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What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

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  • What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

    Alrighty, here are the rest of the games.

    Tactics- Ramza, Delita, Alma....
    X-2- Yuna, Rikku, Paine.....
    XI- Vysey, Earldnarche.....

    And please vote for one ff game onry out of the 13 games, so if you don't see your favorite final fantasy game, look at part I
    Last edited by Mog; 05-23-2006, 02:40 PM.

  • #2
    Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

    Well, dangit. I already voted for 4, and now you have Tactics and FFXI. Man.


    • #3
      Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

      >.< sorry, I guess I should have made this thread immediately after making the first one. lol, if you like it better than 4, go ahead and vote
      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


      • #4
        Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

        and like Nixon said, "Let me say this about That, ...To protect our men who are in Vietnam and to guarantee the continued success of our withdrawal and Vietnamization programs, I have concluded that the time has come for action.
        Tonight, I shall describe the actions of the enemy, the actions I have ordered to deal with that situation, and the reasons for my decision. Cambodia, a small country of 7 million people, has been a neutral nation since the Geneva agreement of 1954 an agreement, incidentally, which was signed by the Government of North Vietnam." and that being said. i bid you farewell.


        • #5
          Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

          Well FFXI has become one of my favorite games of all time, i still have yet to play tactics. The previous FF games all have great stories, CG, and very cool game play but XI has brought such a new concept that i have never had the oppurtunity to try (MMORPG). VERY ZESTY INDEED!!!!!

          I fire up the grill.

          Lighter fluid, lighter fluid, lighter fluid.

          [GM]Dave>> FIRAGA III!!!

          I pretend not to notice Susan shaking her head as I throw the match

          Originally posted by Mog
          holy shit, apparently crazy is contageous. I turned his brain into the mind of a bulldog! nOO!!


          • #6
            Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

            hmmm Yea i stick to consol alot of times and the reason i chose tactics is cause tactics is so awesome ... and XI reminds me of tactics any ways ... but unfortunaly for if they ever made a follow up to tactics ... a REAL one that is... not something like tactics advance ... i would have to not sleep and play that and XI at the same time ... somehow ...

            Which FF Character Are You?

            /check Onikuma

            No /check for my other char yet :-(


            • #7
              Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

              XI ftw ... i did like tactics though
              Diablos- 47-Sam/30War/9Thf/7Mnk
              = Zoko(retired)
              Titan- 12 Sam/30 Thf/14 War
              = Keza


              • #8
                Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

                From these 3, XI would be my choice. HOWEVER... I dont think the comparison is fair, given that it is among 3 completely different games.


                • #9
                  Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

                  read the original post The only reason I made this second thread is because the options are limited to I kinda hoped that everyone would vote for only 1 ff game out of the 13, but this does not seem to be the case.
                  ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                  • #10
                    Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

                    KUPO!! FFXI is my favorite by far!!!


                    • #11
                      Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

                      Tough choice.
                      The real competition will be between FFXI and Tactics...
                      How someone could vote for X-2 when they could also vote XI and Tactics is beyond me.

                      I chose Tactics...
                      But, it was a hard choice to make...

                      |Alchemy: 3|Cooking: 3|Smithing: 1|Fishing: 1|


                      • #12
                        Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

                        Yea I had the same problem, making the choice between xi and tactics, but all in all I went tactics.


                        • #13
                          Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

                          Tactics is my first FF series therefore i vote Tactics.


                          • #14
                            Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

                            between tactics, ffxi, and ffx-2?


                            XD... sorry, i cant vote on these things :3
                            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                            • #15
                              Re: What is your favorite Final Fantasy game? Part II

                              look at the original post, argghhhhhhh >.<
                              ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~

