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Wii Release Date, Price and more

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  • #16
    Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

    Originally posted by bikkebakke View Post
    Do you have a PS2? If so, you know they released Tales of Symphonia for it too, right?
    I heard they did in Japan, never knew that got a stateside release(I heard it wasn't going to)

    I will look that up then... well, there goes one of my reason for getting the Gamecube 1.1 if it really was released stateside on ps2.


    • #17
      Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

      LOL... I bought a used copy for the PS2 from gamestop about a month ago, so I know it's been released.


      • #18
        Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

        Well damn, wish I knew sooner, I'd have beat the game a long time ago if I knew that!


        • #19
          Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

          The more I read about this thing the more I think I'm gonna buy it after all, damn you Sony and your delays/region coding >.<

          (But I'm still buying a PS3, just not as soon as I thought )
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • #20
            Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

            Originally posted by Jei View Post
            so Zelda is coming out at release date?????? AWESOME.
            Just so you know, GC version of Zelda will also be available on Dec 11 for NA market. GC version obviously won't be compatible w/ the "stick" controller, while one for Wii is, thus you'll be able to do various things w/ it such as "shooting arrows" and fishing w/ vibrations. So the sales of the GC version isn't expected to be as good as Wii's. Even the public relations at Nintendo recommends the Wii version. (They probably just couldn't "back off" from the GC version, as it was originally made public for GC.)

            BTW, EU release date of Wii is Dec 8, w/ Zelda being released simultaneously.

            I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!


            • #21
              Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

              It's silly but I'm thinking about bowing out of the $500 and $600 console race and just getting this little thing. The lanuch PS3 only has Metal Gear going for it and as fro old FF...well FF9(save the coolness of FFXI as an MMO) was the last good one for me.

              The Xbox 360 holds no real intrest for me(in games..I will go on..) and I do not trust Microsoft(never have...Windows is just that defective and I can't see paing them for more stuff that will probably just be junk). Sony is ok...but the $600 price tag has me abit put out(and no I won't pay $500 for a 20 gig Hard way do I wana be stuck in a download trap!).

              Eventually if there are some price cuts I might get a PS3...but only if they take about $100-$200 off the price.(maybe)
              Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
              (have fun MMO players ^^)
              Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


              • #22
                Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

                Originally posted by bside View Post
                Just so you know, GC version of Zelda will also be available on Dec 11 for NA market. GC version obviously won't be compatible w/ the "stick" controller, while one for Wii is, thus you'll be able to do various things w/ it such as "shooting arrows" and fishing w/ vibrations. So the sales of the GC version isn't expected to be as good as Wii's. Even the public relations at Nintendo recommends the Wii version.
                Plus the Wii Link is a Righty, while the GC link is a Lefty XD

                PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                • #23
                  Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

                  strange they release zelda on GC too. why not just wii.
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #24
                    Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

                    Originally posted by Gobo View Post
                    Plus the Wii Link is a Righty, while the GC link is a Lefty XD
                    But I'm wondering if Wii version is fixed to right hand, or rather we get a choice.

                    Obviously, the default will be righty simply due to the fact that 90% of world's population are said to be right handed, but they can't leave 10% of us behind. I'm right handed so it's not a problem to me, but if they say they have to be righty to play the game, that's one dissapointing fact.

                    Nevertheless, many things, if not most, in many parts of the world now are made w/ right handed people in mind, of which one good example would be the famous Microsoft's "Ergonomics" mice, which are "shaped" for righties. Likewise, most automatic firearms eject the bullet shells to the right, coming right in the way of lefties' face.

                    I remember seeing an article several years ago, saying that Japanese Katanas (Nihon Tou) were shaped for use by right handed people, and it is believed (no solid evedence has been found yet) that left handed Samurais were forced to be righties. There are left handed Samurais in the history, however, w/ one of the most famous one being Hajime Saito of Shinsengumi, who also appears in the anime Rurouni Kenshin (yes, he is the real person).

                    The way I see it, lefties have "suffered" enough. I think it's about time to make things right for them.

                    Originally posted by Jei View Post
                    strange they release zelda on GC too. why not just wii.
                    As you might know, this Zelda, Twilight Princess, was first announced at E3 in 2004 for GC platform. Yeah, 2004 (´・ω・`)

                    Many waited for it to be released, and some people must have bought GC just for this game, and at 2005's E3 this game even won the "Best of Show" award, as a game for GC.

                    If they back off now, some people might gonna sue Nintendo. They lived up for their promise, in a rather unwelcomed way. That's all this is about, I think.


                    • #25
                      Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

                      hmm I didn't know about that.
                      But since the first release date annoucement sometimes 2 years ago, I already had it pre-ordered too, for GC of course >.>
                      The game store even thought that the game will be release only as a GC version, with special features enabled when played on Wii....
                      That caused quite a frustration for me for a while.
                      Anyway I just recently changed my preorder to FF12 instead.
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #26
                        Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

                        Man, Sony really messed up my plans for this season, it's a tough choice really.

