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Lotr Mmorpg

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  • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

    Originally posted by Murphie View Post
    I played FFXI for years. My conscience is clear.
    meh your right, its just hard for me to leave something that has been a apart of me so long you know? well anyway i might give if a shot whenever i quit ffxi, or maybe just to see if it sux like WoW
    75bst 75thf 73rdm 40mnk 39nin 37whm 35blu 26drk 17pld 17war and idk the rest

    PM: 8-3
    ZM: 14

    Cloudxi -- Valefor, moved to Quetzalcoatl 01/08
    TheFlock ls


    • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

      So I did a little adventuring last night. I managed to make it to the awesome Rivendell. The scenery is just so nice looking. It felt good just being there. Here are some pictures.

      Over in the distance is The Last Homely House, which is also named Elrond's house.

      As I approach the house, I find Frodo standing in the front porch.

      This is the view from the back of Elrond's house.

      I found Sam here in the back of the house.

      I go inside the house and who do I find?



      I run upstairs and find myself inside Elrond's library...

      Who's inside the library?


      • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

        The following pics I took while running around in Rivendell.



        I guess the game takes place before he dies. :-P


        And last but not least...

        Though I found Gimli outside Rivendell. Honestly, I forgot where. I think it was in Thorin's Hall.

        So yeah. Just thought I'd share.


        • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

          I made a new human hunter named Isilden on Landroval yesterday. Tried to look for you Murph and Eomer, but you weren't on so I just friended you

          Thanks Yyg!


          • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

            I did some quests around Weathertop a couple of days ago in a full party of 15s. I didn't take any screenshots though. It was a lot of fun! Got some really nice gear and other drops, and made some new friends. I'll have to get some shots of Weathertop the next time I go, because it's really breathtaking.

            Eohmer, the story takes place for us right around the time of the first part of The Fellowship of the Rings, so yeah, you'll see all the folks are there in Rivendell. Gimli and Galdalf are also in the Dwarf opening sequence, which takes place right before the events of The Hobbit. So that's kind of neat.


            • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
              Eohmer, the story takes place for us right around the time of the first part of The Fellowship of the Rings, so yeah, you'll see all the folks are there in Rivendell. Gimli and Galdalf are also in the Dwarf opening sequence, which takes place right before the events of The Hobbit. So that's kind of neat.
              Yeah, I created one of each race to see what the opening sequences were like. Heh.

              Yeah, the scenery of most of this places just leave you in amazement.


              • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                The textures are nice, but the graphics are terrible. I just can't get with the style.


                • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                  I really like the graphics, but it's really all a matter of personal taste. They do look far better in motion than they do in screenshots.

                  I really need to take more screenshots. But I've been running on lower graphical settings until my RAM arrives. I actually lagged out around the Prancing Pony tonight which I haven't done once with this game.


                  • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                    The graphics kinda look like a cross between WoW's general style, and the movie trilogy's color tones. That said, I still say FFXI is sadly still the most beautiful MMO i've seen.

                    And Eohmer, We *demand* to see chatlogs of the fellowship.


                    • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                      You'd had to ask Murphie. I haven't pre-ordered it and I don't think I will. So I have less than a day.

                      Besides, they are only Notables, they really don't say much at all, except for 1, if not, 2 lines each.


                      • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                        The chat is pretty minimal. Gandalf talks a bit during the Dwarven opening, and Elrond during the Elven one, but otherwise, all you get is a couple of canned comments. We aren't part of the Fellowship. We just happen to run into them from time to time.

                        Last night I reached Expert Prospector, so I'm able to start mining Rich Iron and Gold Ore. Luckily there is some on the very edges of the Bree Lands, so I don't have to put myself into too much danger. I also got a drop of some shoes from an NM, but I stupidly equipped (and bound) them to myself. Turns out I could have gotten 150-200s for them on the AH. Boo.

                        I love going resource hunting in the wee hours. No one but you and the nodes. That'll change after launch though, since people won't be afraid of aggro anymore.

                        Isilden! (NT) - Send me a tell anytime you see me on if you need any help. I know there are a few Fellowship/Elite quests in your level range, and I'd be more than happy to help you with them. Then you can help me with a couple of mine.


                        • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                          I guess I won't be seeing you 2 from now on, heh. I might pick it up eventually, but for now, I'll stick to FFXI. Still so much I have to get done on here.

                          Murph, neighbor... have fun in Middle-Earth.


                          • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                            Originally posted by Eohmer View Post
                            I guess I won't be seeing you 2 from now on, heh. I might pick it up eventually, but for now, I'll stick to FFXI. Still so much I have to get done on here.

                            Murph, neighbor... have fun in Middle-Earth.
                            Sorry that I won't be seeing you around Middle Earth, but I understand.^^ As long as you're having fun, that's all that matters.

                            My Kinship is now facing the problem of having too many members. We didn't shout recruitment in-game, but simply posted a notice on the official forums. We have a reputation for being polite, respectable, and capable players, so I guess people want to get in on that action. We're having to consider what we want to do about letting people in so the Kinship doesn't get too large (we're already at 50 unique players, which is a lot to manage at any one time).


                            • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                              Are there co-leaders? lol 50 is a lot. >.<


                              • Re: Lotr Mmorpg

                                There are three officers right now. I think they are going to add two more. The problem right now is that all three of the current officers are EST (they know each other IRL), so there are often times when there aren't any officers online. So I think they are going to promote two of our lead crafters who are in other time-zones.

                                I wish the guild listing allowed you to show only those who are online. It's still a bit of a clunky interface, that.

                                Oh! And I'm going to pick up my pre-order tomorrow. I got the call from Gamestop this evening.

