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PSU anyone? :x

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  • #16
    Re: PSU anyone? :x

    Ya know honestly i think it looks liek a fun game. I might be taking a break from FFXI for a bit.

    if anyone else is thinking of playing I'm up for organizing a ffxionline guild or something so we can all party and play together well depending on weather you're on PS2 and PC...not a big 360 fan as of today....

    Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


    • #17
      Re: PSU anyone? :x

      check that out for gameplay...also all Game Crazy stores should have a playable offline demo of PSU just played it a lil bit ago on a PS2 its nice and smooth graphics maybe better compared to FFXI...I like i said above i might take a long break from FFXI

      Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


      • #18
        Re: PSU anyone? :x

        Well I know I will be taking a break, and me and my 3 friends shall be playing on PS2/PC, so if you'd like to party or hang out in-game, or whatever it is we'd be doing, send me a pm or something once you get the game :D

        After watching that video, it really does look quite smooth in action, the graphics are really nice too :D

        Another thing I like is the fact that you can avoid attacks at will...that's always something I've liked in games, being able to actually go without being hit if you have enough skill/good timing >:3
        Last edited by KoukiRyu; 10-23-2006, 08:08 AM. Reason: Watched the video

        Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


        • #19
          Re: PSU anyone? :x

          those are some cool screenshots i liked them a lot. and the video was cool...i cant wait till i can get it. Ill probably end up playing on the PS2 as well the 360 is still to steep for my blood. I hope to see yall there once i get it
          I like seriously.. i do.

          Das Oldskoolen
          It's not a pizza. It's a bomb.
          We didn't order a bomb either.

          My Fav

          THF:43 RNG:24 BLU:13 WHM:14 BLM:13 PUP:7 COR:9
          Windy Rank: 4 <-----Humar ( retired )

          THF:51 RNG:27 BLU:9 WHM:21 BLM:18 NIN:27 WAR:15
          Windy Rank: 5 <-----Hucast
          Clothcraft: 6.8(?) Skills to come: Leathercraft, cooking, goldsmithing.


          • #20
            Re: PSU anyone? :x

            Several of the movies on youtube don't look that interesting. Everything is dying in 2 hits and the player is just spamming 1-2 moves over and over. I really hope that isn't representative of the actual gameplay.

            The character design is nifty, but honestly it's not that big a part of the game. If what you're actually DOING for 1000 hours isn't fun and interesting, it really doesn't matter how cool you look doing it. And while the characters and settings may look like Star Ocean, the gameplay I've seen so far doesn't look nearly as interesting. (I realize it's unfair to call it a SO ripoff since the PS series is actually older, but the comparison between their present incarnations still stands - if SO does the same thing better, why play PSU?)

            I want to see *at least* a full-length video of a challenging boss fight before I even consider buying.
            Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
            RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
            All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


            • #21
              Re: PSU anyone? :x

              Well in almost all the videos so far, it's of a really high level character going to the normal taking a 75 through about Valkurm or so. So of course everything is going to die immediately, plus, in the videos I've seen at least, the character is doing some of the more acrobatic moves to show off the new attacks as opposed to the old game which was the same 3 moves over and over.

              Seperately from this, although interesting, is that in this new game, similar to XI, you can change your job at any time, as opposed to chosing your job and that being it, in the older ones. I also believe I read about newer jobs being released, along with the many, many new weapon types that are being introduced.

              I do see what you are saying about the video looking boring though, but you'd have to get more into the game to see the interesting stuff. extremely similar to XI, as I've shown friends normal combat and they had no idea why I had played it for so long(I explained the other stuff, but from just watching that...nothing is interesting about the game at all).

              Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


              • #22
                Re: PSU anyone? :x

                Just hit EB games here today, but I didnt pre order it so I didnt get a copy /cry but hopefully go back this weekend to see if they have extra copies. This game is really fun, I use to play PSO back on regular xbox, I warped 3 disks cause I wouldnt shut it off lol. I played the demo and found it really fun and cant wait to play the real thing!



                • #23
                  Re: PSU anyone? :x

                  For the sake of all things Phantasy Star, I think I'll be grabbing a copy of this game.

                  I admit.
                  PSO's gamestyle was on a Diablo par, which was fun when you just wanted to play around with a good hack and slash. But the style did get old quickly.

                  As far as PSU looks, I can say it's much better than PSO.
                  And the storyline is much more solid. It could possibly be on par with PS4's.