                        I've been waiting for the PS3 so I can buy a lot of PS2 games I didn't play, specially from the last 2 years since I started playing XI (and I didn't buy another PS2 because I thought waiting a year for the PS3 wasn't much, but now the wait has been extended at least another 6 months)

                        So I have 3 options.

                        - Buy a Wii or a GC and play games I wanted to try like Harvest Moon or MGS Twin Snakes, also replay the REs (I loved those games).

                        - Buy a PS2 and get all the games I didn't play (including X-2 and XII and the last Winning Eleven) and then buy a PS3 someday in the future.

                        - Buckle up my seatbelt and enjoy another 6 months-a year of waiting for the PS3 while playing XI and some other PC games.

                        I could go and buy a GC and a PS2 while I wait for the PS3 but I doubt I'll have enough time to play the games from both systems plus XI (money really isn't an issue since most of those games are really cheap now), but it seems so dumb buying a PS2 when the PS3 can run those games that I really don't know about that.

                        It's really annoying.
                        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                        • #27
                          Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

                          Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                          Man, Sony really messed up my plans for this season, it's a tough choice really.
                          I've been waiting for the PS3 so I can buy a lot of PS2 games I didn't play, specially from the last 2 years since I started playing XI (and I didn't buy another PS2 because I thought waiting a year for the PS3 wasn't much, but now the wait has been extended at least another 6 months)
                          So I have 3 options.
                          - Buy a Wii or a GC and play games I wanted to try like Harvest Moon or MGS Twin Snakes, also replay the REs (I loved those games).
                          - Buy a PS2 and get all the games I didn't play (including X-2 and XII and the last Winning Eleven) and then buy a PS3 someday in the future.
                          - Buckle up my seatbelt and enjoy another 6 months-a year of waiting for the PS3 while playing XI and some other PC games.
                          I could go and buy a GC and a PS2 while I wait for the PS3 but I doubt I'll have enough time to play the games from both systems plus XI (money really isn't an issue since most of those games are really cheap now), but it seems so dumb buying a PS2 when the PS3 can run those games that I really don't know about that.
                          It's really annoying.

                          Well the ps3 is iffy, both in price and supply. We don't know. They can pull a micosoft (a "large" shippment every 2 weeks = 4 boxes a store if lucky), or they will do like they said and have timely shippments, while in short supply steady stream.

                          Even the ps2 US launch wasn't as bad as 360, as stores had them in stock, just bundled and pricier, where as the 360 was DOA Done-on-arrival.

                          PS3 is all but confirm to do the ps2 thing(ps2 actually had a ps1-ish co-processor) Which enabled it to have 99% compatiblity, and I can only assume it's even better with online updatable firmware. So you can really chew on a lot of $10-$20 ps2 games' greatest hits.

                          The Wii similarly will have excellent GC compatiblity, but the libary isn't as great. And if it's well recieved it might actually be even rarer then the ps3. (Nintendo isn't selling it at a lost here). They're probably not trying to crank them out like no tomorrow.

                          PC is pretty much DOA in this super charged holiday season, so you're going to feel a little bored trying to stay away from the hype(it can get to almost anyone).

                          I would personally get a ps3 if I could(assuming price isn't the big issue). And run through ps2 games gems(it would fill a lot of bordem), with a few crappy eyecandy ps3 launch games.

                          Wii as a launch platform is a little stale, because you'll be waving that stick around on almost every title and falling back on the GC library and (gasp!) N64, NES,SNES titles is the pinnacle of underused gamesystem. It's not like emulation of 10yr old games is a new thing in computers.

                          The only real thing to mention to sway getting a ps2 slim is you can mod it for cheap these days, and you can play(copied or not) import games. And some of therem are great even for non JP speakers. I was playing Melty blood(tsukihime fan-sequel) which is a port of a pretty good arcade game in Japan, is pretty nice, once you get into it.


                          • #28
                            Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

                            Long time since I've anticipated a console as much as I'm anticipating the Wii. December the 8th can't come around fast enough.


                            • #29
                              Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

                              Link will remain a righty on the Wii and you won't be able to change that. It was stated either at the TGS or the Event in NY.

                              Also EBgames, Gamestop, and Gamespot list no NA version of Tales of Symphonia for the PS2. The only version they have is the GC.

                              There is a JP version of Tales of Symphonia for the PS2.


                              No English version was released.

                              | 75 DRG | 75 MNK | 75 BRD | 37 WAR | 37 NIN | 38 WHM | 37 THF | 60 RNG |
                              | 65 SAM | 61 BST | 37 BLM | 46 RDM | 14 BLU | 10 PUP | 10 COR |


                              • #30
                                Re: Wii Release Date, Price and more

                                Originally posted by Taolynn View Post
                                Link will remain a righty on the Wii and you won't be able to change that. It was stated either at the TGS or the Event in NY.
                                That's a bad news for lefties
                                Hope the game offers at least at OK controllability for them.

