think I have ever heard.

                        Sure, you pay to play and that gives you the right to do anything you want within the limits of the terms of service and the game mechanics. However, final fantasy is a multiplayer game with a heavy emphasis on cooperation. If you want to play this game fully then you will need, at some point other people to agree to help you.

                        What that means is that you must make an effort to reach the minimum player determined acceptable standard of play. Deliberately choosing not to meet it either by choosing a strange job combination, having strange gear, playing in a strange way or having a bad attitude means you should expect a certain amount of reaction to it. What’s more, no one else is obliged to take your complaint seriously if you don’t like the reaction you get. Everyone pays to play and they don’t have to play with you if they don’t want to. If you want to try something unusual you are asking a favour of whoever you want to try it with and you should approach it as such.

                        Everyone who plays, pays to do so, you are not special. If you think you are, get used to soloing or playing with a lot of very bad players who have to take any offer they get because they tend to get their party members killed a lot.

                        Originally posted by luisa View Post
                        One more thing, i buy gil, cause unlike many of you out there i cant afford to play 12-17 hrs aday
                        Oh , you have a family to support and a life outside of the game, I didn’t know! I am so sorry! Of course that makes breaking the ToS and supporting gil sellers, who make certain area’s of the game very difficult or frustrating for lots of legitimate players, fine for just you.

                        I can’t stop you buying gil if you want to, but if you complain because it gets you banned or because people get angry at you for it, then hahahahaha.

                        People don’t like gilbuyers and gilsellers because they fall outside what I was talking about earlier, the ‘minimum player determined standard of play’. Unsurprisingly this standard has a lot to say about crapping over other peoples games which is exactly what you are doing when you buy gil.

                        One last thing, to agree with Kirsteena and bbq. You fought in your country's military, that's fine but it has no bearing on anything you do here or in game and mentioning it every other sentence doesn't make it any more relevant.
                        Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


                        • #13
                          Re: be what u want to be

                          Originally posted by Minimee View Post
                          yes you have every right to play as you wish and buy gil if you want to take the easy way out.
                          Not if it's against the Terms of Service he agreed to.

                          Originally posted by Minimee View Post
                          i have never bought gil and have no intention to do so. if you feel good about it i say that is your right to do as you please. others should not condemn you so quickly, because you are cheating yourself of accomplishment.
                          Speak for yourself; I say gil buyers are RMT, and cannot be condemned fast enough. I've lived through the Vana'diel 2005 X-mas Inflation fiasco--RMT's get no sympathy from me.
                          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                          leaving no trace in the water.

                          - Mugaku


                          • #14
                            Re: be what u want to be

                            I just got out of the service to and I don't remember being trained to whine like that.
                            So sig'ing that.

                            To your military comments, a vice is a vice even from a virtuous man. That's not really too different from saying "I'm a priest, so it's ok for me to fondle little boys!"

                            I have an uncle in the USAF, been there going on 30 years now, and you know what? I've never once seen him use his service as an excuse to belittle others, nor have I seen him use it as an excuse to slack off. And honestly, if you're upset because you don't have time to devote to a video game because you're fighting a war, you REALLY need to check your priorities.

                            To your freedom and gilbuying crap:
                            1- I'm what you'd refer to as someone with a lot of time to play. 6, 8, 10, sometimes even 14 hours a day on FFXI. Yep. You know what though? I've been playing three years, my highest is still 61 too. After that, 45. My crafts? 38 cooking. Am I rich? Nope, i'm poor, especially after I quit and gave everything away. Have I ever used a powerleveling service? Nope. Have I ever bought gil? Absolutely not. I might not have a lot, but I do have my pride.

                            2- Yep, you pay for the game. Does that give you the right to do whatever you want? So if I pay road tax, that gives me an excuse to ignore the rules of the road? Run all the red lights I want? Go 70 MPH down a 40MPH highway? There is a reason for RULES, and there is a very good reason why people get pissed off at you when you don't follow them.

                            3- If you MUST buy things to progress, FFXI isn't for you. There's tons of good, free games out there, and you can spend money on them to get an edge on other players, and still be within the realm of the rules!

                            In fact, i'll even get you started:
                            KAL Online : Set in ancient china, free to play, allows you to purchase items from an item shop
                            Rappelz : From the makers of FlyFF, actually rather similar to Final Fantasy, free to play, allows you to purchase items from an item shop.

                            EVE-Online : Set 20,000 years into the future, pilot spaceships and conquer galaxies. Not free, 14 day free trial, does not condone direct RMT BUT you ARE allowed to buy Game Time Codes/Cards and sell them ingame for money, so indirect RMT is allowed.

                            Honestly, I recommend you check out eve online, it has a unique Skill Point system which instead of actively having to hunt things for EXP, you just set a skill to train, and it will continue to gain points even while you are offline. Very beautiful game, and will be releasing a DX10 version soon, last I checked. Also, you can buy game time codes and sell them to other players for ingame currency, instead of RMT.

                            There, i've given you two good options, and one great one, now you have no excuse to continue to fund the people that ruin this game, so get out.


                            • #15
                              Re: be what u want to be

                              The part about "if I want to sub xxx to yyy" reminded of somebody's signature from some forum...
                              Noob: It's my $12.95!
                              Party: It's our $64.75!
                              Generic Info!

