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Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

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  • #16
    Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

    Get FF3 for the DS. Why? Cause I need someone to talk to and get me Onion Knight

    Oh, and for a PS2, Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Legendia, and since you said you don't own it, Soul Calibur III. And if you can play imports, get the Tales of Destiny Remake, along with Namco X Capcom.


    • #17
      Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

      I was kinda hopin' Namco x Capcom would have come stateside in english. I can't play RPGs in Japanese, I can't read it beyond the options of "yes" and "no." Odd that yes in japanese as two characters and "no" has three o.O

      Tactics-ish games do have an audience here, you'd think the Makai Wars, FF Tactics, Advance Wars and Fire Emblem games would have proven that by now


      • #18
        Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

        I've been really dissapointed with the recent Harvest Moon releases. Forget Valley is the worst harvest moon world in the universe, and they keep on adding more HM games that take place in the same world
        Yeah, either it's a really good HM game or it's a not so great, with very few inbetween.

        EP.2... (while many people didn't like the battle system I found it to be interesting in some fights, tedious in random encounters though!) was decent.
        My main beef with Xenosaga II is that you cannot upgrade weapons, and that they removed most of the AoE special attacks, and I REALLY hate fighting those 7 Utic guys in random fights one on one on one while they boost like 20x making them far more dangerous than they should be.

        I want my Blade Rain and Jr's AoE attacks dammit!

        You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

        I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


        • #19
          Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
          Odd that yes in japanese as two characters and "no" has three o.O

          The real trick is expressing a desire to disagree without actually saying "no" or even say you disagree. The idea is to convince the other person to alter his stance without stating so outright.

          Can't do that with a three character sentence. Uh-um.
          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
          leaving no trace in the water.

          - Mugaku


          • #20
            Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

            When I'm in the mood for things other than RPGs, I tend to go on the extreme side of the spectrum. Some of my favorite stress relieving games ATM are:

            Cooking Mama- Enough cannot be said to make you buy this game, it is incredibly fun!

            Wario Ware, Touched: Wario Ware games are very triggetfingery and fun, and a great change of pace from sprawling RPGs.

            New Super Mario Brothers: Very fun as well, although far from the best Mario. A Bit on the easy side too.


            Any DDR- I'm not one of those hardcore people who can spend hours playing DDR, but I do like to pull out the old mat on occasion, and it's a great workout, actually.

            Parappa The Rapper: This is perhaps one of the greatest games ever made for the PS, and the sequel (for the PS2) is just as great. I'm not a rap fan, but there is something about this that I just cannot get enough of.

            Hope those help a bit.


            • #21
              Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              I never really gave Harvest Moon a fair shake, so I guess I could check out the DS one.
              The DS game doesn't do justice to the HM series. The ones I thought were the best (and my favorites) were HM64, HM: Back to Nature (PlayStation), and HM: Friends of Mineral Town (GBA).

              Back to Nature and Friends of Mineral Town are quite similar, but there's enough differences between the two to check them both out. HM64 doesn't have much in common with the other 2 except for the characters, and it is a little lackluster compared to BTN and FoMT, but I spent an entire summer playing it so I must have liked it.

              HM:DS is fun and all, but I just prefer the more "classic" HM that takes place in Mineral Town. Meh, that's my preferences though. Take it as you want.

              Edit: Kinda forgot to advise some DS games.

              Pickup Mario Kart DS. Incredibly fun game with a lot of additions that weren't in Mario Kart 64. Also, The New Super Mario Bros. was one of the most fun times I had playing a Mario since Mario 64 (which btw you can buy a Mario 64 "remake" for the DS). And finally, get Animal Crossing. Doesn't get much more light-hearted than running errands for personified village animals and planting flowers around town.
              Last edited by Ameroth; 03-17-2007, 03:22 PM.

              PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
              Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
              When ignorance reigns, life is lost


              • #22
                Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

                The DS game doesn't do justice to the HM series. The ones I thought were the best (and my favorites) were HM64, HM: Back to Nature (PlayStation), and HM: Friends of Mineral Town (GBA).
                Those are the best, and I find it interesting that HM DS plays alot like them. The DS game has enough of those games in it that I think it's a pretty good game.

                My only real complaint is that they made it so that you can marry Flora in it, now I'm torn between Celia and Flora ; ;

                You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                • #23
                  Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

                  In the vein of Harvest Moon:

                  If you don't have Friends of Mineral Town/More Friends of Mineral Town, imo, those are infinitely better than the DS incarnation. I'm a pretty big HM fan, and while the DS version is decent, as someone else said, Forget Me Not Valley sucks in general. And the something about the overall tone to HM:DS is lacking. I'd prefer the Girl version (naturally, being female) but: 1. Its probably never going to see the light of day outside Japan and 2. Even if it did, the bachelors suck. I'd have to bust out MFoMT to get the Mineral Town boys. I like them infinitely better.

                  Rune Factory, that you mentioned, looks very interesting. I plan to get it, if only because its so different from the rest, and incorporates vague RPG elements.

