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Lotr Mmorpg

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  • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

    my preorder just shipped from amazon. hopefully it'll get here soon

    Thanks Yyg!


    • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

      You know, screenshots just don't do this game justice. Every time I crank up the graphics in order to take a screenshot, I'm reminded of the fact that I need a better graphics card (and more RAM). But in screenshot form, you lose the waving of the grass, and the natural movement of your character, and the birds flying through the sky, etc. Not as cool.


      • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

        I doubt there's much interest at this point, but I said I'd post a pic of Weathertop, and so here I am.

        I just reached level 20 right before this was taken. I was able to upgrade to Heavy Armor, which doesn't necessarily imply that I'll look any less mis-matched, unfortunately. That's Ael, my Herald, in the foreground.


        • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

          Not feeling as attached as Vanguard in terms of game play. But the environment sure looks a lot better in this game.

          Vanguard art direction sucks o_O;

          LoTR character is weird. I don't think they did a really good job with animations. Feel like student quality.
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

            Really? I think they are pretty good. Certainly better than some MMOs I've played.


            • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

              Oh how I miss this game already...

              Anyone want to buy me the a copy? :D lol

              Murphie, that was somewhat near the Forsaken Inn, correct?


              • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                Yeah, just east of the forsaken inn.


                • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                  So Murph, what's been going on in Middle-Earth?


                  • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                    I wasn't sure I should keep posting about it, but ok!

                    I'm currently level 27 on my Captain (way behind the power gamers who are moving into the 40s now). I had a few moments of indecision with the class, but decided to stick with it, since there are only three of us in my Kinship, and I think it's a good thing for us to have all classes represented. Plus, as I've moved through the 20s, I've fallen back in love with the class.

                    Anyway. At level 20 I got to update my herald. He no longer looks like a hobo. He now has three other looks to choose from.

                    Man at arms:


                    And Pilgrim (which looks kind of like Friar Tuck), but I didn't like that upgrade, so I didn't buy it.

                    I also have a new banner for my Herald to carry, which increases my Morale (health) and Morale regen. In a few more levels I get another one that does the same for Power (and I'll probably use him almost always).

                    I've done a few more instances. The Great Barrow is pretty rough, but fun. It's really challenging for players who might not have done much instancing in the past.

                    I also did the Weathertop instance, which ramps up the difficulty pretty crazily as you get towards the top. You fight two Nemesis level mobs at the peak, and the troll, pictured here, is a complete nightmare to beat. It took my group four tries. :/

                    Other than that, I've mastered Expert Prospecting and Foresting, and now I can mine and log in the areas around Rivendell. Very nice money, that.

                    I'm thinking I might abandon my Minstrel, but I don't quite know yet. I think I'd like to give Loremaster a try, because the way they play is really intriguing to me. That or Burglar. Both are Crowd Control classes, and I find that kind of interesting.

                    edit: Oh, and I changed my UI. You can still only pretty much skin it, so I guess I'm going to have to go and buy a new monitor to get more screen real estate. As it is right now, things are pretty cramped.


                    • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                      Hmm, it looks interesting, if only I had the time I'd give it a try, but even the WoW trial I downloaded was never installed so bleh.

                      Also, the locked job class deal really makes me cringe.
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                        Dude, thanx for the snapshots. I really regret not buying the game before release.


                        • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                          damn i got to get me one of those hooded cloaks

                          nice to see ya progressing along Murph, i've started over hunter as an elf so i'm back at 9

                          Thanks Yyg!


                          • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                            Hunter rocks! I loved that class.


                            • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                              I spent most of my time taking screenshots of trees ._.
                              Low poly trees in this game are really nice. Trying to recreate mine to be as good.
                              There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                              but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                              transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                              - Pablo Picasso


                              • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                                Originally posted by Jei View Post
                                I spent most of my time taking screenshots of trees.
                                I'm guilty of that with the flowing grass in the wind. ; ;

