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Don't play Wii for too long. Or....

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  • #16
    Re: Don't play Wii for too long. Or....

    Another side effect on the Wii...

    Whatever hand you usually use for sports or what you write with.

    Your shoulder starts to hurt. oww.
    Hacked on 9/9/09
    FFXIAH - Omniblast


    • #17
      Re: Don't play Wii for too long. Or....

      Originally posted by tdh View Post
      The stray arm or accidental slap in the face I figured would come up. But how damn hard was this friend trying to roll this ball that it a) snapped the wrist strap, (The Japanese seem to have some weird obsession with wrist straps, so I'd like to think they'd have mastered the design already.) b) broke his TV.

      Either way it's funny to me!

      I went into GameStop the other day, and two guys were in there toying around with the Revolution. (I will never call it the .... /cringe) Then I heard that the guy behind the counter required some collateral from them so they could play. Took one guy's driver license and the other guy's shoe! That had me cracked up. Guy then told me, the way he figures it, that once the snow starts nobody will be trying to run away with a controller! (Once the snow sticks in Michigan, it doesn't go away until May. lol)
      Heh, yeah I'm also a resident of Michigan, and it's true, we have some long-ass winters! But anyway, I'm thinking that the reason why this happened was because the guy was moving his the remote by making huge sweeps with his whole arm rather than just flicking his wrist, which is how it was designed to be used.
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      • #18
        Re: Don't play Wii for too long. Or....

        especially if the guy is getting into the game
        I can see it now...

        I'm about to win Zelda, I'm getting into it, the controller flys from my grasp in the middle of a sword swing and goes flying across the room. I search around under the couch and finally find it only to turn around as the boss deals the finishing strike to Link.

        And then it hits me.

        I last saved 4 hours ago!

        You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

        I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


        • #19
          Re: Don't play Wii for too long. Or....

          Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
          I can see it now...
          I'm about to win Zelda, I'm getting into it, the controller flys from my grasp in the middle of a sword swing and goes flying across the room. I search around under the couch and finally find it only to turn around as the boss deals the finishing strike to Link.
          And then it hits me.
          I last saved 4 hours ago!
          Lol, had a friend lose 16hrs worth of playing KH2 on proud mode. Power fuse had blown, he was like stuck back at the fight with Xaldin and in proud mode he it isn't the easiest of them to fight. Especially since I watched him die like 20 times to 2 solid hits, Full Health to 0 in 2 hits that's a big ouch.

          The added problem you got to add to that is the potential that the remote is now busted too and doesn't respond.

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