                  For PS2, I can't add much that the others haven't already touched on. All the 'good' games have been mentioned. ^_^
                  Last edited by Telera; 03-17-2007, 03:54 PM. Reason: Because I still haven't learned to spell.
                  "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                  ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


                  • #24
                    Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    I had Magna Carta at one point, really wanted to like it but the battle system was just awful. The art direction was fantastic, but was about as far as I could enjoy it. And I'd slap Calintz if I got the chance.
                    Picked up Lunar Knights after I realized it was a sequel to the Boktai series, which apparently the only game series Hideo Kojima is allowed to work on outside of Metal Gear. Its "dark" only in the sense the setting is gothing, but your allies are flying sunflowers and winged cats.
                    Battle system is awful? Probably elaborate more on why you say that. It seems pretty simple in design to me. Almost like Xenosaga EP.2 in a way with a few differences.

                    One thing for sure was memorizing the enemies attack sequences to use counter was incredibly easy. If you were able to do that then characters that can use counter were like invincible on this game. I mean do the right sequence, make sure you train the mobs onto the guy that can counter and the mob never gets to attack you just counter him every time. It completly eliminates the need to worry about were your players leadership bar is at.

                    The problem I kind of have with the game is the voice acting is a bit strange in certain spots. Kind of like the mood of the situation isn't connected right between the characters. Then also a couple are pretty bad voice acting all together.

                    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                    • #25
                      Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      I was kinda hopin' Namco x Capcom would have come stateside in english. I can't play RPGs in Japanese, I can't read it beyond the options of "yes" and "no." Odd that yes in japanese as two characters and "no" has three o.O
                      Tactics-ish games do have an audience here, you'd think the Makai Wars, FF Tactics, Advance Wars and Fire Emblem games would have proven that by now
                      It's not coming stateside for the same reasons we're not getting Tales of Destiny 2, Tales of Rebirth, and Tales of Destiny. SCEA has a policy about games with sprites. If it's not SUPER good (That's why Disgaea got here...btw, I recommend that too.), don't bother.
                      Here's something to blame SCEA for not reaching here....

                      Edit: And this too...DAMN YOU SCEA!!!!
                      Last edited by Dopples; 03-21-2007, 09:10 PM.


                      • #26
                        Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

                        Originally posted by Dopples View Post
                        It's not coming stateside for the same reasons we're not getting Tales of Destiny 2, Tales of Rebirth, and Tales of Destiny. SCEA has a policy about games with sprites. If it's not SUPER good (That's why Disgaea got here...btw, I recommend that too.), don't bother.
                        You have to have been deemed certifiably insance to work for Sony in America. Steve Race is largely responsible for thier anti-2D attitude. If its not 3D, they don't consider it a "quality" game and, thus, not a priority for their quality control process.

                        Of course this was also the guy who said RPGs wouldn't sell in the US. That whole FFVII thing kinda made him eat several servings of crow.

                        SCEA stalled games like Growlanser so much it actually damaged companies like GameArts financially. Why they're so sweet on Atlus and what they publish, I don't quite understand since Capcom, Namco and Konami push just as many 3D tiles in ratio and they get dicked with bargain bin status if the game's style is 2D or too old-school. Gradius V used 3D graphic, just played it 2D, but since it was a shooter, it was forced into being a budget title.

                        Oh and side note about Steve Race, he parted ways with SCEA long ago to head up Majesco as CEO ... a company that publishes 2D and old school games. Games like Nanostray, Cooking Mama and Age of Empires for the Nintendo DS. Oh, the irony.


                        • #27
                          Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

                          Originally posted by Dopples View Post
                          It's not coming stateside for the same reasons we're not getting Tales of Destiny 2, Tales of Rebirth, and Tales of Destiny. SCEA has a policy about games with sprites. If it's not SUPER good (That's why Disgaea got here...btw, I recommend that too.), don't bother.
                          Here's something to blame SCEA for not reaching here....

                          Was that an Anime I just saw with Xenogear/Xenosaga/Darkstalkers/Nightstalkers/Street Fighters in it???? Along with others that I recognize as game characters but can't remember were they are from?

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #28
                            Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

                            Originally posted by Macht View Post

                            Was that an Anime I just saw with Xenogear/Xenosaga/Darkstalkers/Nightstalkers/Street Fighters in it???? Along with others that I recognize as game characters but can't remember were they are from?
                            Its the intro to Namco x Capcom, its a sort of a Fire Emblem/Super Robot Wars kind of strategy title. Except with fighting game moves thrown in on the 1-on-1 confrontations.

                            Never got the greenlight for US release because SCEA are jerks.


                            • #29
                              Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

                              I'd consider Rogue Galaxy (made by level 5, very awesome game) on PS2. Other than that, not really sure. Maybe Okami. Though I see there's a new Shining Force game out for PS2, or soon? EXA or something, it looks rather interesting though.

                              I also had heaps of fun on FF12 if you haven't tried it yet.

                              For DS there's a bunch of random games that are pretty good though.

                              "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."


                              • #30
                                Re: Need some DS and PS2 reccomendations

                                If you liked Phoenix Wright, you may enjoy Hotel Dusk: Room 215. Its more of a text based adventure like Phoenix Wright. The animation style is pretty cool as well.

                                Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039