                  I'll most definitely be grabbing a copy of this game - but I'm not so certain I can substitute it for the online experience that I get with FFXI. I'll probably only hang around online for the free trial period, and see how it goes.

                  I'm way too hooked to FFXI to leave it for PSU...
                  But the way that my time schedule is constraining me...A quick game of PSU where I feel accomplished in a 2 hour session might be in order.
                  "Vacation. Alienation. Japanamation. Manga. Kanga. Naked Lunch. Hawaiian punch!!"


                  • #24
                    Re: PSU anyone? :x

                    Well I started playing last night after work...and I really enjoyed it, me and a couple friends just did some missions while I was still learning how to play it on PC. Right now, for me, the setup of everything is a little confusing, but I'm getting the hang of it very easily...and also, there is a little lag online for me, but I turned down my graphics and everything went very smoothly. :D I still haven't gotten very far into the game, only level...4 I believe.

                    It's fun, the fighting is simple, but with newer and better looking combos...and the amount of weapons is quite interesting, not to mention that there are a few new types available from the start. :D If you like PS, I'd definitely say get this one(the story mode is good too, from what little I've played). It's definitely worth it in my book, and I can't wait to get home from work tonight to play.

                    Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


                    • #25
                      Re: PSU anyone? :x

                      Just started tonight...felt very timid due to lack of friends. Basically just played through the tutorial and logged. I dislike my attitude but I'm sure I'll be more social tomorrow
                      All spells obtained!
                      Homam Gear: 2/5


                      • #26
                        Re: PSU anyone? :x

                        I can play with you on there Lady, I can show you around, and take you to the basic places to exp in, give you some weapons and stuff if you'd need. :D I'm at level 16 currently, and doing pretty well...the once confusing controls are now very normal to me after playing all weekend, and I'm really enjoying PSU. Plus taking a break from XI is kinda healthy sometimes @_@

                        Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


                        • #27
                          Re: PSU anyone? :x

                          Unfortunately PSU is very broken for PC , so buyers beware, and should put a restore point on there computer. + look at PSU's forums.

                          The kind that make you feel safe launching FFxi PC.

                          Some of the issue are just configs, but most of the problems stems from Gameguard A snooper program with PSU that checks for hacks and stuff.

                          Unfortunately it's more like a landmine with firewalls, antivirus software, and other stuff.

                          This is made worse as some people have reported that it kills their windows, even after uninstalling PSU.

                          Should have never tried to copy Blizzard in the snooping. Makes FFxi look like a poster child, for hands off.


                          • #28
                            Re: PSU anyone? :x

                            I'm on PSU as a teen-ish newman named Rupika (bonus points to anyone who can tell me where you meet her in PSO) and I saw Gulkeeva, too. Gulkeeva's a tall Beast girl with blonde hair and neko headband.


                            • #29
                              Re: PSU anyone? :x

                              Been playing for about a week, and I think its pretty boring. And this is coming from an avid PSO(DC) fan. Either PSO was more polished than PSU, or it was one of those games that was cool back in the day but seems simple and boring after a few years of FFXI.

                              Theres just.... nothing to do. And I know that Sega is time-releasing stuff, but I dont know how much its gonna help. But dont let that discourage anyone, you may like it. I dont know. I'm only lvl 5.

                              If you see a Nugunzi running around, its me.
                              R.I.P. King Jeordie *retired*


                              • #30
                                Re: PSU anyone? :x

                                PSU. Mmm.

                                I played the Beta and I played PSO back in the GC days and I was impressed with PSU. Maybe it's *because* I'm burned out on the intensity of XI that I'm enjoying PSU more. PSU is more suited (or at the least forgiving) of someone who is slowly becoming more casual of a gamer. At least so far as MMO's go. I'm still psychotically intense on offline games. I've stayed up all night nearly for days on FFXII. But that's because XII is the greatest thing since... ever. I am so impressed with every bit of that game.

                                I haven't gotten online on the full version of PSU yet b/c I'm waiting for a friend who is in the UK to get online capable for it as well. If you hop over to the PSU forums, you'll see that Sega are morons who locked out people from the EU/UK/Etc from even paying to get the online license until the official EU release the 24th of this month. And quite a few people imported. And Sega had told no one that there would be a lock out prior to launch...

                                Somehow they're blocking out their CCs from paying.

                                Anyway, when I *do* get online, which should be in the next few days, look for me wandering around. Tall Beast Hunter chick w/ purple hair. XD Tsuki Shinzo for a name. Old name from an old PBP RP on a forum/book that myself and said friend plan to write.
                                "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                                ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~

