Re: Stockholme Syndrom vs MMORPGs and other addictions
First off, sometimes we as humans like to connect things together to make them easier to understand and to relate with some how. Any time some gets captured and then begins to relate to their captor does not always mean they are a victim of stockholm syndrome. Maybe they actually did understand where that person was coming from and actually could relate. Understanding is way more powerful of a virtue than just tolerance. You'll never really understand where someone is coming from if you just "accept" what they are saying. Now this sinerio is probably extremely rare, as most people that would rob a bank or hold people hostage are not the types of people that have that thread of innocence that makes them relatable. Most are just powered by greed.
Something else I need to rant on before I get on topic. Where did this rule that if you really really enjoy something, it means your addicted? Society has been consistently trying to delute emotions for sometime now. It all plays into the logic that if you don't feel strongly about any one thing you, you are easily lead. And then that splits into the "fear them - follow me" mentality, but thats a political debate. If anything, we as a generation, are all victims of stockholm syndrome. We have heard our parents, media, teachers, friends, coworkers, and relatives all feed this problem by making people feel bad about being different or having any form of strong emotion. I've seen reports on t.v. so many times about some "radicals" doing something "bizarre" and "crazy". Now, I'm not talking about extremist killing people. I'm talking about people that have new ways of thinking and doing things being shunned for it. Nothing good in history as ever been acomplished by doing things the safe way or normal way. And why do doctors prescribe so many mood altering drugs? Why is that normal? If over half the kids in America have A.D.D. then, technically, that is the normal thing. Just let people be unique!
Ok. With all that I am trying to say, that just because I want to spend a few hours a day playing a game. Well, so be it. That's what I want to do with my time. I would not kill or steal or lie to play the game. It's just what I would rather do instead of spending hours upon hours playing sports, watching t.v., reading books, watching movies, or any thing else "normal" people do. All in all, everything that people do is just ways to make times go by until they die. As morbid as that sounds, it's true.
First off, sometimes we as humans like to connect things together to make them easier to understand and to relate with some how. Any time some gets captured and then begins to relate to their captor does not always mean they are a victim of stockholm syndrome. Maybe they actually did understand where that person was coming from and actually could relate. Understanding is way more powerful of a virtue than just tolerance. You'll never really understand where someone is coming from if you just "accept" what they are saying. Now this sinerio is probably extremely rare, as most people that would rob a bank or hold people hostage are not the types of people that have that thread of innocence that makes them relatable. Most are just powered by greed.
Something else I need to rant on before I get on topic. Where did this rule that if you really really enjoy something, it means your addicted? Society has been consistently trying to delute emotions for sometime now. It all plays into the logic that if you don't feel strongly about any one thing you, you are easily lead. And then that splits into the "fear them - follow me" mentality, but thats a political debate. If anything, we as a generation, are all victims of stockholm syndrome. We have heard our parents, media, teachers, friends, coworkers, and relatives all feed this problem by making people feel bad about being different or having any form of strong emotion. I've seen reports on t.v. so many times about some "radicals" doing something "bizarre" and "crazy". Now, I'm not talking about extremist killing people. I'm talking about people that have new ways of thinking and doing things being shunned for it. Nothing good in history as ever been acomplished by doing things the safe way or normal way. And why do doctors prescribe so many mood altering drugs? Why is that normal? If over half the kids in America have A.D.D. then, technically, that is the normal thing. Just let people be unique!
Ok. With all that I am trying to say, that just because I want to spend a few hours a day playing a game. Well, so be it. That's what I want to do with my time. I would not kill or steal or lie to play the game. It's just what I would rather do instead of spending hours upon hours playing sports, watching t.v., reading books, watching movies, or any thing else "normal" people do. All in all, everything that people do is just ways to make times go by until they die. As morbid as that sounds, it's true.